PMR results came out today, and my lazy bum of a little brother scored straight As!!! (Unbelievable?? Naww.. the dude's a self-proclaimed genius ;P). I'm really really proud of him and this post is just to say, GOOD LUCK SLOGGING, BABY BOY!! Muahahahaha... hm.
Another reason why I'm so happy : He demanded 100 bucks per A if he got straights, when I only got 50 for the same. So, mum agreed that if he got straights, she'd pay me the difference on what she originally gave ME. So now, I'm 350 bucks richer! Wooohoo!! Thanks, kiddo *grins wickedly*
Anyway, kudos to all those who took PMR and survived!! And all the best next year. You're gonna need all the luck you can get *evil laughter*
Ok, so it ain't that bad. But be prepared to work if you wanna make something of yourselves. Take it from the leader of Procrastinators Anonymous ;)
Once again, BIG HUGS to my smarty pantsy ickle baby bwadder who's all gwown up now. *sniffles*
Thursday, December 30, 2004
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
Dyed my hair, produce a mini-concert :)
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Didn't make any. Too discouraging if I break 'em.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yep.. My aunt. Baby Ashley is SO cute!! :D
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yeah. My grandmother.
5. What countries did you visit?
Singapore. *rolls eyes*
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
Discipline. Loads of it.
7. What date from 2004 will remain clearly upon your memory, and why?
3rd of July. Saw my grandma pass away.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting a "Passed with Merit" for my Grade 7 piano exam.. Or maybe finally understanding electronics? I don't know... *scratches head*
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not being prepared enough for SPM. PROCRASTINATION KILLS, people!!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Illness? Yeah. Injury? Only minor ones.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
The final installment of LOTR!!! :D
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
No ones. Hehe.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
It's usually Dave's *grins*
14. Where did most of your money go?
To books and food :)
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Being finally out of school... Getting my license...
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Ryan Cabrera's True :)
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?
Sadder... I won't be seeing so many of my friends anymore *sniffles*
ii. thinner or fatter?
Fatter. Blasted parties and their gorgeous food! Grrr.
iii. richer or poorer?
Surprisingly... Richer! *Colgate smile*
18. What do you wish you'd done more?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Gone online.
20. Did you fall in love in 2004?
No.. Just quitely badly in "crush" *grins*
21. How many one-night stands?
10000000000000000000. Hm. Aiks. Doesn't add up, now does it? :D
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Idol - both American and Malaysian.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Um.. no one. I actually like more people this year :D
24. What was the best book you read?
Should be one of Lesley Pearse's. That woman writes amazing stories.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Can it just be music related? That David actually loves Sinatra *grins*
26. What was your favorite films of this year?
The Incredibles and Shrek 2, I guess. The movies this year were nothing to shout about.
27. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Not being so into that idiot I have a crush on.
28. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
Totally whack. As usual.
29. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Toss up between Joshua Bell and Colin Firth (I REALLY like older men :P).
30. What political issue stirred you the most??
Iraq and the American elections.
31. Who did you miss?
Lavi and Joyce.
32. Who was the best new person you met?
People - the MI forumers. Love you guys!
33. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
People aren't always what they seem... Things can change so quickly that you never know what hit you.
34. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"How did I fall in love with YOU?" ... Applies to all cases *grins at Julez*
Dyed my hair, produce a mini-concert :)
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Didn't make any. Too discouraging if I break 'em.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yep.. My aunt. Baby Ashley is SO cute!! :D
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Yeah. My grandmother.
5. What countries did you visit?
Singapore. *rolls eyes*
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
Discipline. Loads of it.
7. What date from 2004 will remain clearly upon your memory, and why?
3rd of July. Saw my grandma pass away.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting a "Passed with Merit" for my Grade 7 piano exam.. Or maybe finally understanding electronics? I don't know... *scratches head*
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not being prepared enough for SPM. PROCRASTINATION KILLS, people!!
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Illness? Yeah. Injury? Only minor ones.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
The final installment of LOTR!!! :D
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
No ones. Hehe.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
It's usually Dave's *grins*
14. Where did most of your money go?
To books and food :)
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Being finally out of school... Getting my license...
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
Ryan Cabrera's True :)
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder?
Sadder... I won't be seeing so many of my friends anymore *sniffles*
ii. thinner or fatter?
Fatter. Blasted parties and their gorgeous food! Grrr.
iii. richer or poorer?
Surprisingly... Richer! *Colgate smile*
18. What do you wish you'd done more?
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Gone online.
20. Did you fall in love in 2004?
No.. Just quitely badly in "crush" *grins*
21. How many one-night stands?
10000000000000000000. Hm. Aiks. Doesn't add up, now does it? :D
22. What was your favorite TV program?
Idol - both American and Malaysian.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Um.. no one. I actually like more people this year :D
24. What was the best book you read?
Should be one of Lesley Pearse's. That woman writes amazing stories.
25. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Can it just be music related? That David actually loves Sinatra *grins*
26. What was your favorite films of this year?
The Incredibles and Shrek 2, I guess. The movies this year were nothing to shout about.
27. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Not being so into that idiot I have a crush on.
28. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
Totally whack. As usual.
29. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Toss up between Joshua Bell and Colin Firth (I REALLY like older men :P).
30. What political issue stirred you the most??
Iraq and the American elections.
31. Who did you miss?
Lavi and Joyce.
32. Who was the best new person you met?
People - the MI forumers. Love you guys!
33. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
People aren't always what they seem... Things can change so quickly that you never know what hit you.
34. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
"How did I fall in love with YOU?" ... Applies to all cases *grins at Julez*
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
A Note
I'm sure all of you have heard of the underwater earthquake and following tidal waves that struck South and South East Asia yesterday. It is difficult to take in the enormity of what happened - especially since Malaysia (thought to be relatively safe from major natural disasters) was hit as well.
I have two uncles and the families who are currently in Penang for a holiday. They are fine, but I still pray for their safe return anyway. To all those who read this, please join me in praying for all the people who have lost their loved ones. They need comfort now that only God can provide.
This post is just to remember all those who have lost their lives to the uncontrollable forces of nature. May their souls find the peace that God wishes to grant to all mankind.
Thank you.
I have two uncles and the families who are currently in Penang for a holiday. They are fine, but I still pray for their safe return anyway. To all those who read this, please join me in praying for all the people who have lost their loved ones. They need comfort now that only God can provide.
This post is just to remember all those who have lost their lives to the uncontrollable forces of nature. May their souls find the peace that God wishes to grant to all mankind.
Thank you.
What ARE Friends?
You know lately I've been wondering... What IS a friend? People say "Oh he's my friend", but in fact they hardly speak two words to him at a time.
"Friend" is a REALLY misused word, IMHO. And it's never struck me harder than recently. It just seems terribly odd when someone insists that you're friends and yet never bothers to make contact. I'd rather say that we're "acquaintances" and be done with it.
It's sad... But I guess some things have just got to be accepted. It would be nice, though, if people could be a little less quick to say the word "friend". Being a friend comes with enormous responsibility. You have to be there, no matter what, for the person you call a friend. Otherwise, what's the point? It's just too easy to say "We're friends", but at the end of the day... You know nothing about the other and in fact, you don't care enough to bother. So WHY call them friends? It makes no sense.
You don't have to be in contact ALL the time, but you still have to find ways to let your friends know you care, right? That's probably the most important thing of all. You call yourself a friend, well then BE a friend. It's not too much to ask. Is it?
Sigh. I'm just having a rant. I haven't been much of a friend to some either, so from now on I'm vowing to either learn to care enough, or not open my big mouth and say that I'm friends with so-and-so. It's better than being a hypocrite. Really.
If you have an opinion, I'd like to hear it...
"Friend" is a REALLY misused word, IMHO. And it's never struck me harder than recently. It just seems terribly odd when someone insists that you're friends and yet never bothers to make contact. I'd rather say that we're "acquaintances" and be done with it.
It's sad... But I guess some things have just got to be accepted. It would be nice, though, if people could be a little less quick to say the word "friend". Being a friend comes with enormous responsibility. You have to be there, no matter what, for the person you call a friend. Otherwise, what's the point? It's just too easy to say "We're friends", but at the end of the day... You know nothing about the other and in fact, you don't care enough to bother. So WHY call them friends? It makes no sense.
