Saturday, December 31, 2005

Guide For Guys.. Muahahaha!

Stolen from Friendster... I totally agree with this. Guys just don't do this enough! Sighs. Take this as a guide, you fellas who need to get a clue (heehee). But be careful of No. 15. It requires a thorough reading of the situation first.. It could very well backfire *grins wickedly* (Also, I have no time to write a proper post, so I'll leave that to either tomorrow, or 2006 ;P)

1. Tell her she is beautiful or gorgeous (not fine, or sexy)
2. Hold her hand at any moment . . . even if it's just for a second.
3. Kiss her on the forehead/neck.
4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.
5. When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
6. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
7. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.
8. Write her notes. (She'll love them)
9. Introduce her to family and friends. . . as your girlfriend.
10. Play with her hair.
11. Pick her up, tickle her, and play-wrestle with her.
12. Sit in the park and just talk to her.
13. Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, or just tell her jokes.
14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.
16. Give her piggyback rides.
17. Bring her flowers
18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.
19. Look her in the eyes and smile.
20. Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.
21. Kiss her in the rain.
22. If you're in love with her . . . tell her.


Friday, December 30, 2005


Good Morning.

I feel like writing today. Wooohooo. Although.. Now that I look at the computer, the words have totally flown out of my head. Sigh. Oh woe is me.

Jono and I went to the Aquaria in KLCC yesterday. One word. WOW. All right, so it could've been bigger, but the specimens they had... Mind-boggling! Can you imagine a 2 meter long turtle? Well, you better believe it. It's there!

God, now I know why I Lin is so into diving. It must be amazing to get so close to such awesome creatures. OH! And we saw a huge sand tiger shark!!!! And an excellent example of the symbiotic relationship between the shark and that fish (I forget the name), you know.. the one that sticks to the shark as it swims around... Oh well. But man, do sharks look evil!

I was going through my archives yesterday (due to having nothing much better to do... lol), and I came across some of my.. er.. criteria for Mr. Perfect. Physically, that is (to see it go to my January 2005 archive... :P). And it's good to know that my mind hasn't changed in that aspect. LOL. My mind's been changed about a lot of things lately so... This was a welcome, uh, change.

Anyway. That was the physical bit. Now this is the sort of guy I'd want. Heck, any girl would want. I know I've posted this before, but I guess there's no harm posting it again... witha commentary on each point *grins* Especially since I'm in one of my weird moods now.... LOL. So, here goes..

I dream about a guy...

Who can wrestle with me and let me win (mm... wrestling *grins wickedly*)
Whom I can talk to about anything (now THAT would be the day *shakes head sadly*)
Who laughs at my jokes (lordy... he'd have to have a screwed up sense of humour for that... mm. I LIKE! :P)
Who puts my cold hands in his warm hoodie pockets (now that, folks, is what I call romantic. Hehe.)
Who lets me use his sweatshirt for a pillow (er... only if it's clean.. teehee!)
Who says "I Love You" & means it (okay... this was such a duh one.)
Who will kiss me in the rain, in the sunshine, and in the snow (no comment needed on this one!)
Who calls unexpectedly (you betcha! Surprises are definitely good.)
Who will have many inside jokes with me and remember each one (mmhmm.. this one's got to be one of the top of the list)
Who notices haircuts (or any change in hairstyle, colour.. for that matter)
Who realizes that I say things but don't always mean them (this one's important.. especially for someone who's dating ME :P)
Whom I can go swimming with on hot days (oooh.. *knocks self on head* snap out of it, girlie!)
Who can tell me his problems and let me help (aww *sniffles*)
Who will listen to me talk (haha.. one in a million of a guy, if he can :P)
Who will let me beat him up when I get angry (any guy who can do this is worth it, man! :P)
Who writes love letters to me (I'd have to be really into him, though.. mushy letters of any sort can be a turn off if I'm not totally into him, unfortunately)
Who draws me pictures (even silly little ones will do :D)
Who saves his genuine, big smiles for me (I currently have one smile in mind and .. man! *shakes head to clear it*)
With deep eyes, that can see through faces into depths (now this is where having drownable eyes comes in.. hehe)
Who gives me his t-shirt to change into and not expect to get it back (I should start a collection if he does this... *grins wickedly*)
Who knows my favorite color, song, car, vegetable, perfume, movie... (*sighs*)
Who will shake my dads hand and look my mom in the eye (ah.. the ultimate test.. my dad can be pretty damn intimidating.. lol!)
Who knows my full name--first, middle and last (and pronounces them CORRECTLY :P)
Who will know something is wrong even when I'm trying my best to put on an act (ah... the mother of all mothers!)
Who will kiss me and tell me I'm cute (ya huh.. this'll put him waaaaay up there :P)
Who will let me cry to him (another awww *sniffles*)
Who will hold me & kiss my cheek (*melts*)
Who suprises me and compliments me and plays with my hair (see what I said about surprises? :P)
Who will brag about me to all of his friends (oooh HELL yeah!)
Who's not afraid to give me a great big hug right in front of his mom (totally.. you know you're in if he can do THIS hehe)
Who isn't afraid to hold me in front of his friends and not get embarassed (mmm....)
Who smells like he just stepped out of the shower (haha... nice one)
Who tells me I have a nice laugh and a smile that lights up the room and will simply be mine to hold (how many awws can I put in one post? LOL!)
Who can cook!!! (I suck at it, so... *grins nnocently*) Who respects my beliefs and accepts me for who I am (if he can't do this... bye bye!)

