4 days into 2007 and I still don't feel like it's the new year.
Oh lord. I'm turning 20 this year! That's insane, people! Where on earth did all that time go? And I can tell you one thing for sure.. I sure don't feel 20. More like 13, sometimes. How do people adapt to growing up? It scares the hell out of me.
But oh well. 2006 is finally over. That can only be a good thing, right?
Sharm, Steph, Yin and I cooked dinner yesterday (David just peeked into the pot a couple of times to "check on the spaghetti".. Lol.) For a bunch of rookies in the kitchen, we did a hell of a good job, if I do say so myself! And if my word isn't enough, the fact that everything - the big bowl of potato salad, an entire box of spaghetti, and all the sauce - was finished before 11 p.m. is telling enough ;)
Next time 'round, we'll be trying the next on our list of favourite eats - Nyonya food! Although THAT is friggin' ambitions, but... We can do it, I know we can!
Goodbye now, I need to go and let the bro come on.
PS to my darling Wino: Here's hoping it'll be a great year for us.. I love you.