You don't have to be in contact ALL the time, but you still have to find ways to let your friends know you care, right? That's probably the most important thing of all. You call yourself a friend, well then BE a friend. It's not too much to ask. Is it?
Sigh. I'm just having a rant. I haven't been much of a friend to some either, so from now on I'm vowing to either learn to care enough, or not open my big mouth and say that I'm friends with so-and-so. It's better than being a hypocrite. Really.
If you have an opinion, I'd like to hear it...
Monday, December 27, 2004
Beware : Self-pity Zone
This li'l excerpt is from 10 Things I Hate About You... It's the second half of the poem Kat reads in English class. Oooh how DAMN appropriate. *mutter mutter... sigh*.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh;
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you;
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
The last few lines are ZzzaaapppP BANG! on the dot. Y'know? Aiks. JULEZ! Help!! Self-pity mode :S Not good. Sigh.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie,
I hate it when you make me laugh;
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it that you're not around,
And the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you;
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
The last few lines are ZzzaaapppP BANG! on the dot. Y'know? Aiks. JULEZ! Help!! Self-pity mode :S Not good. Sigh.
Pics from S'pore
These are some of the pics taken in Singapore...
At the Singapore Zoo...
The gorgeous little jaguar cub. He looks so cute and cuddly, non? :)
This lioness was one of many that looked a thousand times better than the lions. Methinks they're like men in a way.. The lionesses were impeccably groomed while the lions looked dirty and scruffy. Hmm... *grins*
Anyone remember Timon of the Lion King? Well, this is the real life equivalent... One of the cutest little beasts that we saw :)
One of the nights' out...
The 5 of us at Holland Village - at some cafe called Siem Reap. IndoChine food... which was great.
In the car, on the way back from Holland Village.
Contest to see who can look the most stupid... Guess who wins hands down?? :D
East Coast Park...
A view of the beach. We spent an hour here cycling. Pity we didn't bring swimsuits. The water was gorgeous.
Me and Ting. Twas a great experience!! Got to see my "tamer" counterparts for awhile *grins at own lameness*
And last but never least... My namesake. Gorgeous ain't it?? :D *AHEM* (The correct answer is Yes. *glares* ;P)
At the Singapore Zoo...

The gorgeous little jaguar cub. He looks so cute and cuddly, non? :)

This lioness was one of many that looked a thousand times better than the lions. Methinks they're like men in a way.. The lionesses were impeccably groomed while the lions looked dirty and scruffy. Hmm... *grins*

Anyone remember Timon of the Lion King? Well, this is the real life equivalent... One of the cutest little beasts that we saw :)
One of the nights' out...

The 5 of us at Holland Village - at some cafe called Siem Reap. IndoChine food... which was great.

In the car, on the way back from Holland Village.

Contest to see who can look the most stupid... Guess who wins hands down?? :D
East Coast Park...

A view of the beach. We spent an hour here cycling. Pity we didn't bring swimsuits. The water was gorgeous.

Me and Ting. Twas a great experience!! Got to see my "tamer" counterparts for awhile *grins at own lameness*

And last but never least... My namesake. Gorgeous ain't it?? :D *AHEM* (The correct answer is Yes. *glares* ;P)
Sunday, December 26, 2004
A Very Merry Christmas To All!!!
And let us not forget the REAL reason we celebrate... The birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Keep him in your hearts and thoughts this day. HE is the one who gives us cause to celebrate. Remember.....
"Unto you is born this day, a Saviour who is Christ the Lord" - Luke 2 : 11.
May God bless all of you abundantly!!
Love always,
And let us not forget the REAL reason we celebrate... The birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Keep him in your hearts and thoughts this day. HE is the one who gives us cause to celebrate. Remember.....
"Unto you is born this day, a Saviour who is Christ the Lord" - Luke 2 : 11.
May God bless all of you abundantly!!
Love always,
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Holiday in "Kiasu-land"
It seems that I'm destined NOT to be in the house for the holidays this time. I only got back from Singapore yesterday, and I've only been at home for 12 hours since.
Anyway, about Singapore. I have only one thing to say: If you don't have the money to spend, DON'T BOTHER. Seriously, the only thing worth doing there is shopping and if you ain't got the money, there is absolutely no point. All it'll do is make you heartsick.
The thing about Singapore is, once you've seen the attractions, there isn't much else to do. Well, maybe except for the nightlife. But it's frustrating when you're underaged (and your mum doesn't trust FIVE teenagers to walk the less than 1 km from Orchard Road to the apartment).
Oh and travelling with adults? BIG no no. They're more confused than your average teenager. Honest! See, we made plans about what we were going to do, when we were gonna do it... and then one aunt had to have her say, and another..... Well you can guess what happened. All our plans got screwed up and we ended up not doing what we wanted to do in the first place. Sigh.
Anyway, here's what we did...
Arrived around 3 p.m. Ate and enormous Nyonya tea and dinner prepared by my absolutely smashing chef of an aunt (she's not a chef, really, but she should be :P).
Went to Orchard Road just to browse around. Hoped to find a good bistro or two but ended up in Starbucks instead. Sad.
Had lunch in this place that claimed to sell "Ampang Yong Tau Foo". Grrr. Talk about taking a name in vain! Oh horror of horrors! Tasted more like keropok dipped in sauce. Ugh.
Went to the Singpore National Zoo. Whoopee. Would have been quite fun if it hadn't poured cats and dogs the whole way through. Saw some really adorable animals - namely meerkats and jaguar cubs. If I get those pics, I'll post 'em up.
Clarke Quay at night. They've closed down the theme park and it's now all cafes, pubs and restaurants. Oh and a bungee thingy. Which snaps you up into the air without warning. Pretty scary stuff. But none of us could go on it coz we'd eaten too much for dinner. Heehee. Had to go back early though - my six year old cousin needed her beauty sleep. Sigh.
Church in the morning. Church of the Holy Cross, to be exact. The mass was pretty good; lovely church. And after mass we spotted an even lovelier boy :) Brown hair, grey eyes and a bod to die for *swoons*. Damn, I wish we'd followed him. But then again, feet versus bikes? No match.
Orchard Road in the afternoon. Borders, to be precise. Got 3 books for the price of two. Damn good bargain, I think :D And that place..! I wouldn't mind being locked in if a couple of lights were on *winks* Hung out at Starbucks. Again.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon trying to accost Singapore teenagers just to find out what the hell there is to do in Singapore!
The first lot we tried thought we were surveyors (or whatever they're called) and looked so scared that we all nearly died trying not to laugh. AND they had to keep on insisting that they thought we were Singaporean! Poor Dave had to actually get out his IC and show them the "MALAYSIA" written in huge letters AND the Malaysian flag at the corner before they believed us. Poor souls. Must've thought we were pranksters or something.
The next two we cornered pretty much summed it up: Singapore is a BORING country! Concise and accurate. I thank them for not wasting out time *laughs wickedly* [Disclaimer: This particular sentence was said by two SINGAPOREAN teenagers.]
ung out at this IndoChine restaurant in Holland Village that night. The Bailey's milkshake was heaven! And the food was pretty darn good too.
Great World Plaza in the afternoon - had some REALLY odd Italian food. Went to the East Coast Park after that. Cycled for about an hour. Dave tried some silly stunt and made me fall of my bike and Ting nearly ran over my fingers!!!! Surprisingly, I didn't get a single cut or bruise, although my right knee hurts like hell. Oh well. Twas funny anyway *grins*
At night? Orchard Road. AGAIN! Went back to Borders. Picked up 2 more books and Westlife's Live in Stockholm DVD. Couldn't decide where to go after that. Ended up walking quite a bit of the way up Orchard Road and turning back. Took an hour to get back to the apartment from Borders. Way to kill the legs.
And the next day it was back to KL :) One observation about Singaporeans though... They either speak really awful English, or they put on a horribly fake accent. At least those we came in contact with. I know not everyone's like that but ugh! You're Asian. Don't try to be something you're not. Oh, and the food SUCKS. Give me good ol' Malaysian food anytime. Ampang Yong Tau Foo indeed.
