Saturday, August 20, 2005

I Saw A Rainbow! A WHOLE Rainbow!

I'm in a listy mood again today... Which means my mood is a hell of a lot better than it's been for the past one week.

1. Malaysian jazz bands are pretty darn good!
2. Eric something (forgot his surname) is a FANTASTIC pianist! I'm so jealous! His fingers! Mmmm...
3. I suddenly can't stop thinking about the word "ditzy".
4. I wish we were still young enough to find sneaking out to 7 Eleven exciting.
5. Things never seem as fun when they're done legally. Sigh.
6. The truth really does set you free. Apparently it works in the non-Biblical sense, too.
7. Although the truth hurts like hell.
8. At least I'm not in the dark anymore.
9. Which is a good thing. Right?
10. Okay, back to list.
11. I saw the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my life today! It was a perfect arch across the sky! And people think there's no God...
12. Sending David's friend to tuition in Taman Chi Liung took a good 20 minutes. And this was from my house in Taman Gembira. (Um.. Only Klang folk will get this one, methinks... lol)
13. I miss my friends.
14. I'm lucky to have such great friends - the old AND the new!
15. Have I mentioned that I miss my friends?
16. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a teenage soap opera.
17. The Malaysianized version, that is.
18. My voice still hasn't recovered fully :( I wanna be able to do the high-pitched scream again!!!
19. David's irritating me again. Argh.
20. TING! David's handsomer than Brian. I still say that. Even though I feel like whacking him right now. So there. Hehe.
21. I miss Vinder. Sniffles.
22. I can't believe I still like him. Not after what's been going on.
23. But then again, it isn't his fault. Not really.
24. People should learn to tell someone when they don't have a chance.
25. Leading them on is about the worst thing you could do.
26. Thank God I learnt that this year. THANKS DUSTY!

Hm.. haha. That last one wasn't really part of the list... Just put that in there because you guys are the best peeps I'll ever know. Much much better than the blurcase fellas who come along.

Wheee haaa! I'm sooo much better today! What a relief!

1 comment:

hxt said...

I'm assuming that you were driving?

20 minutes from Taman Happy to Chi Liung? You've gotta be kidding me. *shakes head* A kid on a bicycle could do it in 10! Lol.

Man, you need to learn how to floor the accelerator.