Saturday, April 22, 2006

The 21st Day

Okay, so I know I've been lousy at updating. 3 weeks, if my brain doesn't fail me. A personal record. Sigh. I haven't been writing coz I just don't know what to write! Or rather, HOW to write it. Do you know what that means? Do you? It means... I CAN'T WRITE ANYMORE!

*sobs* *heart breaks*

Ah melodrama. How I miss the days when I could do it properly. God, I used to be such a drama queen! I wonder where that part of me's gone...


Time to catch up on stuff... 3 whole weeks of it! *shakes head in wonder*

Random Things Elaine Thinks You Should Know Whether You Want To Or Not

1. Rat dissection isn't as gross as one would think it is. Aside from the fact after about 5 minutes they start to stink like soiled sanitary napkins. And we have to continue cutting them up for at least another 1/2 an hour. Or more. If you're fastidious enough to endure the stink.

I'm not exactly proving my case, am I? Lol.

2. I've written Jules TWICE, but haven't gotten 'round to posting them letters yet *sheepish grin* So Ju, if you're suddenly flooded with letters, you'll know what happened :P

3. Elaine has just discovered that she can cry - because of a song! And no, it isn't one about heartbreak, either. She cries to Michael Bolton's Butterfly Kisses.

[The reason Elaine has switched to the 3rd person is self-explanatory.]

4. Oh! Big news! I am currently crush free! Yep, folks. The all-time crush maniac has taken a much needed vacation. And for those of you who don't believe me - well, BELIEVE ME, dammit!

5. As I'm sure you all know, point No. 4 is - under normal circumstances - a near impossibility. Therefore, said person has been diagnosed with a severe case of "romance-novelitis". What is THAT, you might ask. Well, it is a condition caused by the reading of too many, well, romance novels.

And the problem with that is... This. The guys in romance novels (as any girl will tell you) are virtually PERFECT. Smart, sensitive, funny, strong, understanding, romantic, gorgeous, TALL, and COMPLETELY masculine. Oh, and most of them can cook, too.

Of course, to find someone like that in real life is... also a near impossibility. No one said the patient wasn't delusional. It just means that the guys she knows don't cut it - for now.

[For the record, though, this diagnosis is merely temporary. I'm more than sure the symptoms will let up after awhile. After all, this IS Ms. Elaine Fernandez we're talking about!]
6. I miss MGS soooo much! I do I do I surely do! I miss prefect briefings every morning (even though we had to be in school before 7 a.m.), I miss grumbling about everything from our juniors, to boys, to teachers.., I miss laughing and talking and laughing some more with the Insanely Sane, I miss choir practice, and most of all, I miss the CLOSENESS. Ah, MGS. Truly, the MGS spirit never dies in true MGSians. No, sirree!

[Is it just me or does my writing style really change with each paragraph? :S]

7. I love American Idol this year. I want Elliott to win, of course, but I think the Top 6 are all fantastic in their own way, and as long as Kellie doesn't win, I'll be happy. Lol.

Okay. I'm gonna have coffee with me mum. Excuse me while I argue with her about who has to make the coffee this time. (It's HER turn, I swear it is!)

Bye people! Until next time... (Which won't be too long away... I hope :P)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I Back

Hey all! I'm back!

Well, for the time being anyway. I can't believe I haven't blogged for so long.. It's weird to start again. Sigh. That's the whole problem with not having regular access to a computer. When I DO get on, I rarely have the time - or the urge, for that matter - to write anything.

The couple of weeks when I DIDN'T write, I had so much that I wanted to write. Now, though, it's just all flown out of my head. Sigh. Sad, ain't it.

One of the few nice things that've happened over these past 2 weeks or so is the fact that I got to play netball again, if only for awhile. Gosh, I love that game! Maybe it's coz it's one of the few - FEW, mind - games that I'm relatively good at. Oh, and I've been asked to coach the school netball team. LOL! Beat that :P I was shocked, too. I know, I know. DON'T LAUGH!

Oh, ol' Sharm's gone for National Service, the poor bored soul. But goodness. I think I saw her almost everyday, the 2 months or so that she was around. Was like she never left :) Although.... my cash DID run out pretty quickly. Both of us, actually. Accumulated mamak trips can turn out to be darned hard on the slow-to-be-refilled pocket.

7 months to go til D Day. Seven. Tujuh. Sieben. Or however it's spelt. Gosh oh gosh. That ain't all that much time, come to think of it. Which is both a blessing and a curse, I guess. Although it'll ened soon, it also means less time to prepare. And boy, do I have my work cut out for me! And the miniscule number of people getting straight As are pretty discouraging too. I know getting A minuses or Bs are already pretty darn good for this standard, but to get a 4.0 is the only way anyone is even guaranteed consideration to courses of our choice in uni. Sigh.

Oh well. I hope I can write again soon, and about something more worth reading, too. Seems like I don't have much to say anymore. Sigh. Oh WHAT is happening to my writing?! *sniffles*

All righty then. G'night.