Singapore is very well organized. I like the atmosphere of the place. Maybe it's the trees...? And while it IS a concrete jungle, the architecture of the buildings make it extremely attractive. But then, nothing compares to good ol' KL in everything from food to fun. Right? RIGHT? *sings Negaraku*
[Do I get a medal for being patriotic?? Hey! We were singing Negaraku and Duli Yang Maha Mulia on the sidewalks of Singapore ok? At the top of our lungs too! At 12 a.m.! And no. We were NOT drunk.]
All the same it was fun. Mainly coz we cousins got to be together after so long. And it WAS a change of scenery (more good-looking *ahem* "sights" to see.. hehe).
Don't regret it though. I've never had so much fun being bored in my life :D
Anyway, about Singapore. I have only one thing to say: If you don't have the money to spend, DON'T BOTHER. Seriously, the only thing worth doing there is shopping and if you ain't got the money, there is absolutely no point. All it'll do is make you heartsick.
The thing about Singapore is, once you've seen the attractions, there isn't much else to do. Well, maybe except for the nightlife. But it's frustrating when you're underaged (and your mum doesn't trust FIVE teenagers to walk the less than 1 km from Orchard Road to the apartment).
Oh and travelling with adults? BIG no no. They're more confused than your average teenager. Honest! See, we made plans about what we were going to do, when we were gonna do it... and then one aunt had to have her say, and another..... Well you can guess what happened. All our plans got screwed up and we ended up not doing what we wanted to do in the first place. Sigh.
Anyway, here's what we did...
Arrived around 3 p.m. Ate and enormous Nyonya tea and dinner prepared by my absolutely smashing chef of an aunt (she's not a chef, really, but she should be :P).
Went to Orchard Road just to browse around. Hoped to find a good bistro or two but ended up in Starbucks instead. Sad.
Had lunch in this place that claimed to sell "Ampang Yong Tau Foo". Grrr. Talk about taking a name in vain! Oh horror of horrors! Tasted more like keropok dipped in sauce. Ugh.
Went to the Singpore National Zoo. Whoopee. Would have been quite fun if it hadn't poured cats and dogs the whole way through. Saw some really adorable animals - namely meerkats and jaguar cubs. If I get those pics, I'll post 'em up.
Clarke Quay at night. They've closed down the theme park and it's now all cafes, pubs and restaurants. Oh and a bungee thingy. Which snaps you up into the air without warning. Pretty scary stuff. But none of us could go on it coz we'd eaten too much for dinner. Heehee. Had to go back early though - my six year old cousin needed her beauty sleep. Sigh.
Church in the morning. Church of the Holy Cross, to be exact. The mass was pretty good; lovely church. And after mass we spotted an even lovelier boy :) Brown hair, grey eyes and a bod to die for *swoons*. Damn, I wish we'd followed him. But then again, feet versus bikes? No match.
Orchard Road in the afternoon. Borders, to be precise. Got 3 books for the price of two. Damn good bargain, I think :D And that place..! I wouldn't mind being locked in if a couple of lights were on *winks* Hung out at Starbucks. Again.
We spent the remainder of the afternoon trying to accost Singapore teenagers just to find out what the hell there is to do in Singapore!
The first lot we tried thought we were surveyors (or whatever they're called) and looked so scared that we all nearly died trying not to laugh. AND they had to keep on insisting that they thought we were Singaporean! Poor Dave had to actually get out his IC and show them the "MALAYSIA" written in huge letters AND the Malaysian flag at the corner before they believed us. Poor souls. Must've thought we were pranksters or something.
The next two we cornered pretty much summed it up: Singapore is a BORING country! Concise and accurate. I thank them for not wasting out time *laughs wickedly* [Disclaimer: This particular sentence was said by two SINGAPOREAN teenagers.]
ung out at this IndoChine restaurant in Holland Village that night. The Bailey's milkshake was heaven! And the food was pretty darn good too.
Great World Plaza in the afternoon - had some REALLY odd Italian food. Went to the East Coast Park after that. Cycled for about an hour. Dave tried some silly stunt and made me fall of my bike and Ting nearly ran over my fingers!!!! Surprisingly, I didn't get a single cut or bruise, although my right knee hurts like hell. Oh well. Twas funny anyway *grins*
At night? Orchard Road. AGAIN! Went back to Borders. Picked up 2 more books and Westlife's Live in Stockholm DVD. Couldn't decide where to go after that. Ended up walking quite a bit of the way up Orchard Road and turning back. Took an hour to get back to the apartment from Borders. Way to kill the legs.
And the next day it was back to KL :) One observation about Singaporeans though... They either speak really awful English, or they put on a horribly fake accent. At least those we came in contact with. I know not everyone's like that but ugh! You're Asian. Don't try to be something you're not. Oh, and the food SUCKS. Give me good ol' Malaysian food anytime. Ampang Yong Tau Foo indeed.
Singapore is very well organized. I like the atmosphere of the place. Maybe it's the trees...? And while it IS a concrete jungle, the architecture of the buildings make it extremely attractive. But then, nothing compares to good ol' KL in everything from food to fun. Right? RIGHT? *sings Negaraku*
[Do I get a medal for being patriotic?? Hey! We were singing Negaraku and Duli Yang Maha Mulia on the sidewalks of Singapore ok? At the top of our lungs too! At 12 a.m.! And no. We were NOT drunk.]
All the same it was fun. Mainly coz we cousins got to be together after so long. And it WAS a change of scenery (more good-looking *ahem* "sights" to see.. hehe).
Don't regret it though. I've never had so much fun being bored in my life :D
Friday, December 17, 2004
I haven't posted for a week. How odd.
Well, maybe not THAT odd. Considering that I've hardly been in the house at all since last Friday. Was in my cousins' place til Sunday, and out every day after that. I will also be going to Singapore for 5 days. Tomorrow. In less than 12 hours time. Yeeha.
Friday - Stayed over at Yin-Ting's place. Went mamak-ing with Sharm-o, Em, Steph, Ted, Dave and Sheryll. Stayed up talking, playing "good points-bad points" with the cuzzies til approx 6.30 a.m. next day. As per usual.
Saturday - Got up late, 1 something p.m. if my brain is working right. Went to Amcorp. Wasted my money on BrIan McFadden's debut album. (The guy's a whiner - no wonder he was never my favourite 'Lifer *rolls eyes*).
Dragged Duaney (my Aussie cousin who's 23 and shouldn't be called Duaney with a "Y", but I can't help it :P) along to Piccolo Mondo (or was it L'Opera?) at night. FINALLY got to see them forumers after ages and ages. And I got to see the Face behind the Stinger *grins*
Tried watching "Exorcist - The Beginning" but fell asleep less than 20 minutes into the show. Whooo. Says a LOT about that show, no? :)
Sunday - Saw Duaney and Aunty Avril for last time before they went to the USA. I must say I'll miss them. It's strange not knowing the cousins on me dad's side as well as I do those on my mum's. But Duane's an awesome guy - he learnt quite a bit of Malay in one night. *applauds* Good on ya, Duaney boi! *grins*
Yin and Ting stayed over at my place. Watched Deep Blue Sea first (Thomas Jane is HOT! *drools*) and Psycho back to back. Strangely enough, my DAD was the one who wanted to watch it. At 2 a.m. With us gorging on a bowl of chocolates right next to him. I think my dad needs a check up. Not normal behaviour. At all.
Monday - Went to Red Box with Yin, Ting, Dave and Sharm. Verdict: I canNOT sing anything more difficult than Mary Had A Little Lamb. Sharmy has incredible voice control. And David can sing. When he deigns to do it properly, of course. Poor Yin and Ting... We hogged the mic for WAY too long. Oh well. They got their own back with 'em Chinese songs. The three of us didn't understand a WORD :) Well... except maybe for "wo". Haha.