I guess that's it. Waaay too long as it is. That's why I think I've said before... Finding someone who fits all this is.. well. Impossible. Sigh. Oh well. Dreams ARE just that, no? Dreams. Wheeee!

Right. I should stop now.

*ala Sound of Music* Goooodbyyyeeee!

*y'all answer, in perfect harmony, mind* Goooooobyyyeeeee!


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Po-ems. Pomes. Po-yems.

I came across this "book of poetry" I wrote when I was sixteen. Hardly a book, more like a few pages in a really good quality but obscenely UNused notebook. I'm gonna post some here, coz really - they all literally made me "LOL". Haha. They were beyond corny, but I guess most sixteen-year-old girls harbour more romantic thoughts than can fit into their heads so... Haha.

Anyway, I created a blog dedicated to my period of mild, if rather productive, insanity:

Dreamland Of My Soul

It's titled after one of the many, many silly little poems I wrote early in the morning... (thus turning me into a zombie in school *grins at Ju Li). Now you know the nonsense I used to do.

Laughter is a good thing, so enjoy! If a big, silly, incredulous grin crosses your face, my deed is done, my mission is accomplished. (And if you for a minute doubt my insanity, read 'em again. You won't. Ever. ;D)

Enjoy! :D

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Pictures (Too Lazy To Type Anything More Original... Hehe.)

Christmas at my grandma's place is always an... interesting affair. At least, there are always more than 10 people who aren't my immediate family walking around. LOL. Anyway, I'm too damned lazy to give a detailed explanation of anything, so I'll just put up some pics instead :)

The only teenagers present. From L-R: Amanda and Deb (2nd cousins), Jono, David, me and Fred :)

Me with Batman and his older brother, Ryan :)

Jono and me with Batman Brandon. Isn't he just the cutest? (Er.. I mean, Batman, but heck. You too, Jono.. LOL!)

The uh... People In Black. Hehe. (God, I'm lame!)

Me and my baby, Ethan! The two E's! E.F's! Hehe. He's sooooooo adorable!! (Though, don't ask me what I'm doing to my neck.. I don't know, either.)

My mum and Ryan. Wonder what that cheeky lil fella's thinking... He's a smart one, though. VERY smart.

The Monkey See Monkey Do Club! (Head Monkey, 2nd from left. Heehee!)

Baby Ashley with her "Ani"... The youngest cousin. A girl. FINALLY a GIRL! LOL.

Ah.. that's it for now. I'll wait for the pics from my camera... got some hilarious ones there! :) Til then... Adios!

Monday, December 26, 2005

T'was The Wee Hours Of Christmas Morn...

It was around 3.45 a.m. and we were waiting at the traffic light on the way home from a friend's place.. Suddenly we felt the car shudder and heard a loud scraping sound.

In the moments it took us to realize that our car had been "hit" (Actually, it was more like "scraped", but it felt like it at the time... lol), the guy had squeezed through the gap between our car and the barrier (knocking a few blocks down in the process) and sped through a red light.

At first we thought he'd been drunk. Then I turn around.. and see blue lights flashing behind our car. And the sound of a horn blasting several times and impatient shouting indicated that it was friggin' police chase... And the policemen were caught behind a line of cars at a red traffic light!

