Friday, February 26, 2010


It's such a tiny word. Yet it carries so much meaning that we struggle to understand, to grasp what it really is all about. And until we can see that hope is not a word, but a person, we will continue to be blinded to the true fullness of joy that it can bring. Where Love abounds, there is always hope. And where Love abounds, there is joy and peace in the knowledge that we will never be forsaken. It is Christ who is our hope. It is the blood He shed so that we might live. It is the irrefutable knowledge that God IS on our side, no matter our present circumstance. We have the ear of the Almighty Creator. More than that, we have His unfailing, unchanging love. It isn't something we have earned; it is there for the taking if we would only open our eyes and see. And when we do, when we finally recognize that it is Jesus standing there in front of us with His arms and heart open with an unending outpouring of unconditional love, then and only then will we begin to understand the true meaning of the hope that we have in Him. Our God loves us beyond our understanding, beyond anything we could even begin to contemplate. If only we could see this and really begin to live with the full knowledge of our true worth in the eyes of our Father, who created us all for the sole reason that He loves us.

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