Tuesday - Had my hair highlighted. Yeah yeah. Got my dad to see that highlighting it ONCE won't give me cancer. Huh. I think the hairdresser must've been stoned or something, though. My hair doesn't really look dyed until I tie it up. Yep - that's right. She put more dye on the hairs that are hidden than the ones on top :P I can tell ya, it looks right weird. *rofl*
Wednesday - One of the best days of my holidays yet. Went to KLCC with Ju, Jen, Ee May and Xin Yi. Saw Ocean's Twelve. Checked out AND rated guys (no one higher than an 8, quite disappointingly :P)
But the second best part of the day was (the first being meeting up with the whole gang again after so many failed attempts at coordinating schedules... :P) the trip to Kinokuniya. I've FINALLY added to my Tolkien collection AND got the final installment of LOTR - The Return of the King extended version!!!! Woooohooo! All in all, a VERY good days shopping. Hehe.
Saw Kenny, Kok Hou and Michael at the Christmas do at Glad Tidings. Had a ton of fun there too. Those guys are insane. We were screaming, they kept on giving standing ovations. Needless to say: Center Of Attention :D I love Juwita Suwito's voice.
And the keyboardist - Eric Lee, I think his name was - was... *sighs dreamily*. Haha. Okay, I'm exaggerating. But he WAS good. Purely from a pianist's point of view, of course. Didn't see him close enough to include... *ahem*... other perspectives. *winks* Took photos with Jac and Nikki. Met Fiona too - that was good :)
Today - Washed the porch with mum and David. Did you know that if you hold a hose pointed up vertically the water falls like rain?? Heehee. We sprayed mum too - and she actually enjoyed it! Have I said I have a cool mum before? No? Well I'll say it now. MY MUM IS THE COOLEST!!! She also took me to see the Incredibles. Now I'm no longer in the group of "sesated" people who haven't seen it at least once. Haha.
So you see? Ain't that ample reason NOT to have blogged for so long? And to write a whole long bit of crap? Eh?
You may answer honestly. Especially since you've read this far. REALLY read. Not merely read the first line and skipped the rest til here.
*grins mischieviously*
Oh you wouldn't do that, now, would you?
Well, maybe not THAT odd. Considering that I've hardly been in the house at all since last Friday. Was in my cousins' place til Sunday, and out every day after that. I will also be going to Singapore for 5 days. Tomorrow. In less than 12 hours time. Yeeha.
Friday - Stayed over at Yin-Ting's place. Went mamak-ing with Sharm-o, Em, Steph, Ted, Dave and Sheryll. Stayed up talking, playing "good points-bad points" with the cuzzies til approx 6.30 a.m. next day. As per usual.
Saturday - Got up late, 1 something p.m. if my brain is working right. Went to Amcorp. Wasted my money on BrIan McFadden's debut album. (The guy's a whiner - no wonder he was never my favourite 'Lifer *rolls eyes*).
Dragged Duaney (my Aussie cousin who's 23 and shouldn't be called Duaney with a "Y", but I can't help it :P) along to Piccolo Mondo (or was it L'Opera?) at night. FINALLY got to see them forumers after ages and ages. And I got to see the Face behind the Stinger *grins*
Tried watching "Exorcist - The Beginning" but fell asleep less than 20 minutes into the show. Whooo. Says a LOT about that show, no? :)
Sunday - Saw Duaney and Aunty Avril for last time before they went to the USA. I must say I'll miss them. It's strange not knowing the cousins on me dad's side as well as I do those on my mum's. But Duane's an awesome guy - he learnt quite a bit of Malay in one night. *applauds* Good on ya, Duaney boi! *grins*
Yin and Ting stayed over at my place. Watched Deep Blue Sea first (Thomas Jane is HOT! *drools*) and Psycho back to back. Strangely enough, my DAD was the one who wanted to watch it. At 2 a.m. With us gorging on a bowl of chocolates right next to him. I think my dad needs a check up. Not normal behaviour. At all.
Monday - Went to Red Box with Yin, Ting, Dave and Sharm. Verdict: I canNOT sing anything more difficult than Mary Had A Little Lamb. Sharmy has incredible voice control. And David can sing. When he deigns to do it properly, of course. Poor Yin and Ting... We hogged the mic for WAY too long. Oh well. They got their own back with 'em Chinese songs. The three of us didn't understand a WORD :) Well... except maybe for "wo". Haha.
Tuesday - Had my hair highlighted. Yeah yeah. Got my dad to see that highlighting it ONCE won't give me cancer. Huh. I think the hairdresser must've been stoned or something, though. My hair doesn't really look dyed until I tie it up. Yep - that's right. She put more dye on the hairs that are hidden than the ones on top :P I can tell ya, it looks right weird. *rofl*
Wednesday - One of the best days of my holidays yet. Went to KLCC with Ju, Jen, Ee May and Xin Yi. Saw Ocean's Twelve. Checked out AND rated guys (no one higher than an 8, quite disappointingly :P)
But the second best part of the day was (the first being meeting up with the whole gang again after so many failed attempts at coordinating schedules... :P) the trip to Kinokuniya. I've FINALLY added to my Tolkien collection AND got the final installment of LOTR - The Return of the King extended version!!!! Woooohooo! All in all, a VERY good days shopping. Hehe.
Saw Kenny, Kok Hou and Michael at the Christmas do at Glad Tidings. Had a ton of fun there too. Those guys are insane. We were screaming, they kept on giving standing ovations. Needless to say: Center Of Attention :D I love Juwita Suwito's voice.
And the keyboardist - Eric Lee, I think his name was - was... *sighs dreamily*. Haha. Okay, I'm exaggerating. But he WAS good. Purely from a pianist's point of view, of course. Didn't see him close enough to include... *ahem*... other perspectives. *winks* Took photos with Jac and Nikki. Met Fiona too - that was good :)
Today - Washed the porch with mum and David. Did you know that if you hold a hose pointed up vertically the water falls like rain?? Heehee. We sprayed mum too - and she actually enjoyed it! Have I said I have a cool mum before? No? Well I'll say it now. MY MUM IS THE COOLEST!!! She also took me to see the Incredibles. Now I'm no longer in the group of "sesated" people who haven't seen it at least once. Haha.
So you see? Ain't that ample reason NOT to have blogged for so long? And to write a whole long bit of crap? Eh?
You may answer honestly. Especially since you've read this far. REALLY read. Not merely read the first line and skipped the rest til here.
*grins mischieviously*
Oh you wouldn't do that, now, would you?
Friday, December 10, 2004
A to Zs (Random)
Another random survey from Friendster..
Addictions: Chocolates, books, my compilations, TV, the comp, blogging
Bra Size: Um. It's definitely NOT 32A *grins*
Career choice: Sigh. Dentist it is.
Dream date: I can't decide between a cozy, dimly lit restaurant or a moonlight walk on the beach or just lying back and gazing at the stars....
Extracurricular activities: Reading (er.. that IS extracurricular right? :P), being totally glued to the idiot box, killing my eyes by being on the comp too long for my own good, going out with either friends or cousins
Friends (best): See post on "My Friends" and the picture under "Strange"
Grossest habit: Um.. I chew on my nails whenever I'm bored, I wear the same pair of shorts at least 3 times before washing 'em. Haha.
How old are you: 17. Going to be 18 in 2 months or so. Yippeee.
I live: In a dusty, dirty "little" town... Where the town council is obsessed with obliterating greenery and replacing it with gaudy lights. Not much to shout about, but it's all I've known and even though I don't like it all that much, I'm still emotionally attached to it, so.. yeah :)
Jobs held: David's personal assistant, maid, gofer
Kid closest to you: May.. my babiest of the baby cousins :)
Last place you visited: One Utama. My feet still bear the scars. Hehe.
Mother's Name: Audrey
Number of languages you speak: *sobs* Two.
Oldest memory: Me attempting to run away after having a fight with my parents. I was.. 3 years old. Yes. Three.
Pets: None. NONE! *cries* I want a doggie!!! :(
Quick fact: I find Colin Firth sexier than say.. Tom Cruise? :D
Rich or poor: Well.. duh. But I'm not fussy either way.
Sports played: Netball, bowling, swimming, a little badminton and a tiny bit of football a LONG LONG time ago.
Time of year you prefer: The Christmas season.. Love the holiday cheer.
