Monday, June 27, 2011

It's all darkness. Everywhere.


Dr Stains said...

I've gone through your posts, Madam, if I may call you that, and "Impressed" loosely describes what they left me. I have been in Malaysia now almost 6 years and I haven't held a single conversation with a Local that didn't leave me thinking why I even bothered.. I'm sorry but a spade is a spade. So now I'm beginning to think your kind just went North for fresh air; and are returning, No? - You get my point.

P.S Forgive my snide remarks and if you're wondering how I got here, I made a google search; 3 words, and your blog came up :D

Paul Sagi said...


You're a wonderfully intelligent, talented, sensitive and loving person.

Try to move forward rather than be upset about who you lost.

You'll find a suitable husband, give it time.

Anytime you want to talk i'm willing to listen.


wild orchid said...

Thanks for the lovely comments - I just saw them today.

I hope you managed to find better people to talk to (that is, if you're still in Malaysia) :)

Thanks for the offer, Paul. It's very kind :)