Sunday, February 25, 2007

American Idol's Back!!!

It's official, folks. The girls are better than the guys by a MILE. And I love Simon Cowell, I do! Nice voice, he's got. Lol...

Oh, but I am officially a Nick Pedro groupie :) Haha.. Any man with a smile like that, who sings "Now and Forever" (Richard Marx) in such a sweet, sincere tone TOTALLY gets my vote! Haha..

Nicholas Pedro.. Wouldn't say he's my choice for American Idol, but whaddaheck! He's one darned adorable dude! :D I love that dimple!!! Makes him look cuter than ever..! :)

Nick Pedro again....Pity they don't have a pic of him smiling *sniffles*

Here's another cutie - Chris Richardson :) Funny, he was in my dream last night.. Huh. I have the strangest dreams, I think! :P

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