Ugliest quality: My impatience and temper
Volunteer recently?: To do what?
Weather outside: Pretty good.. for the rainy season.
X is for: X Men! (Yeah.. I'm a lame-o maniac.. I admit it ;P)
Yearly events you look forward to: Birthday, Christmas, any holiday :P
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Addictions: Chocolates, books, my compilations, TV, the comp, blogging
Bra Size: Um. It's definitely NOT 32A *grins*
Career choice: Sigh. Dentist it is.
Dream date: I can't decide between a cozy, dimly lit restaurant or a moonlight walk on the beach or just lying back and gazing at the stars....
Extracurricular activities: Reading (er.. that IS extracurricular right? :P), being totally glued to the idiot box, killing my eyes by being on the comp too long for my own good, going out with either friends or cousins
Friends (best): See post on "My Friends" and the picture under "Strange"
Grossest habit: Um.. I chew on my nails whenever I'm bored, I wear the same pair of shorts at least 3 times before washing 'em. Haha.
How old are you: 17. Going to be 18 in 2 months or so. Yippeee.
I live: In a dusty, dirty "little" town... Where the town council is obsessed with obliterating greenery and replacing it with gaudy lights. Not much to shout about, but it's all I've known and even though I don't like it all that much, I'm still emotionally attached to it, so.. yeah :)
Jobs held: David's personal assistant, maid, gofer
Kid closest to you: May.. my babiest of the baby cousins :)
Last place you visited: One Utama. My feet still bear the scars. Hehe.
Mother's Name: Audrey
Number of languages you speak: *sobs* Two.
Oldest memory: Me attempting to run away after having a fight with my parents. I was.. 3 years old. Yes. Three.
Pets: None. NONE! *cries* I want a doggie!!! :(
Quick fact: I find Colin Firth sexier than say.. Tom Cruise? :D
Rich or poor: Well.. duh. But I'm not fussy either way.
Sports played: Netball, bowling, swimming, a little badminton and a tiny bit of football a LONG LONG time ago.
Time of year you prefer: The Christmas season.. Love the holiday cheer.
Ugliest quality: My impatience and temper
Volunteer recently?: To do what?
Weather outside: Pretty good.. for the rainy season.
X is for: X Men! (Yeah.. I'm a lame-o maniac.. I admit it ;P)
Yearly events you look forward to: Birthday, Christmas, any holiday :P
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Shop Shop Shop!
Boy. I am whacked.
Was out shopping from 10 this morning... left the mall at about 6.30 p.m. My feet hurt like HELL. Okay, so that was my own stupid fault.
Lesson for the day : NEVER wear heels when going shopping. No matter how comfortable they are.
The reason I went on this shopping trip was to upgrade my wardrobe. Hah! And what did I end up doing? Buying stuff for everyone else except myself. *sniffles*. Sigh. At least I've finished my batch of Christmas shopping.
Oh wait. DARN! I forgot about David! Eeks. Initially wanted to get for him *ahem* Calvin Klein underpants (yes Dave, we remember ;P) but mum said unless he was going to do a Superman, it wasn't worth paying RM75 for 'em. And I must say... I had to agree. Haha :D What to get for him ah? Sigh. No ideas la... :S
One consolation though - I got a dress from the tailor's and mum allowed me to make another and a skirt, so yeah. The day's not completely wasted.
To tell you the truth, the main reason WHY I never bought anything was - simply - that I'm just too lazy. It's such a bother to try on stuff (more than half of which don't fit for some *ahem* reason). Clothes in Malaysia are made for girls with size 20 waistlines and 32A chest sizes. Really. Ask any girl who doesn't have either one of the above and they'll tell you the same. S'no wonder I don't bother buying clothes anymore. If one part fits, the other doesn't. *shakes head ruefully*.
Ooh! Mum and I saw something really cool in One Utama today. There was this instrumental group from Ecuador.. Native Americans with the head-dresses and everything!. They were promoting their albums by playing some songs. It was SO good! The music was.. haunting, I think's the word. I love the sound of the panflute. Oooh *sighs*. Mum bought a couple of their CDs and a DVD. I'm really looking forward to watching that DVD.
All right. 'Nuff. I talk too much sometimes. Sigh.
Someone tie my hands up!!!
Was out shopping from 10 this morning... left the mall at about 6.30 p.m. My feet hurt like HELL. Okay, so that was my own stupid fault.
Lesson for the day : NEVER wear heels when going shopping. No matter how comfortable they are.
The reason I went on this shopping trip was to upgrade my wardrobe. Hah! And what did I end up doing? Buying stuff for everyone else except myself. *sniffles*. Sigh. At least I've finished my batch of Christmas shopping.
Oh wait. DARN! I forgot about David! Eeks. Initially wanted to get for him *ahem* Calvin Klein underpants (yes Dave, we remember ;P) but mum said unless he was going to do a Superman, it wasn't worth paying RM75 for 'em. And I must say... I had to agree. Haha :D What to get for him ah? Sigh. No ideas la... :S
One consolation though - I got a dress from the tailor's and mum allowed me to make another and a skirt, so yeah. The day's not completely wasted.
To tell you the truth, the main reason WHY I never bought anything was - simply - that I'm just too lazy. It's such a bother to try on stuff (more than half of which don't fit for some *ahem* reason). Clothes in Malaysia are made for girls with size 20 waistlines and 32A chest sizes. Really. Ask any girl who doesn't have either one of the above and they'll tell you the same. S'no wonder I don't bother buying clothes anymore. If one part fits, the other doesn't. *shakes head ruefully*.
Ooh! Mum and I saw something really cool in One Utama today. There was this instrumental group from Ecuador.. Native Americans with the head-dresses and everything!. They were promoting their albums by playing some songs. It was SO good! The music was.. haunting, I think's the word. I love the sound of the panflute. Oooh *sighs*. Mum bought a couple of their CDs and a DVD. I'm really looking forward to watching that DVD.
All right. 'Nuff. I talk too much sometimes. Sigh.
Someone tie my hands up!!!
Thursday, December 09, 2004
No More Books!! *sobs*
This week has been one "disaster" after another. Shopping trips with mum have been deferred, plans to go to KLCC have been postponed (yet again :P), I have now run out of books to read AND my dad has refused to allow me to dye my hair based on the fact that "it is carcinogenic... you'll get cancer!!"
Right. Cancer. By colouring my hair - once. And I always thought it was the build up of the stuff that gets to you *rolls eyes*. Ah well. One can never argue with parents. It's a lose-lose situation, so why bother.
I'm DYING to get my hands on the remaining Tolkien books!!! I think I'm going to rot until next Wednesday when we (hopefully) finally make it to Kinokuniya. Sigh. Coordinating the schedules of 5 people is HARD. I think we've wasted a whole bunch of credit on just PLANNING this outing. Geesh. Yeah yeah. Anyone got lives on offer? Methinks we (at least I) need some.
Oooh the feeling of being book-less! It tears at your soul! Um.. well, not really. But I AM facing the prospect of very long and boring nights. Aiks. Not good for day.. or "night".. dream control.
Okay. I am VERY hungry now. Don't know why. So I'm going to go look for something to eat.
Then I'll have to figure out what to do with my poor book-less self for the next two or three days at least.
Being a bookworm can suck, sometimes :(
This week has been one "disaster" after another. Shopping trips with mum have been deferred, plans to go to KLCC have been postponed (yet again :P), I have now run out of books to read AND my dad has refused to allow me to dye my hair based on the fact that "it is carcinogenic... you'll get cancer!!"
Right. Cancer. By colouring my hair - once. And I always thought it was the build up of the stuff that gets to you *rolls eyes*. Ah well. One can never argue with parents. It's a lose-lose situation, so why bother.
I'm DYING to get my hands on the remaining Tolkien books!!! I think I'm going to rot until next Wednesday when we (hopefully) finally make it to Kinokuniya. Sigh. Coordinating the schedules of 5 people is HARD. I think we've wasted a whole bunch of credit on just PLANNING this outing. Geesh. Yeah yeah. Anyone got lives on offer? Methinks we (at least I) need some.
