Sunday, September 11, 2005

Insanely Sane and the Citizens Park (correct ah? :P)

Lazy lazy me never thought walking could be so much fun. I've been deflecting exhortations from my poor parents to follow them to the Taman Rakyat in Andalas for ages...

But yesterday, when Ee May asked whether I wanted to go with her, I agreed. In like, 2 seconds flat [not including the time it took to call my dad and ask permission :P]. And seeing as the original plan was to go for breakfast with Jenna and Dav, we convinced those two poor souls to tag along.

So this morning, I got up at 6. Yep, on a Saturday. And saw a message from Jen sent at 2.53 a.m. - "Elaine!! Do you know where my house is or not???" [Yeeesss, Jen :P] And on calling Ee May at 6.50, I found she was still in the shower. Whee. Could've slept an extra half hour. Hmph. Hehe.

Which is what Ee May found Davina doing, when she reached HER house (where I picked them both up from). Our dear dear friend thought that we were JOKING about going for that walk... and promptly proceeded to sleep in! Gah. *knocks Davina's head* I TOLD you I was going to pull up outside your house anyway!

We picked Jen up after Dav took 10 minutes to "brush her teeth" and woohoo! You shoulda seen the - I quote - "pimpin'" gold and white shoes ol' Jen had on! And boy was she in a good mood. All smiley and giggly and ... haha. I don't blame her. I'd be on Cloud 9 too, if the same thing had happened to me.

Anyway, we reached TR without any mishaps (thank God!) and managed to find parking due to excellent, EXCELLENT timing. [Okay, so it was more like pure luck... lol]. My angle sucked, so Ee May - who wanted to try driving a "normal car" for once - re-parked it. Really well, I might add!

So we huffed and we puffed, all the way along the 200 metres or so it took to the foot of the "jungle" trail. Teehee. [What to do, all lazy pigs.. haven't had proper exercise in YEARS! :P] And with much protestation from poor, sleepy Davina, we took the stairs to the trail. Y'know, I had NO idea there were stairs there! Shows how long it's been since I've been there... Ok.

We weren't so much exercising our legs, as we were out mouths, though. And at certain inclines, we thought about ol' Ju and how LUCKY she is to have a group of hunks to help her out, while all we had was.. well.. us. Hmph. Heehee.

Oh and I discovered I can do monkey bars [Harhar I know... Shouldn't be a surprise right? *rolls eyes at Uncle Chris*] First time EVER I've managed to complete the one in Taman Rakyat. Woohooo! Maybe it's all those books I carry to school everyday. More than enough to build muscles, those. Haha.

After a little over half hour, we decided to call it a day. Better not to strain our poor delicate un-exercised selves. And then we proceeded to destroy all the good it'd done. Muahaha. Went to a mamak in Chi Liung and gorged (well, not quite.. :P) ourselves on one apam, one roti canai, nasi lemak and a roti telur. Only Jen abstained. Oh, for a TOUCH of her self-control! [Oi, budak.. did you eat those fruits like we told you to???]

Aaaahhh... Being with Insanely Sane is ALWAYS fun. For some reason we NEVER run out of things to talk about. Which is awesome, and the kind of friendship that's really hard to find. Woohoo! So... In the name of exercise, mamaks and the Insanely Sane spirit, we've decided to make this a weekly affair.

After I complete all those extra Saturdays of school that we're forced to attend. Pah.

Ooh gosh. Can't wait! Insanely Saners rock the house! Or the hill. Or um.. nevermind.

We just rock!


(Pretty obvious that I don't know how to end this eh? :P)


Jules said...

And while you're doing that, do think about poor ol' me who has people like Chris, Tapio, Mandela, Alon, Nikola, Joseph, Ray, Leo, Lenny and Densu to help me out when I need someone.


Ee May said...

Gosh..Jules...has hk turn you into such a bragger!???!

Ee May said...


!jenna! said...

hehe!!! we had so much of fun girls!! (er no i didnt eat them fruits.. was trying to not eat anything to avoid looking like a sack of potatoes in a sari la!!) -which i got reassured that no, i did not hehe-

survivorfreak said...

Good on ya for getting out (presumeably without dad? :P)! Anyway, blog addy's changed. Can get my addy from the profile if ya want.