Friday, July 16, 2004

Ooh I'm MAD !

A hectic few months. Crazily so.

I'm so tired I could fall asleep on my feet.

We got 2nd place for choir. I'm sorry but I'm NOT satisfied witha that result. The excuses given by the judges were totally lame. Why? Here..

Excuse No. 1

"We couldn't hear the harmonies"

Why is it NOT valid?

We recorded the performance and listened to it over and over again. And if you can't hear the harmonies there, what the bloody #*$&$%* are you doing being a judge?!! Let me break it down..

Sejahtera Malaysia had 3 parts. The Alto was so strong this year that we could hear them almost TOO clearly. Penalize us for not blending, fine. But DON'T say the harmonies couldn't be heard.

The Sound of Music had SIX parts. And if you can't hear 6 parts, when only a small minority are singing the melody, then there is something SERIOUSLY wrong somewhere.

Excuse No. 2


Why am I mad? Here's why.

We were wearing school uniforms. So? Let me tell you we looked 3 times neater than the first school did even though they were wearing new costumes. Trust me. The pictures say it all.

And they couldn't come up with anything better than that! *rolls eyes*. Sure, their dynamics were better than ours, but overall, their harmony sucked, their piano accompaniment was whack.. I just don't get it.


Oh and the Prefect Buffet's coming up. Yeehaw. Another load of work.

I'm in charge of entertainment, by the way.

Oh joy.

So much for seniors not having to do anything.

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