Oooh the feeling of being book-less! It tears at your soul! Um.. well, not really. But I AM facing the prospect of very long and boring nights. Aiks. Not good for day.. or "night".. dream control.
Okay. I am VERY hungry now. Don't know why. So I'm going to go look for something to eat.
Then I'll have to figure out what to do with my poor book-less self for the next two or three days at least.
Being a bookworm can suck, sometimes :(
I've Finally Read It And...
I just finished reading the Da Vinci Code.
Just like my friends said, it was "unput-downable". The pace and imagination made a cover-to-cover read in one sitting possible (I finished it in just under five hours... um, yeah.. I know I'm mad). Whatever else may be said, Dan Brown is a fantastic writer. And the subject matter was fascinating.
But that brings me to another point.
Where is the line between fact and fiction? How do we know what is twisted, what is straightforward or what is simply a figment of the author's imagination? It's almost impossible to tell. More so since the content is... controversial at best.
As a reader, it was an incredibly thrilling ride. But as a Christian, it did feel more than a little uncomfortable. Even treating it as fiction didn't take away the distaste that the implications brought about. Regardless of whether it was fiction or not, something sacred was being... degraded, if you will.
Oh heck. The reality of it is, the book is written in such a way that, even when such thoughts pass through your head, you wonder... Is what I'm feeling based on truth or what I merely believe to be the truth? Because the bottom line is, it screws with your head. Horror and fascination are not as far apart as we like to think they are.
I've had friends who asked me to read the book then tell them what I think. It's a excellent piece of writing, no question there. But I'd take it as what it is - a novel centering around an enormously controversial conspiracy theory. Nothing more.
Don't question your faith based on a book. If you do, then... I guess it wasn't faith in the first place.
To those who've read it or have yet to, take what it says with a pinch of salt. After all it IS first and foremost a novel.
(I found this article quite interesting. IF you can't accept the book merely as a work of fiction, just take a look. It'll give you a different perspective. I'm in no position to say if it's any more accurate than the DVC, but check it out if just to quell your curiousity : . No harm doing so.)
Just like my friends said, it was "unput-downable". The pace and imagination made a cover-to-cover read in one sitting possible (I finished it in just under five hours... um, yeah.. I know I'm mad). Whatever else may be said, Dan Brown is a fantastic writer. And the subject matter was fascinating.
But that brings me to another point.
Where is the line between fact and fiction? How do we know what is twisted, what is straightforward or what is simply a figment of the author's imagination? It's almost impossible to tell. More so since the content is... controversial at best.
As a reader, it was an incredibly thrilling ride. But as a Christian, it did feel more than a little uncomfortable. Even treating it as fiction didn't take away the distaste that the implications brought about. Regardless of whether it was fiction or not, something sacred was being... degraded, if you will.
Oh heck. The reality of it is, the book is written in such a way that, even when such thoughts pass through your head, you wonder... Is what I'm feeling based on truth or what I merely believe to be the truth? Because the bottom line is, it screws with your head. Horror and fascination are not as far apart as we like to think they are.
I've had friends who asked me to read the book then tell them what I think. It's a excellent piece of writing, no question there. But I'd take it as what it is - a novel centering around an enormously controversial conspiracy theory. Nothing more.
Don't question your faith based on a book. If you do, then... I guess it wasn't faith in the first place.
To those who've read it or have yet to, take what it says with a pinch of salt. After all it IS first and foremost a novel.
(I found this article quite interesting. IF you can't accept the book merely as a work of fiction, just take a look. It'll give you a different perspective. I'm in no position to say if it's any more accurate than the DVC, but check it out if just to quell your curiousity : . No harm doing so.)
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
This is Strange..

Back (L to R): Elaine, Jenna, Michelle, Shih Ping, Ju Li
Front (L to R): Jill Ann, Hooi Ping, Ee May, Priya
This picture happens to be part of the Form 5 section of our school mag's Editorial Board.
Okay.. This is the strange part:
1. Michelle was my best friend in kindergarten.
2. Jill Ann was my best friend in primary school.
3. Hooi Ping and 2 other girls were my best pals in Lower Sec.
4. The others are part of Insanely Sane - my "gang" now (Only exception is Xin Yi).
Now how much of a coincidence is that? I think it's majorly cool.
Don't you??
Today was spring cleaning day.
I honestly had no idea that so much dust had collected on top of my cupboards. Talk about the best way to have a sneezing fit. I'm just glad I didn't tumble off the ladder!
Oooh! And it was such a marvellous feeling... dumping EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of my textbooks, workbooks, reference books.. in David's room. HAH! Now I have ample space for my book collection. Which, I might add, is going to be increasing significantly. Very, VERY soon. If I have my way, that is. Hehe.
Went through my wardrobe too. Aiks. I think I've taken out more than half the clothes to give away. I haven't used so many of them for a long, long time. They've just been sitting there and rotting. Funny thing is, most of my clothes were bought at least 3 years back. I hardly have any new ones. Even stranger still, I can still wear some of the stuff I had way back in primary school. It's either I was horribly fat in primary school OR I'm now thinner than I used to be. Or else I didn't grow. At all. Damn.
Watch BJ-The Edge of Reason last night. And I was just thinking... Wouldn't it be great if the stuff that happens to Bridget Jones actually happened in real life? I mean, where you can be the world's biggest screw-up AND still have people falling at your feet?
Anyway. Far as movies go, it sucked. The story line was crap. The whole thing basically rambled on from one thing to another.
BUT. I enjoyed it all the same. And why? Because Colin Firth is an INCREDIBLY sexy man! Hey, I may be young enough to be his daughter but there's no denying the fact that he is. He's sexier than Hugh Grant. I'm serious!!! I mean, fine. He ain't HANDSOME or anything. But damn! The man just OOZES sex appeal.
Now, don't go all frigid on me. I'm being perfectly honest here. *grins* (Or maybe I'm taking this older guy thing a tad too far.... lol).
Okay. I should stop before I furthur horrify the people who deign to read this. Lol.
Colin Firth.. Colin Firth.. Colin Firth..
I honestly had no idea that so much dust had collected on top of my cupboards. Talk about the best way to have a sneezing fit. I'm just glad I didn't tumble off the ladder!
Oooh! And it was such a marvellous feeling... dumping EVERY.SINGLE.ONE of my textbooks, workbooks, reference books.. in David's room. HAH! Now I have ample space for my book collection. Which, I might add, is going to be increasing significantly. Very, VERY soon. If I have my way, that is. Hehe.
Went through my wardrobe too. Aiks. I think I've taken out more than half the clothes to give away. I haven't used so many of them for a long, long time. They've just been sitting there and rotting. Funny thing is, most of my clothes were bought at least 3 years back. I hardly have any new ones. Even stranger still, I can still wear some of the stuff I had way back in primary school. It's either I was horribly fat in primary school OR I'm now thinner than I used to be. Or else I didn't grow. At all. Damn.
Watch BJ-The Edge of Reason last night. And I was just thinking... Wouldn't it be great if the stuff that happens to Bridget Jones actually happened in real life? I mean, where you can be the world's biggest screw-up AND still have people falling at your feet?
Anyway. Far as movies go, it sucked. The story line was crap. The whole thing basically rambled on from one thing to another.
BUT. I enjoyed it all the same. And why? Because Colin Firth is an INCREDIBLY sexy man! Hey, I may be young enough to be his daughter but there's no denying the fact that he is. He's sexier than Hugh Grant. I'm serious!!! I mean, fine. He ain't HANDSOME or anything. But damn! The man just OOZES sex appeal.
Now, don't go all frigid on me. I'm being perfectly honest here. *grins* (Or maybe I'm taking this older guy thing a tad too far.... lol).
Okay. I should stop before I furthur horrify the people who deign to read this. Lol.
Colin Firth.. Colin Firth.. Colin Firth..
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Mary's Dream
I had a dream, Joseph.
I don't understand it, not really,
but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our Son.
I think that was what it was all about.
The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks.
They had decorated the house and bought elaborate gifts.
It was peculiar, though because the presents weren't for our Son.
They wrapped them in beautiful paper and
tied them with lovely bows and stacked them under a tree.