*Note to self* Now, if this was the movies, the police car would've taken the same route as the crazy driver - between the cars and the barrier. They wouldn't have CARED how many cars smashed into each other as a result of trying to avoid both the getaway car AND the police car. BOOOM! BAANG! CRASH! (Er... don't mind me.)

But this wasn't the movies, unfortunately. This was real life. And the Malaysian police are surprisingly thoughtful people. I guess that can be a bad thing (lol), but they waited til the cars in front got the picture and moved aside before TOTALLY speeding off, trying to catch up with that nut.

I hope they caught him. Bloody crazy loon.

One thing though - the police car should've had it's f-in siren on! How the heck are people supposed to move out of the way when they don't KNOW that there's a bloody police chase going on eh? *shakes head in wonder*

And before you think I had too much wine to drink last night (I, unfortunately, didn't have ENOUGH! Muahahaha...*sobs* Sorry.), this really did happen. My dad's car has got the scrapes to prove it. *grins at all family members* Okay, but trust me, even with the existing scrapes, these stand out pretty clearly.

Poor policemen, though. It must've been frustrating, trying to do the right thing, but knowing that your quarry is getting further and further away by the milisecond. I salute them policemen. IMHO, they should be the highest paid people in the country. But that's just my opinion. Anyway, kudos to all policemen... and thank you!

Which brings me to another topic. Now, before y'all think I'm obsessing about Mr. Drownable (as my friends have dubbed him *rolls eyes* lol) again, I'll just tell you that I'm over that. I actually enjoy being "just friends". It totally takes away the pressure... and life is so much more fun that way, don't you think? :) I like this just friends situation.

Whatever else may be said about him, he's a smart kid. A heck of a lot smarter than me, as is apparent right now. LOL. I should've listened to him a loooong time ago.

Anyway. Back to mentioned topic. You know the song, I Need A Hero I posted a couple of months back? Well.. That song's been playing over and over and over and over in my head... and influencing my thoughts. And my problem is, it's fixated on some poor soul in particular to fulfill the role.

Bah. Humbug. (It's Christmas.. it's appropriate to sound like ol' Ebenezer Scrooge... hehe.)

Men in uniform. That's my weakness. *knocks self on head* GET OVER IT, silly girl!

Ah well. MERRY CHRISTMAS again all!

This has probably been the strangest Christmas morning of my life - ever! :)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Birthday Greetings to the King :D

It's Christmas day. And it looks like I made it to wish you guys in real time :D So... I'll start of with a biiiig MERRY CHRISTMAS!And don't forget.. it ain't all about the presents! We ARE celebrating the birth of the most important person - EVER! Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God :)

Therefore, I guess it's right to say...


I should stop obsessing. It's Christmas, after all. Nothing can be more important than the people you love most in the world, right? No passing thing... Yeah. That's the spirit! Go, Elaine, go! You can beat this thing!

Haha. Well.. Have a wonderful Christmas all! I love you! You know that don't you? :D

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Is Coming!! Whooppeee!!

I don't think I'll have a chance to go online again before the 25th, so I just wanna wish all of you...


Thanks for a great 2005, for all the good times and the beautiful memories... I guess Jono's right. I DO have a lot to be thankful for!

May God's blessings be upon all of you on this most wonderful time of the year! :D

Thursday, December 22, 2005


A questionnaire stolen, yet again, from Friendster :P Don't mind the red and green.. Wanted to be lil Christmas-y. Hehe.

