Sunday, May 14, 2006

Of 1st and 3rd Generation Women.. Sorta :)

I have a niece who is 2 weeks old today. Bernadine Rachel Thong Wern Lee.


I have a niece! That's an amazing thing in itself... Wow. You have no idea how exciting it is to have a new generation in the family. We're now back to having 3 generations!! Woooohooo!!!

And yeah - I'm her godmother :D Only thing I don't like about the role is the fact that people are referring to me as the "Godmother" (as in the "Godfather" *rolls eyes at the utter lameness of it*), courtesy of one Beng Beng a.k.a Teddy. He's, of course, promised me he'll never call me that again but... That's one promise he has yet to keep. YOU HEAR, BENG WEI?! [Su, help me out here. LOL.]

Anyway, back to the topic at hand... I want to see the kid so badly. Unfortunately something ALWAYS comes up. Sigh. First my grandma, now David's sick. I can't believe I haven't seen my goddaughter yet and she's been in this world for 2 whole weeks! I'm such a failure. *sniffles*

But needless to say, we're all so excited about having a little niece to dote upon. The way things are going now, she'll probably be spoiled rotten by the time she's old enough to say "mama". Haha... Having 15 aunties can do that to a kid :) Especially since at least 3 of those aunties have very soft spots for kids. Luckily though, most of her aunts are still teenagers, so we can't spoil her THAT much. Yet. Hehe.

Okay, this post is just for me to kill time... but funnily enough, I already love that kid without even seeing her. I suppose that's what family is, huh? :)

Goodnight all!

Oh and, one more thing:

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers!!!!

And just so the whole world knows,


I do, and you'd better believe it!

Okay, signing off now. Goodnight again! :)

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