Friday, July 16, 2010

Learning Curve...

I've been learning a lot lately.

About how real transference-countertransference is in a counseling relationship.

About how much a someone's positive regard can matter.

About what it really takes to be loving towards someone - it isn't just being affectionate; it's about doing what you know is best for them, regardless of the cost to yourself.

About how idleness is the worst state to be in because it's then that my mind wanders to where it should never go. Not anymore.

About how love and self-control go hand in hand.

About how dreams and reality can be disparate in ways that force us to face new heights of dissonance; but ultimately, it also serves to help me realize just how much I can take and still be me. Good feeling, that, though lots of times, it's a consolation more than anything else.

About how to accept the things I can never, will never be able to change; things that my heart longs for but my head knows can never be so.

About how capable I really am of standing alone. And being more able to love because of it.

About how growth never follows a straight trajectory; it's fluid, and there are always lessons to keep on learning, even after we think we've already learned them.

In short, I'm learning to live 1 Corinthians 13 over and over again. Who would have thought, that in less than 3 months, so very, very much can change. Least of all, me.