Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a Short Musing..

It hit me only recently just how different we are - especially in the way we approach the different facets of life. At first, I suppose that was part of the attraction, part of the initial appeal - that he had what I longed to have. But it's slowly dawning on me that if he intimidates me just by being who he is, no matter what happens, I won't be happy. Which is, quite frankly, a ridiculous way to live. It's difficult to remember your strengths when you're faced with a strong embodiment of your weaknesses.. and even harder to face those weaknesses when that embodiment happens to be one you respect and admire. So all things considered, I'm glad I gave myself a well-deserved kick in the rear. Sure will work to save my sanity in the long run. At least until I can be sure enough of who I am to face down that kind of certainty.

And if I have not made a lick of sense, forgive me. I shall endeavour to write something more coherent in the near future. :P


moussemoose said...

sape nih..?? ;)

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, this post makes more sense than your other supposedly more coherent ones. Although I was expecting another dramatic story (probably 2 months from now) this unexpected pragmatism works too. Now you can pay attention to Christian Bell. Or that PS I Love You whatsisname guy. I am.

wild orchid said...

Tell you when I see you, girlie ;) Although I think you already know.. Can't remember if I told you or not..

Er. Who is Christian Bell? Lol... And the whatsisname guy's name is GERARD BUTLER! How can you forget, Jujubessss!!! :'(


wild orchid said...

Oooh. Just spotted something else - I rarely claim to write anything that can be remotely described as coherent, Jubes :P

moussemoose said...

when she said christian bell i was thinking of.......... christian bale. or jamie bell.

or both.

does it happen to concern... cincaluk? like, you know, kabeesh kabeesh, throw in paus and curry and wahlah!

Anonymous said...

FYI to both of you. Christian Bell is Batman. And a damn good looking one too, when his face isn't hidden by that hideous mask.

...this cincaluk sounds disgusting, by the way. The concept is befitting, though, in a way. Lol.

wild orchid said...

Baby. That'd be Christian BALE :D

Haha! That's a very interesting way of putting it, and if I'm interpreting it correctly - yes, cincaluk it is! :D

moussemoose said...

wasn't christian bale the one that recently beat his mother or his sister up or something??!

Anonymous said...

Oh, whoops. I knew I should have checked. Yes, that be him. It must be the stress of the movie. If I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be) Heath Ledger died during/right after the filming.

And Laine, we'd better be hinting about the same person here, not some other strange dude.

wild orchid said...

Well, in spite of that apparently awful temper and the slight overbite, I have to say - he's quite the hottie (for once we agree on something Ju!! :P). And bimbotism lives on...

Haha... I haven't mentioned anyone else lately, so I assume you both have got it right ;)