Yes, a tree Joseph, right in their house.
They had decorated the tree also.
The branches were full of glowing balls and sparkling ornaments.
There was a figure on top of the tree.
It looked like an Angel.
Oh it was beautiful.
Everyone was laughing and happy.
They were all excited about the gifts.
They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph,
not to our Son.
I don't think they even knew Him.
They never mentioned His name.
Doesn't it seem odd for people to go to all that trouble
to celebrate someone's birthday
if they don't know Him?
I had the strangest feeling that
if our Son had gone to this celebration,
He would have been intruding.
Everything was so beautiful, Joseph,
and everyone so full of cheer,
but it made me want to cry.
How sad for Jesus not to be wanted at His own birthday celebration.
I'm glad it was only a dream.
How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real!
I got this from my grandma. Ouch. Seriously, how many of us are guilty of doing this? Is Christmas merely another holiday when we add to our already large collection of gifts (half of which some of us don't use)? Or do we really comprehend and take to heart its meaning? Time to think about that.
I don't understand it, not really,
but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our Son.
I think that was what it was all about.
The people had been preparing for it for about six weeks.
They had decorated the house and bought elaborate gifts.
It was peculiar, though because the presents weren't for our Son.
They wrapped them in beautiful paper and
tied them with lovely bows and stacked them under a tree.
Yes, a tree Joseph, right in their house.
They had decorated the tree also.
The branches were full of glowing balls and sparkling ornaments.
There was a figure on top of the tree.
It looked like an Angel.
Oh it was beautiful.
Everyone was laughing and happy.
They were all excited about the gifts.
They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph,
not to our Son.
I don't think they even knew Him.
They never mentioned His name.
Doesn't it seem odd for people to go to all that trouble
to celebrate someone's birthday
if they don't know Him?
I had the strangest feeling that
if our Son had gone to this celebration,
He would have been intruding.
Everything was so beautiful, Joseph,
and everyone so full of cheer,
but it made me want to cry.
How sad for Jesus not to be wanted at His own birthday celebration.
I'm glad it was only a dream.
How terrible, Joseph, if it had been real!
I got this from my grandma. Ouch. Seriously, how many of us are guilty of doing this? Is Christmas merely another holiday when we add to our already large collection of gifts (half of which some of us don't use)? Or do we really comprehend and take to heart its meaning? Time to think about that.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Post-SPM Delight/Depression
I've been a weird mood this weekend. In limbo between being depressed and really ecstatic. And really tired, on top of the fact that my sleeping patterns have become horribly screwed up. I sleep at 5 wake up at 8. Does that sound really healthy to you? No? Didn't think so.
The reason for the "ecstatic" part is.... Okay, you should be able to guess the first reason. That's right. No more guilt about doing the stuff that I want to do but am not supposed to (although that kinda takes away half the fun.. lol).
The main reason though, is.... I've FINALLY got my OWN handphone. And it's a Nokia 6100. I never for the life of me thought that my mum would agree to it. Thought she'd make me settle for something a little less than 500 bucks. Have I ever said my mum's the coolest, most sporting, fantastical mum EVER? I haven't? Well now you know. (I had to pay half... but even then it's not as expensive as if I were to buy a cheaper phone on my own :P).
The depression?
Okay. Let's put it this way. Now that I have nothing to do, I have more time to think. And the more time I have to think, the more unwanted thoughts decide to creep in and take over. The main reason being, of course, that... that... well, for lack of a better word... idiota that I've been fool enough to have a silly crush on.
Can't believe I actually fooled myself into thinking that we could be friends. Well actually, I didn't. I knew from the start it wasn't going to last. But of course, I chose to hope. Hah. Or wait. That IS fooling myself. Darn.
So. I've learnt my lesson. Hope isn't really a good thing if you have doubts. VALID doubts. It just serves to make the crash back to reality a lot harder to take. And boy. If I hadn't been so busy trying to remember how hormones work, I would have noticed it a long time ago. As it is, it's only hit me now. Boom. Whee.
I'm going to make a resolution. I shall not bother him [damn, this is deja vu. I so feel 10 again :( ]. He wants to talk, he contacts me. Even if he doesn't realize the mess he's caused (all right, so it isn't ALL his fault), I'll feel better about myself if I didn't turn into some stalking, lovesick, duck-brained monkey.
To Dane: Brain me if I EVER mention "Jack" again.
Shih Chung: I think I'll just wait for the right "jeweller". The jeweller's supposed to find the jewel not the other way around, right? ;)
To the rest of the world.. this sums it up:
"I have my OWN soul - My own spark of divine fire!" - Henry Higgins
And now.
To convince myself.
The reason for the "ecstatic" part is.... Okay, you should be able to guess the first reason. That's right. No more guilt about doing the stuff that I want to do but am not supposed to (although that kinda takes away half the fun.. lol).
The main reason though, is.... I've FINALLY got my OWN handphone. And it's a Nokia 6100. I never for the life of me thought that my mum would agree to it. Thought she'd make me settle for something a little less than 500 bucks. Have I ever said my mum's the coolest, most sporting, fantastical mum EVER? I haven't? Well now you know. (I had to pay half... but even then it's not as expensive as if I were to buy a cheaper phone on my own :P).
The depression?
Okay. Let's put it this way. Now that I have nothing to do, I have more time to think. And the more time I have to think, the more unwanted thoughts decide to creep in and take over. The main reason being, of course, that... that... well, for lack of a better word... idiota that I've been fool enough to have a silly crush on.
Can't believe I actually fooled myself into thinking that we could be friends. Well actually, I didn't. I knew from the start it wasn't going to last. But of course, I chose to hope. Hah. Or wait. That IS fooling myself. Darn.
So. I've learnt my lesson. Hope isn't really a good thing if you have doubts. VALID doubts. It just serves to make the crash back to reality a lot harder to take. And boy. If I hadn't been so busy trying to remember how hormones work, I would have noticed it a long time ago. As it is, it's only hit me now. Boom. Whee.
I'm going to make a resolution. I shall not bother him [damn, this is deja vu. I so feel 10 again :( ]. He wants to talk, he contacts me. Even if he doesn't realize the mess he's caused (all right, so it isn't ALL his fault), I'll feel better about myself if I didn't turn into some stalking, lovesick, duck-brained monkey.
To Dane: Brain me if I EVER mention "Jack" again.
Shih Chung: I think I'll just wait for the right "jeweller". The jeweller's supposed to find the jewel not the other way around, right? ;)
To the rest of the world.. this sums it up:
"I have my OWN soul - My own spark of divine fire!" - Henry Higgins
And now.
To convince myself.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Why Indians Can't Be Terrorists
I found this on Friendster and it was really rather amusing. I hope you keep an open-mind while reading this. It's merely a look at the behavioral patterns of Indians. Spot on in most, methinks. And before anyone questions how I would know.... I am an Indian. Don't look it, but I am. Well, half of me is anyway. And it says "Indian" on my IC, passport, school documents, whatever... So yeah. This is not being derogatory or anything. So chill and try and see the funny side ;)
1. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights.
2. Pretty girls on the plane would distract us.
3. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.
4. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.
5. We talk with our hands, therefore we would have to put our weapons down.
6. We would ALL want to fly the plane.
7. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.
8. We can't keep a secret, we would have told everyone a week before doing it.
9. We would have put our country's flag on the windshield.
And last but not least...
10. We would have all lined up to get our photograph taken by one of the hostages.
1. We are always late, we would have missed all 4 flights.
2. Pretty girls on the plane would distract us.
3. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.
4. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.
5. We talk with our hands, therefore we would have to put our weapons down.
6. We would ALL want to fly the plane.
7. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.
8. We can't keep a secret, we would have told everyone a week before doing it.
9. We would have put our country's flag on the windshield.
And last but not least...
10. We would have all lined up to get our photograph taken by one of the hostages.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Now What Do I Do With All This Freedom...
Oh my god.
The fact that I now have total (almost) freedom has yet to sink in. After 3 consecutive months of non-stop studying, NOT studying is feeling a bit strange. I have this awful urge to go pick up my Chemistry book and memorize the Reactivity Series. Or something.
