Saturday, August 06, 2005

MI and.. Stuff

Ah.. I never realized how much I missed the atmosphere of Malaysian Idol til I finally went for a Spectacular after.. almost a year. WooOOOohHOOooo!!! The feeling was amazing. The whole place had this awesome vibe... Phew.

Anyway, this week's gonna be tough, coz they all sang pretty well. My fave songs of the night were by Daniel, Xerra, Faizull and yes, Ash. Well. Their performances, really. Vocally, I still love Adam, Farah and Azam. I know Ejay sang really well and all... But her diction still gets to me. Sorry la but I'm a bit of a fusspot in that sense. If I had to choose, though, I'd want Nita to go. I just don't think she's all that great. Sigh. Oh well. MI = to each his own.

It's interesting to see how much uh.. interest my previous post has garnered. Regarding the lack of substance in my blog. Wheee. Read further back and thou shalt see that I have added a sort of "disclaimer". That anyone expecting any form of deep-ness or anything that's remotely well thought out, look elsewhere. Coz I certainly don't THINK when I type.

Sigh. Okay. I am pretty pissed off about something right now so I'll stop. Coz if I don't, I'll end up saying stuff that I'll regret later on. And gosh, for the info of Insanely Sane, I didn't say a WORD to him in school today *wide-eyed with shock*. Can you believe it? I don't know how I managed it... But I must admit, it felt like crap. Oh well.

Bye y'all. Update this when I have more time.


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