1. Song playing at the moment?
The sound of the fan.. and my dad snoring :)
2. One reason for living?
Pineapple tarts. 'Nuff said :)
3. Do you think you're ok?
Ok? Of COURSE I'm OK. Who says I'm not? Huh? HUH?
4. Ever donated blood?
Nope. I would, though.
5. Fav color(s)?
Blue blue bluuuuuee! (Not orange, even though my bag and pencilbox say otherwise... lol)
6. Accessories you usually wear?
Earrings. Thats about it..
7. One song to describe a heartbreak in the past?
If Your Heart's Not In It by Westlife. I remember listening to it again and again and again...
8. Last place you went to?
Sunway Pyramid ... saw Perhaps Love :) Didn't know Jacky Cheung was THAT good a singer! Phwoar!
9. Last person u went out with?
Jen Yaw - my classmate. (Next time dare me to do something tougher, boy! :P)
10. The most boring sport?
Er... lawn bowling? :P
11. Ever had a baby?
Not that I know of.... hehe.
12. Last movie you've seen?
Perhaps Love.
13. Any piercings or tattoo?
Duh! But... my bro has the same number of piercings as me. How sad is that? :(
14. The most romantic gift..
A car would seem really romantic right now... LOL!
15. Acted on stage before?
Yes. Unfortunately for the poor audience....
16. Been struck by lightning before?
Metaphorically or literally? Lol. Either way - No. Teehee :D
17. Danced with your loved one before?
What loved one? *sniffles* Oh... does David count? LOL.
18. Ever wished you could turn back time?
Plenty of times. I want to relive all my school days again! (Minus the exams of course... lol)
19. What would you do if you woke up one day to find yourself with a member of the opposite sex?
That would depend on whether he was a hottie or not... LOL! I'm kidding. I'm with Ju and Jen - bludgeoning's good.
20. One song that's meaningful to you?
Holding Out For A Hero.. (or I Need A Hero).. Haha. Me and my fantasies about knights in shining armour. Sigh.
21. Last person you met for the first time?
Um... No one in particular. Newest person is Donovan, I think.
22. What will you be doing tomorrow?
Going to tuition. Math. For THREE HOURS! *sobs*
23. Ever thought of robbing a bank?
LOL. Kinda.. 'cept that I've been relegated to the position of "getaway car cleaner". *growls at David*
24. One thing you totally regret doing?
Not practising my piano properly when I was younger. I'm suffering now!
25. Do people like you?
Um... I can't answer this one. Do you? Lol.
26. What was the last game you played on the computer?
Yobi's Basic Spelling Tricks!
27. Someone who means a lot to you at the moment..
Other than my cousins and Insanely Sane? OOoh. Not telling you! *sticks out tongue at you*
28. The color of your mobile phone?
Grey. Or if I'm going to be kind, "silver". Lol.
29. Do you hate someone at the moment?
Never actually hated anyone.. Maybe one or two teachers ... But not anymore.
30. What do you wish to happen now?
That exams will be abolished and all we had to do was assignments. Sooo much easier than cramming 2 years worth of knowledge for one miserable 3 hour paper. GAH.

Random Rubbish

Okay. I know I'm a sucker for musicals. And Perhaps Love has almost the right formula to make me fall in love with it. Star-crossed lovers, melancholy music and sadly pathetically touching lyrics. LOL. Its just as well that there were English subtitles though. Otherwise poor Jen Yaw would've had to translate the whole damn movie for me! (Although the guy in front of me DID make it a little hard to read them subtitles. I felt like a cobra... you know, moving my head from side to side... LOL!)

Christmas is 4 days away. Crikey. That's FAST! Dammit. That means there're only 10 days left of 2005. ARGH! I don't want 2006 to come! It would mean... one year closer to growing up. And I don't wanna do that. Lol. Okay, mighty immature of me, but hell. It's a scary thought, all that responsibility.

I actually have no idea why I'm blogging today. I suppose it's coz I have nothing else I wanna do at present. And because I want to stop myself from.. thinking, too much. At this present moment in time, thinking isn't good for me. No sirree. *shakes head vigorously*

This year was weird. I have no idea how it passed so fast. It's all a blur to me.. I can't believe I've done so many things. They all seem like a dream.. like they never really happened. And that's just plain scary.

Can someone tell me why I'm so goddamned fickle? I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. Sigh. I hate it. I hate feeling what I shouldn't be feeling. I hate that it takes over my mind and refuses to leave. I especially hate the fact that it's so bloody trivial. Argh! My problems are pathetically self-inflicted and it isn't at all amusing. Dammit.

Anyway. Enough of this crap. Lol. It's Christmas! I should be happy! Well.. yeah. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to remember my blessings and quit being a selfish prick. Yep. That's it!

Lol. I'm a sad case, no? :)

Oh, btw, do make use of the tagboard ;)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

CON: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

I finally got to see the Chronicles of Narnia yesterday. (Okay, so it's only been open a week, but so what? :P) I must confess that I have really mixed feelings about the whole show. Some parts were brilliantly done - like, straight out of my imagination. But some parts were downright dull.

And the funny thing is - the two younger actors (who played the part of Edmund and Lucy) far outshone the two older ones (who played Peter and Susan). Honestly, I never imagined Peter would be such a clumsy oaf. The only part where I truly liked him was when he led the Narnian forces into battle. And Susan? She was just annoying.