You'd think I'd be a lot happier... Although I AM relieved beyond belief, I thought it'd be more EXHILIRATING than this. But heck. I'm not going to complain. I can now read, go online, watch TV go out, read some more.. All without feeling horribly guilty. (Which I was feeling a lot of during the exams :P)
What HAS hit home though, is that today was the last I got to see of most of the peeps I have known for 5 or more years. That's probably one of the reasons - if not THE reason - the "end of hell" isn't exactly thrilling me too much. Ooh nostalgia.
However, I have spent the time after 3.30 p.m. in a decidedly pleasing manner (eh? hehe). BOOK BORROWING!!!! (With a trip to Swensen's thrown in. I love my mum!! :D)
Unfortunately, I was only allowed to borrow five books. FIVE BOOKS. Shouldn't get me through the weekend. Hmph. I don't care. If I don't get any books tomorrow (me, Ju and Xin Yi are heading to MidValley for some post-SPM fun), I am SO buying some at the Pay Less bookstore in Amcorp Mall. And boy do you really pay less! Of course, they're second hand but whaddaheck eh? They're still readable!
Will have to postpone getting my Tolkien collection til next week. Insanely Sane have plans to either go see The Incredibles or catch and MPO performance. Aaaah bliss. Either one would be just as good :D
All righty. I've written WAAAY more than I originally intended (redundant? :P). Although, that IS usually the case with me anyways. Mistress of "not knowing when to stop". That's me!
I'll now go and catch up on some reading. Or maybe I'll watch Bridget Jones. Heck. I can do anything right now and it won't matter!
Boy, does THAT feel weird!
PS: To Shih Chung... S'ok I know you can count :P And DJ... Whoa girl! You've got a lot of patience eh..? Btw.. Thanks for responding, peeps ;)
The fact that I now have total (almost) freedom has yet to sink in. After 3 consecutive months of non-stop studying, NOT studying is feeling a bit strange. I have this awful urge to go pick up my Chemistry book and memorize the Reactivity Series. Or something.
You'd think I'd be a lot happier... Although I AM relieved beyond belief, I thought it'd be more EXHILIRATING than this. But heck. I'm not going to complain. I can now read, go online, watch TV go out, read some more.. All without feeling horribly guilty. (Which I was feeling a lot of during the exams :P)
What HAS hit home though, is that today was the last I got to see of most of the peeps I have known for 5 or more years. That's probably one of the reasons - if not THE reason - the "end of hell" isn't exactly thrilling me too much. Ooh nostalgia.
However, I have spent the time after 3.30 p.m. in a decidedly pleasing manner (eh? hehe). BOOK BORROWING!!!! (With a trip to Swensen's thrown in. I love my mum!! :D)
Unfortunately, I was only allowed to borrow five books. FIVE BOOKS. Shouldn't get me through the weekend. Hmph. I don't care. If I don't get any books tomorrow (me, Ju and Xin Yi are heading to MidValley for some post-SPM fun), I am SO buying some at the Pay Less bookstore in Amcorp Mall. And boy do you really pay less! Of course, they're second hand but whaddaheck eh? They're still readable!
Will have to postpone getting my Tolkien collection til next week. Insanely Sane have plans to either go see The Incredibles or catch and MPO performance. Aaaah bliss. Either one would be just as good :D
All righty. I've written WAAAY more than I originally intended (redundant? :P). Although, that IS usually the case with me anyways. Mistress of "not knowing when to stop". That's me!
I'll now go and catch up on some reading. Or maybe I'll watch Bridget Jones. Heck. I can do anything right now and it won't matter!
Boy, does THAT feel weird!
PS: To Shih Chung... S'ok I know you can count :P And DJ... Whoa girl! You've got a lot of patience eh..? Btw.. Thanks for responding, peeps ;)
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Final Countdown
And so the Countdown begins. This time tomorrow I will not have a care in the world. Well, okay. Maybe one or two, but that's not the point.
Count with me people. There are officially 22 hours and 30 minutes left of torture.
(I'm only online coz I'm an addict. No computer = Dead Elaine. Really.)
Oh and just to take a leaf out of Ken's book.. er blog? (Hope you don't mind Kenny!!! *puss-in-boots eyes*). If you're reading this (and you must be otherwise you wouldn't see it..), leave a comment. Pleeeaaasssee? Just curious to know who bothers reading this...
And if you're a registered blogger, even better. I like reading ramblings just as much as I like writing 'em. If you have something of substance, so much the better. *grins* Can't say the same for this one but I never claimed to be "deep", anyways, so heck.
All right. I'll go hit the books for THE LAST TIME.
*mutters* 22 hours 29 minutes 15 seconds...
Count with me people. There are officially 22 hours and 30 minutes left of torture.
(I'm only online coz I'm an addict. No computer = Dead Elaine. Really.)
Oh and just to take a leaf out of Ken's book.. er blog? (Hope you don't mind Kenny!!! *puss-in-boots eyes*). If you're reading this (and you must be otherwise you wouldn't see it..), leave a comment. Pleeeaaasssee? Just curious to know who bothers reading this...
And if you're a registered blogger, even better. I like reading ramblings just as much as I like writing 'em. If you have something of substance, so much the better. *grins* Can't say the same for this one but I never claimed to be "deep", anyways, so heck.
All right. I'll go hit the books for THE LAST TIME.
*mutters* 22 hours 29 minutes 15 seconds...
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
SPM Woes
The last day of November. Two days before freedom. You know what's worse than waiting for a month? Knowing that you're so near yet so far from getting out of a living hell. And it is!!! A living hell, that is.
God, this whole thing's taken up so much of my life that I'm even dreaming about it. More like nightmare-ing. (Dreamt I got a whole bunch of Cs and Ds... and a B for English!!! Now tell me that's not a nightmare! Hmph.)
Time just moves so fast... But when it nears the end it slows down to an excruciating pace. So much that I've never wished for a "fast forward" feature so much in my life. Aiks.
Lucky sods who finished today. Damn, I wish I was in the Arts stream!! (Okay, so this one of the VERY few times but.. heck. It ain't fair!!! *whines*)
And the Malaysian Education Ministry is CRUEL! Way to make a student's life harder. Chemistry and Biology as our last papers.
*mutters* Not a moment's peace will they give us. Nooo.. That's just too much to ask. Grrr.
I know griping won't solve nothin', but heck. I've had it up to here *points over head* with exams. Back to back since the end of August. Who dares say that our lovely ol' Gov doesn't have the tiniest bit of a sadistic streak in 'em? Eh? EH? *glares*
You know. I should just go to sleep now so that tomorrow comes faster. But then, after that dream... I don't think I can fall asleep until my eyes force me to. Or I'll feel really guilty. (Ironic, don't you think since I'm wasting time on this blog... *rolls eyes*)
All righty then. I shall go and try to make sense of Termokimia.
God have mercy on me.
God, this whole thing's taken up so much of my life that I'm even dreaming about it. More like nightmare-ing. (Dreamt I got a whole bunch of Cs and Ds... and a B for English!!! Now tell me that's not a nightmare! Hmph.)
Time just moves so fast... But when it nears the end it slows down to an excruciating pace. So much that I've never wished for a "fast forward" feature so much in my life. Aiks.
Lucky sods who finished today. Damn, I wish I was in the Arts stream!! (Okay, so this one of the VERY few times but.. heck. It ain't fair!!! *whines*)
And the Malaysian Education Ministry is CRUEL! Way to make a student's life harder. Chemistry and Biology as our last papers.
*mutters* Not a moment's peace will they give us. Nooo.. That's just too much to ask. Grrr.
I know griping won't solve nothin', but heck. I've had it up to here *points over head* with exams. Back to back since the end of August. Who dares say that our lovely ol' Gov doesn't have the tiniest bit of a sadistic streak in 'em? Eh? EH? *glares*
You know. I should just go to sleep now so that tomorrow comes faster. But then, after that dream... I don't think I can fall asleep until my eyes force me to. Or I'll feel really guilty. (Ironic, don't you think since I'm wasting time on this blog... *rolls eyes*)
All righty then. I shall go and try to make sense of Termokimia.
God have mercy on me.
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