Monday, January 17, 2005

It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day!!!

I've got the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack!!!!!!! WOoooOohOOoooOOoo!!!! :D

*dances around waving CD in the air*

Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I absolutely adore the music! Superb! Magnifique! I'm running out of French words! Wheeeee! Andrew Llyod Webber is a GENIUS! No, he's more than that - he's a SUPER-GENIUS!

(Am I putting in too many exclamation marks? Oops.)

Personal Favourites:

Think of Me
Music of the Night
Angel of Music
The Point of No Return

Oh and Patrick Wilson and Emmy Rossum complement each other REALLY well. PW is a pretty darned good singer, actually. So's ER.

Ooooh BLISS! Goodbye, now. I just HAD to come on and post this. I'm SO happy, you wouldn't believe it. (Okay, so I'm a sad addict. I don't care... I'm luvvin it, baybee! *grins*)

I'll see you 'round. When I can tear myself away from that CD player, that is! Haha.

*waves and skips off*

1 comment:

Jules said...

OI! I WANT CD!!! Lol. Burn burn burn burn BURN!