Thursday, March 24, 2005

Shopping = Feet Killer

Broke my long drought of clothes and bought myself 3 tops and 2 jeans. That's right... JEANS! I finally got TWO pairs that could fit me. A bloody miracle, if you asked me.

Okay, that might sound really pathetic, but jeans have been the bane of my life for ages! If the waist is just nice, the hips won't fit. If it fits the hips, the waist is too huge. Blah. If there's one thing about my Indian heritage that I would gladly give up, it's the thighs. Skinny calves, enormous thighs. Sigh sigh double triple sigh.

But oh well... I got some pretty okay stuff today so I'm satisfied. It's more stuff than I bought the whole of last year put together! So I would say - all in a damn good days work. I'm just glad my mother realized that I was in dire need of a wardrobe update :)

After this.. no more shopping for another 6 months at least. It's a tiring job. Boring, tiring and sometimes completely pointless. Makes you want to break something when an outfit looks nice on the rack and sucks on you, or looks great on you but is not so great on the wallet. Pah.

Okay, whining quota up for the day. Thank GOD I got those jeans!!! :D

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