Saturday, April 07, 2007

Of Stress-related Silliness, and Cuteness

This is what folks do when they're stressed senseless :P

We went to see Mr. Bean's Holiday last Thursday. God, it felt good to laugh my head off after a month of little sleep and plenty of stress. I absolutely loved the opera scene. Rowan Atkinson at his best, methinks! :)

I started this one night when I absolutely could NOT sleep (methinks it was remnants from the "an hour of sleep is sufficient" days.. lol). Me and Jono finished this 1000 piece jigsaw in 13 hours. We is proud of us, we is! :D

This is Cutie #1 - Ryan. He's the eldest of 4, and a real smarty-pants. Gotta wear glasses though, poor kid.. This is what too much PS2 and computer games does to you.. :P

Brandon! Cutie #2! The Burposaurus! Haha.. That bit's my fault, actually. I told them a story about a kid who kept burping so much he turned into a Burposaurus at Christmas, and til now Brandon-da-man can't stop acting like one. Sigh.

Ooh! This is my little darling Ethan a.ka. Datuk a.k.a Cutie #3! Boy, does this kid have a mouth on him! He'll cheek you no end if you let him.. And more even if you don't! Haha.. He still loves messing up my hair. Naughty boy! He's got one thing in common with his brothers, though - they're all typical Fernandez men: totally NOT morning people! :D

This little rascal is Ashley (Cutie # 4). Or better known as Mak Cik (aunty). She is the master of staring down her nose at someone, and she's not even 3! But when she warms up to you, she's lots of fun to play with AND to talk to, coz you just never know what'll come out of her mouth next! :)

Ah yes. Mak Cik also likes looking at pictures of herself. Which is why there're more of her than of the 3 :)

And finally for the cutie of the week.. *drumroll* Cosmos the Chihuahua (I think my aunt has a sense of humour when it comes to doggie names :P) He's also known as Cos, Cossy, and "thilly dog" :) He's a real scaredy cat (sorry, Cos, I meant dog..) but he's the cutest thing ever! And he loves cuddles and pets. I just love the little tongue sticking out like that.. makes him look even cuter! :)

1 comment:

-yin- said...

yes yes, i totally agree!! cosmos is a scaredi cat (dog)!! hehe... i just got to stamp my feet and he'll be running away from me. Whee!!! =)