Saturday, October 08, 2005

Can't think of a title... Blah.

Whoopsie. It's been ages since I've blogged for real. I've got so much to write about, I'm kinda contemplating not writing about it at all! Save me some brain power. Although.. the stuff I write usually doesn't require any. Haha. Double kick for the same old self slamming. I need to cut it out. Like, totally.

[Hey, has anyone ever noticed how easy it is to talk like a bimbo??? Just a random thought.. that probably just made me look pretty damned foolish. Haha!]

My cousins were down over the weekend plus a few days. One from Australia, the other from Singapore. 24 and 17 respectively. Don't think I've had so much fun in a LOOONNNGG time. Although staying up til 2 and getting up at 5.45 completely screwed up my immune system (in other words, I'm a sick duck right now). Goshes. I miss 'em already!!! Darn.

I do have some updates, but they're for Insanely Sane eyes only, so girls. You know where to go! (Jono.. you know this stuff already, so yeah *grins*)

Okay, since I've been tagged by Jenna (and she conveniently took the "physical" out of the question), I'll answer this one. Since I apparently have nothing to say. At this present moment in time.


Seven traits I look for in the opposite sex:

1. Knows his own mind. Will not expect me to lead him by the nose, tell him what to do all the time. That's bloody BORING! He's gotta be his own man, able to function without me around 24/7. Independence is key, folks!

2. Chivalry. Hold doors open, pull out chairs, help you across the drain... Hell, feminism is in but being treated like a lady ain't no crime! Oh yeah. And waiting for a girl to finish her meal before darting off is also a good idea. Just a note. In case some people have no clue.

3. Sense of humour. He's gotta be able to laugh at himself... And ESPECIALLY take the sarcastic remarks that I'll be inclined to throw at him. Coz it's like a reflex with me, sarcasm is. Oh, but first he's actually got to UNDERSTAND that I'm being sarcastic. I've met more than my fair share of duh-brains in my short lifetime. It's NOT funny.

4. Gotta be smarter than me. I don't like explaining things too much. Translating, sure. NOT explaining. Especially when something's so blatantly "in your face" that a blind man could see it.

5. Takes the initiative. I am a staunch believer in the "THE GUY ALWAYS MAKES THE FIRST MOVE" mantra. Yeah yeah. I'm old fashioned. So sue me.

6. Can make me feel secure. Kind of like a protector. Where I know that he'll always stick up for me. That I can hide in his arms and feel like everything's gonna be all right... Bah. I'm a sentimental humbugish blagger. Whatever that is. But I mean it! Sentimental humbugishness and all!

7. How he treats the people around him. Mustn't put others down to make himself look cool. Always willing to the extra mile for a friend. Is the kind who doesn't let a relationship get in the way of friendship... Basically understands the importance of it. Coz no way in hell am I EVER giving up time with my friends or cousins just for one guy. So there! [Haha.. couldn't resist that :P]


Aight! That's 7. I'll probably think of more as I go along... so I'd better stop. Just count your lucky stars that I haven't gone into the specifics! Hooo boy. Now THAT would be long winded.

Okay. Will go now. I need to start thinking more in terms of personal rather than Q&As. This blog is getting DULL, folks! I need to rejuvenate.

Ta babes.


Patt said...

Good luck in hooking up with this ideal man .

survivorfreak said...

WOW. That is really like, obvious cuz. Hehehehe. Oh wow... *speechless*

Yer getting direct, and, uhm. Er, the-guy-who-thinks-her-cousin-is-white, it'd be best to take notice. Lol.