On the whole, I liked the movie. But I still MUCH prefer the book.

This'll be a short one coz I have to go out right about now. Sigh. I can't believe I missed him. AGAIN! And by just an hour too. *sniffles*

Laaaaa! I wanna talk to him! Why? Me no know. Oh well. Too bad. Sigh.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I feel like I'm choking right now. I want something so bad right now that it's not healthy. Oh, I know I'll get over this uh.. craving soon enough. But right now, it's torture. Sweet torture, but torture all the same. Sigh. I really know how to get myself into awful situations. Bah.

Time to make another random "about me" list. Coz I basically have nothing more fun to do. Yeeehaw! Well. Here goes.

1. I've suddenly become addicted to the Footloose soundtrack. Okay, just these two songs - "Holding Out For A Hero" and "Almost Paradise". The first one's self-explanatory, I think. Me and my fantasies of being swept of my feet. LOL. I just like the second one coz it's appropriately "jiwang", as David likes to call it.

2. Have you heard of Barbara Michaels? She's just been added to my list of favourite authors. Witty romance stuff - MINUS all the icky (and completely unbelievable) declarations of love and the pornographic love scenes. What more could you ask for?

3. I've been having a craving for Dome's Spicy Olio spaghetti lately. I wish I could indulge in it more often. But it's one heck of an expensive craving! *sniffles*

4. This holiday alone I've been to Mid Valley at least once a week. The record is "Wednesday - Sunway Pyramid, Thursday - MV, Friday -SP, Saturday - MV, Sunday - MV, Monday - SP". That was during the first week of the holiday, I think. Or second.

5. I saw Chicken Little TWICE! AND I missed Zorro. Argh! Talk about a waste of money... Why oh why did they have to put ALIENS into a classic fairy tale???

6. My Mandarin pronunciation still leaves a lot to be desired. Let's just say if I got lost in China, I'd probably get arrested for asking for directions.

7. I loathe the idea of being a year closer to becoming 20. When I was 10, I couldn't wait. Now that I only have one year left of being a teen, I can't help but feel that I'm leaving the best years of my life behind. Damn!

8. I can add at least 5 years to the way I look by curling my hair. Cool! (Or not.. depending how you look at it... lol).

9. I've finally found someone who comes thiiiiissss clllooosseee to fulfilling most of the criteria on my list of Mr. Perfect's uh... perfections (can't think of the word.. lol). Sigh. Unfortunately, a couple of very major items cannot be checked, therefore I cannot declare him to be so. Oh well... I guess Mr. Perfect really is a myth, huh?

10. I've fallen in love with the Lord of the Rings all over again. The music overwhelms me and I find myself wishing that it all really did happen, that Elves really did exist once upon a time... I know, I know. I'm a sick kid.

11. I can't listen to jazz music, or even a saxophone solo, without being reminded of someone. It's the remotest of connections, but that mass of silliness in my head I call my brain just HAS to make it and ruin my day. Pah.

12. I worry about my baby cousins all the time. They're such lil darlings, but there's a streak of defiance that I'm worried could turn them into real hooligans and become totally unlikable, once their cuteness wears off and can no longer distract people away from general bad behaviour. I'd really hate to see that happen, coz really. They're absolutely adorable right now. Hard-headedness and all!

13. If Westlife were to have a concert here again, I'd spend any amount of money to go ... and get the best seats at that! Childhood fanaticism dies hard :)

14. I like playing Chinese ballads on the piano. They're melancholic enough. And I can get rid of some of these... weird... emotions. (That's the one of the reasons why I like playing the piano so much, Ting *winks*)

15. I miss MGS. It's only been a year, but it seems so long ago! I was looking through some old pictures that day and I was thinking... If only I had known how precious those days would come to be, I'd have made the most of them when I could. Sigh. Regret is no fun.

16. I love those pinkish roses. Or is the colour peach? I have no clue. But all I know is, they're one of the few kinds of flowers I wouldn't mind receiving. (My favourites are still orchids.. but not as gifts! LOL.)

17. I've been "legal" for a year, and I haven't even set foot in a club. How sad is that?

18. Ju Li is officially more fit than me! I think I shall sprout roots soon and stick to the couch! (I.e. become a permanent couch potato.. lol)

19. I feel like as if 2005 never really happened. I can't believe I was idle for 6 months. That I actually went to Australia and came home. That I'm in a completely different school and environment. It's like, none of it ever happened! Odd, isn't it?

