Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nyonya Food Night!

Ah tis time for more pictures! What's the use of being the BBC if we don't produce the evidence? Hehe.. The subject of this particular bunch of pictures is the potluck at Aunty Bee's! :)

For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to see/try Nyonya food before, this is it! I know some of it looks strange as heck, but I can guarantee that it tastes amazing! :)

Sharm and me.. Sarsi advertisment models! And that's Ting - she's a good testament to how good Nyonya food really is! :D

Me and Sharmo again.. Posers betul! :P

We are indeed a very closely-knit group of cousins... Lol. We like squashing up together to take pictures.. it's good for cousinly morale. Hehehe.

And lastly.. I promised you a glimpse of just how many girls there are in the Lim family.. Well, this bunch + the 6 that weren't there.. That's 15 girls, folks. And a measly 6 guys. Hehe! We win by a mile! Wooooh!

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