Friday, September 26, 2008

The Dark

He still freaks me out. I can't look at his pictures without wanting to look away. It's really quite amazing how much of a psychological hold he has on me. And scary, too. But to act in a different manner around him would just alert others to the problem.. and I don't want that either. People choose whom and what they believe, regardless of truth, so I'm better off keeping mum on the subject. Tried once, failed miserably. Really - would you believe someone you've met only once over a friend? Doubtful. And that one fact of human nature has made certain that I can never, ever reveal what I know to be true.


Jules said...

What the hell?

moussemoose said...

echoes julie: what the hell???! (for added effect!)

wild orchid said...

The randy, drunk African dude, Vin.. He added me on FB :S

moussemoose said...

Reject his friend request lah.. seriously. Whats the point of adding him.