Saturday, September 03, 2005


Ju Li's going. Tomorrow. In 12 hours time.


What'm I gonna do without her? For EIGHT MONTHS! Oh no oh no oh no. The thought just totally makes me wanna bawl my eyes out. For real.


I know I hardly see her anyway, but it was always a great comfort to know that I could just pick up the phone and call anytime. Or say, "hey, let's go for lunch" on a whim and she'd be there.

I don't think there's anyone else on EARTH who gets me like she does. Which may not be such a good thing for her, but heck. Lol. I just know that I can tell her anything. And most times, she's the only one I can turn to.

God, I feel so depressed right now. I just know I'm gonna flood KLIA tomorrow. Gosh. Never cried at airports before. Eeks.

See Ju? You've turned me into a sentimal wuss! Help!

Dammit, I miss her already!

1 comment:

Jules said...

OI! Mana updates huh???? Orang bersusah payah menyediakan updates yang cukup panjang untuk memuaskan kawan-kawan yang fussy-fussy belaka.... *mutters*

To make a long mutter - sorry, story - short, UPDATE THIS BLOG!!!!!