I think that's it. My brain's fried. Cannot think anymore. I blame it on one person. Who doesn't have a clue about what I'm talking about. And if I have my way, they never shall. Muahaha.

Um. Bye!

All I Want For Christmas Is You...

I loved the movie Love Actually! Gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling :) Anyway, this song's from the soundtrack... and needless to say, I love it! :)

All I Want For Christmas Is You ~ Mariah Carey

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There's just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true...
All I want for Christmas Is you...

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...
You baby

I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeer click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do
Baby all I want for Christmas is you You...

All the lights are shining
So brightly everywhere
And the sound of children's
Laughter fills the air
And everyone is singing
I hear those sleigh bells ringing
Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
Won't you please bring my baby to me

Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
This is all I'm asking for
I just want to see my baby
Standing right outside my door
Oh I just want him for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
Baby all I want for Christmas is You

All I want for Christmas is you baby [repeat]

Sunday, December 18, 2005


My kid cousin is here. She's 7. I have no idea what I'm going to do to keep her entertained, poor kid.

It's sad, her not having anyone around her age to play with. The nearest one is in Singapore. Everyone here is at least twice her age or older. And she's an only child. I can't even begin to contemplate how boring that must be. I know David used to annoy the hell out of me, but at least he was a good playmate, most of the time. When we weren't fighting, that is :P

Seriously, I don't know what my childhood would've been like without Sharm and Steph spending every single holiday with us.. and Yin and Ting joining is in the "later" years. All the nonsense we used to get up to... Damn. Those were the days.

We were basically fearless. Okay, so they were and I was always the "BE CAREFUL!" or "YOU GUYS CRAZY AH?!" sort. Haha. But you know.. no matter how many times we got caught, we still did the same thing over and over and over and over...

Trademark things, like throwing golfballs over the wall as a ruse to run to the grocery store behind my house to buy junk (my dad forbade junk food of any sort in the house, thus inciting this particular piece of mischief)... Actually we had pretty elaborate system of deception for this one :P
The "put any prospective boyfriend through hell" bit (we still do that a lil, I think :P), the falling mattress game, Blind Man's Buff, "fear factor", discovering The Jetty, pushing Slurpees out windows and breaking window panes... Gosh.

Oh and not forgetting our attempts at being Westlife, creating elaborate games, developing fears of the Cluedo characters Mrs. White and Miss Peacock. Did I mention that we're a bit on the weird side? Heehee.

Those memories have made my life so much richer. It's such a great feeling to sit down and talk about all that stuff... and laugh at how dumb we were. Haha. It's sad that my baby cousin won't have such memories. Sigh.

I doubt I'll ever forget all the good times - and the trouble they got us into :) And even if we don't see as much of each other these days, I don't think that closeness will change. Maybe on the surface, but never deep down.

And for that, I'm grateful! Love you my darling cuzzies!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Old Sizzlers!

I'm back. And I'm absolutely dead. 3 days of shopping is no joke. Especially when you loathe shopping as much as I do. But I at least managed to replenish my pathetic wardrobe... and basically used up my Christmas, Chinese New Year and birthday quota. Haha. 7 tops, a skirt and a pair of much needed heels. My white ones look like they're about to fall apart. Haha.

Got into an animated little discussion with my cousins yesterday, about the "ideal age difference" between us and guys. As in guys to date. Lol. They insisted that 5 years older was their limit, while I said I wouldn't mind even if he was 10 years older. And I might even stretch it, at that. And of course, the poor dears were horrified *rofl* Although, I don't know why, seeing as I'm Miss Older-Guys-Are-Hot. Lol.

Anyway, speaking of older guys, I thought I'd make a list of really REALLY OLDer guys. Celebs. Who are still hot. Even though they're waaaay older. Too old for even me (hehe), but still hot.

Hm.. let's see.

