Friday, February 25, 2005


I'm getting a permanent case of writer's block! Help! I hate it when I wanna say something, then sit in front of the computer and blank out. Argh! Ah heck. I'll just... Say whatever comes to mind.

Ohhh! I made pork vindaloo today! Well, um. Okay. I didn't MAKE it exactly. I.. um.. stirred it! I put in the ingredients and stirred! See? That does count as cooking right? Right? Oh well. At least I know how to make it now. I'd give you the whole recipe but I wouldn't wanna bore you. Heehee. But I do know it! I swear!

Went out with Davina, Ee May and Adrien to Fruity's for a "late tea". Lesson learnt : Esprit Passionfruit + strawberry milkshake = Something that leaves a guava aftertaste in your mouth. Then we trooped over to my house and had a uh.. noise-making session (it was good noise, though.. whatever that is :P), with Dav on the piano, Ee May on the violin, Adrien singing and me? Haha. Yowling my head off. Blah. I can't sing. Sniffles. And we did the Phantom of the Opera too. Scary betul. Hope my neighbours don't complain about me and my screeching *shudders* I'm a pathetico case, dahlings. But it was good fun. We should do that more often.

I'm going to Sarawak tomorrow baby! But for a retreat so I doubt I'll get to see anything of the state. Sigh. Anyway... off for now! Be back when my brain comes out of freeze zone.

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