Friday, December 30, 2005


Good Morning.

I feel like writing today. Wooohooo. Although.. Now that I look at the computer, the words have totally flown out of my head. Sigh. Oh woe is me.

Jono and I went to the Aquaria in KLCC yesterday. One word. WOW. All right, so it could've been bigger, but the specimens they had... Mind-boggling! Can you imagine a 2 meter long turtle? Well, you better believe it. It's there!

God, now I know why I Lin is so into diving. It must be amazing to get so close to such awesome creatures. OH! And we saw a huge sand tiger shark!!!! And an excellent example of the symbiotic relationship between the shark and that fish (I forget the name), you know.. the one that sticks to the shark as it swims around... Oh well. But man, do sharks look evil!

I was going through my archives yesterday (due to having nothing much better to do... lol), and I came across some of my.. er.. criteria for Mr. Perfect. Physically, that is (to see it go to my January 2005 archive... :P). And it's good to know that my mind hasn't changed in that aspect. LOL. My mind's been changed about a lot of things lately so... This was a welcome, uh, change.

Anyway. That was the physical bit. Now this is the sort of guy I'd want. Heck, any girl would want. I know I've posted this before, but I guess there's no harm posting it again... witha commentary on each point *grins* Especially since I'm in one of my weird moods now.... LOL. So, here goes..

I dream about a guy...

Who can wrestle with me and let me win (mm... wrestling *grins wickedly*)
Whom I can talk to about anything (now THAT would be the day *shakes head sadly*)
Who laughs at my jokes (lordy... he'd have to have a screwed up sense of humour for that... mm. I LIKE! :P)
Who puts my cold hands in his warm hoodie pockets (now that, folks, is what I call romantic. Hehe.)
Who lets me use his sweatshirt for a pillow (er... only if it's clean.. teehee!)
Who says "I Love You" & means it (okay... this was such a duh one.)
Who will kiss me in the rain, in the sunshine, and in the snow (no comment needed on this one!)
Who calls unexpectedly (you betcha! Surprises are definitely good.)
Who will have many inside jokes with me and remember each one (mmhmm.. this one's got to be one of the top of the list)
Who notices haircuts (or any change in hairstyle, colour.. for that matter)
Who realizes that I say things but don't always mean them (this one's important.. especially for someone who's dating ME :P)
Whom I can go swimming with on hot days (oooh.. *knocks self on head* snap out of it, girlie!)
Who can tell me his problems and let me help (aww *sniffles*)
Who will listen to me talk (haha.. one in a million of a guy, if he can :P)
Who will let me beat him up when I get angry (any guy who can do this is worth it, man! :P)
Who writes love letters to me (I'd have to be really into him, though.. mushy letters of any sort can be a turn off if I'm not totally into him, unfortunately)
Who draws me pictures (even silly little ones will do :D)
Who saves his genuine, big smiles for me (I currently have one smile in mind and .. man! *shakes head to clear it*)
With deep eyes, that can see through faces into depths (now this is where having drownable eyes comes in.. hehe)
Who gives me his t-shirt to change into and not expect to get it back (I should start a collection if he does this... *grins wickedly*)
Who knows my favorite color, song, car, vegetable, perfume, movie... (*sighs*)
Who will shake my dads hand and look my mom in the eye (ah.. the ultimate test.. my dad can be pretty damn intimidating.. lol!)
Who knows my full name--first, middle and last (and pronounces them CORRECTLY :P)
Who will know something is wrong even when I'm trying my best to put on an act (ah... the mother of all mothers!)
Who will kiss me and tell me I'm cute (ya huh.. this'll put him waaaaay up there :P)
Who will let me cry to him (another awww *sniffles*)
Who will hold me & kiss my cheek (*melts*)
Who suprises me and compliments me and plays with my hair (see what I said about surprises? :P)
Who will brag about me to all of his friends (oooh HELL yeah!)
Who's not afraid to give me a great big hug right in front of his mom (totally.. you know you're in if he can do THIS hehe)
Who isn't afraid to hold me in front of his friends and not get embarassed (mmm....)
Who smells like he just stepped out of the shower (haha... nice one)
Who tells me I have a nice laugh and a smile that lights up the room and will simply be mine to hold (how many awws can I put in one post? LOL!)
Who can cook!!! (I suck at it, so... *grins nnocently*) Who respects my beliefs and accepts me for who I am (if he can't do this... bye bye!)

I guess that's it. Waaay too long as it is. That's why I think I've said before... Finding someone who fits all this is.. well. Impossible. Sigh. Oh well. Dreams ARE just that, no? Dreams. Wheeee!

Right. I should stop now.

*ala Sound of Music* Goooodbyyyeeee!

*y'all answer, in perfect harmony, mind* Goooooobyyyeeeee!


1 comment:

Shih Chung said...

Hehe, it's so enjoyable seeing the fishes from outside the aquarium. Imagine being inside with the fishes swimming around, below and over you! (not the shark) - that's how diving is like. :D