1. Tony Danza (in Family Law)
2. William Hurt (in Jane Eyre... ooh! Old but sexy all the same)
3. Colin Firth! (Need I say more?)
4. Brad Pitt (The dude's old? Doesn't show!)
5. Joshua Bell (20 years older than I am, therefore he is OLD. But oh-so-gorgeous!)
6. Will Smith
7. Gerard Butler (He's 38. Too old. I so sad. Sniffles.)
8. Viggo Mortensen (I know I know... as Aragorn. Haha.)
9. Bruce Willis (He's bald.. but so what?)
10. Charles Shaughnessy (From the Nanny.. thanks Jen!)
11. Johnny Depp (OOOOOHHH! *faints*)
12. Hugh Jackman (This guy's bod is.. MMM!)
13. James Denton (that HOTTIE from Desperate Housewives)
14. Hugh Laurie (Yes yes.. that sarcastic nutter from House. He's oooh!)
15. Chris Noth
16. Bae Yong Jun!!!
17. Josh Lucas (Mr. Blue Eyes!)
18. Vince Vaughn (Don't ask me why.. but I like him!)
19. Jon Bon Jovi
20. Julian McMahon
21. Hugh Grant (In Love Actually and Notting Hill)
22. Richard Marx (Okay, so it's his voice that makes him sexy... LOL)
23. Kevin Bacon
24. David Wenham (Faramir in LOTR)
25. Ewan McGregor
26. Clive Owen
27. Dermot Mulroney (The hottie from My Best Friend's Wedding :P)
28. Owen Wilson (Can act like a complete dolt and still be hot.. now THAT'S something!)
29. LL Cool J (Call me nuts but I think he's yum)
30. Bryan Adams

Thanks that's enough for now.. I'll think up more later. Definitely. You can count on it. Muahaha.
Or don't. If you'd rather not. What talking me? I think I'd better go now. I think this weird crush on someone I shouldn't have a crush is screwing my head around. Sigh.

Toodles y'all!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

What I Want For Christmas...

It's time I made another list... Since everyone seems to have made one in the past week or so. Lol. Yeah, I'm a follow-the-crowder. In that sense, at least. So.. here goes.

My Christmas Wishlist
1. The third book of the High Druid of Shannara series - Straken, by Terry Brooks. (They haven't come up with the regular books yet. Sobs. The big one is sooooo expensive!)
2. Il Divo's Ancora. Been trying to beg David to buy it but.. Aih. Nevermind.
3. A car. Any car, I don't care. (Except a Kancil.) So I don't have to rely on anyone for transport anymore. But... fat hopes la. Sigh.
4. My own laptop. Then I wouldn't have to wait til I come back to Klang to listen to my playlist, write my rubbish, go online....
5. For Ju Li to come home. Sniffles.
6. An all-expense paid trip to Europe!
7. For all my family to be together.. but unfortunately this Christmas is going to be the smallest ever. Sigh.
8. To have a party for all my various groups of friends.. But I'm so lazy to plan it!!! :(
9. A new wardrobe. Haha. But in that case, someone has to make me fall in love with shopping first.
10. New shoes. My pair of heels is so worn out they look 10 years old. They're actually only 1 1/2.
11. This really hot guy from the south-east of the north-west of the world... :)
12. To meet Gerard Butler, Josh Lucas, Joshua Bell, Elijah Wood, James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley, for the uniformed), or Ethan Embry. Haha! Now, that would be the Christmas present of all Christmas presents. Bar the car, of course *grins wickedly*
13. All six seasons of The Nanny. I'm hooked!
14. A trip to Red Box with the cousins... We haven't been there in a year!
15. An Insanely Sane sleepover. We all need to meet up again.. It's been ages! (Well, since November, anyway.. lol.)
16. The Phantom of the Opera DVD.
17. Did I mention that I want Ju Li to come home? I did? Okay. Oops :P
18. For Vinder to come home!!!! Okay, so that present will have to wait one more month. Sigh.

I guess that's all. Yep. Okay. I'm done.

Maybe Tomorrow

My favourite NEW Westlife song! :)

Maybe Tomorrow ~ Westlife
Cant believe its over
That you're leaving
Weren't we meant to be?

Should've sensed the danger
Read the warnings
Right there in front of me

Just stop
Lets start it over
Couldn't I get one more try?

