Saturday, April 16, 2005

Fantasy Fix


It's all your fault! *sniffles* All Ju Li's fault. Hmph. Poor Elaine is suffering. *sobs*.

And I bet she has no idea what she's responsible for. Right, Ju? HAHA. Hmph. Do you want to know? DO YOU?

She told me about SHANNARA! Yes, that's right. And now I'm superly-duperly addicted to it. Worse, I've finished every single book in my possesion. In a grand total of... 6 Days! (There were 10 books that I had). Augh! Somebody help poor Elaine. *sniffles again*

Honestly, though, I've read almost every other genre of book. So now I'm in my fantasy phase. It all started with Maggie Furey's 4 book series - The Artefacts of Power. (They call a 3 book series a trilogy. What's a 4 book series? A quadrology? Quadrilogy? Help!)

Now, I'm a Shannara addict without a fix. I actually re-read the only Wheel of Time (Robert Jordan) book I have to keep the craving at bay. BAH! Now I've run out of fantasy books and I don't know what I'm gonna do :(

Poor Elaine.

Donations anyone?

[I'll just be a kind soul and give you guys this link. If you like fantasy (or even if you don't :P), check it out.

Shannara! Shannara! Shannara! (Okay.. 'nuff o' mah craziness for today... Toodles!)]

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