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine
You'll realize, I could change
I'm gonna show you
I'm in it for life
I'll get you back someday
Maybe tomorrow

I forgot to be there
I was selfish
I can see that now

I should've got to known you
Should've held you
When your tears fell down

Just stop
Don't make me beg you
Tell me that you'll stay the night

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine
You'll realize, I could change
I'm gonna show you I'm in it for life
I'll get you back someday
I will find a way

Wait a minute
Just hear me out
This time I promise, I'll put you first

Turn around now
Your heart can't let you walk away
I'll do what it takes

Maybe tomorrow you'll say that you're mine
You'll realize, I could change
I'm gonna show you I'm in it for life
I'll get you back someday
Maybe tomorrow

There's so much I wanna say now
I just wanna make a life with you (don't walk away)
There's so much I wanna do now
I just wanna make love to you

Maybe tomorrow
Maybe tomorrow

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Family Matters

You know, this post is purely for the sake of posting. Coz I don't really have anything to say. LOL. Weird eh. I usually have loads to say. Most of the time. Okay, more like loads to write. I suck at talking. Haha. Really, I do. My brain-tongue coordination is completely whack.

Anyway, I just got to thinking - I'm lucky. My parents are probably some of the coolest around. In their own ways.

My mum's totally understanding of (almost) everything I do. She knows about all the guys I've ever liked, she's laughed about them with me, knocked my head when I put them on a pedestal.. "Aiyo, you ah... pity the guy la! You better make sure you don't hurt him ah...". Damn, she knows me too well. Me and my "short attention span". I don't think any mother would have been half as tolerant with me and my nonsense. I salute you, ma! *grins*

And my dad? He basically lets us do anything now... Except, of course, if it takes us away from him for longer than 2 days. LOL! He totally can't contemplate that idea. It's touching, but... Hm. Being daddy's lil girl does have its disadvantages sometimes :)

Plus, I have a pretty good relationship with my brother. At least, we talk a heck of a lot more than we fight. Of course, he rarely tells me anything of consequence, but it's still fun when he comes up to me and says, "Hey che, you know ah..." coz I know something really absurd is going to come out of his mouth. Absurd in a completely logical way. If that's possible :) Oh hell. He gets on my nerves, but I can't imagine life without that. It'll be boring.

Bottom line is, I think my family's cool. Not perfect, but at least I have good relationships with all of them. And I'll do anything in my power to make it stay that way.

Wow. From having nothing to write to this.. Phew. Okay. I'll stop.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pre-dawn Ramblings

I feel like writing today. Wheee! Writing's good. Very good. I like writing. Did you know that? Haha! I bet you did. You didn't? Well, now you know. Heehee. Oh. And I like P. Ramlee too. Ya huh!

Okay. Sorry about that. It's 2 a.m. and I'm a tad bit high. Methinks I've been watching too many romantic movies. They are not good for health. Mainly because the guys in romantic movies are waaaaaaaaay too good to be true. No WAY are they for real.

Seriously, I think the chances of finding a guy who's as thoughtful, sweet, gallant, chivalrous AND masculine as the "heroes" in these movies are... zero to none. Okay, maybe there ARE such men around... but boy, are they hard to come by! (And guys my age? HAH! Don't even DREAM! Lol!)

Sigh. I just realized something. My head is full of versions of how a guy should look and act that I'm afraid I want so much more than a regular guy can give. At least the guys I know now. Tis a sad state of affairs.

"I want a man not a boy who thinks he can" - Spice Girls, Too Much.

That line totally says it all. But - WHERE TO FIND?! Haha. Gah.. Maybe I should lower my expectations. But.. but.. Aih. I see one or two fellas that fit my physical description of the ideal guy (before you Insanely Sane girls go all "whoooo?!" on me, the guy ain't local) BUT of course, there are a 1001 other factors to take into consideration. Sigh. No fair.

And then there's this small matter of me liking someone who's WAAAY off the charts in the "ideal guy" department. As in off the charts in a bad way. He's everything I've always claimed to "not want" in a guy. Language, music, height (lol)... But yet... he's probably the one person who's caused me the most - for lack of a better word - heartache. How SAD is that? And the thing is, I know everyone is right. We're way too different. But still. ARGH!

Hm. Well, I shan't kid myself. My ideas are obviously totally screwed up. Otherwise why am I falling for OPPOSITES, eh? Tsk tsk. Ahhh. If only Mr. Dreamy wasn't all the way on the other side of the world... and I knew I could trust him. But such things... Not good to dwell on.

Aiks. Should've known that this entire post was going to be about guys again. Gah. I'm obsessed.

No I'm NOT!

Yes you ARE!

Okay. I shall take this debate offline. And um.. you guys draw your own conclusions. (Although I'm pretty damn sure you're gonna agree with Voice #2 :P)
