Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Another Screw Just Fell Out...

I am doomed. My results will be horrific this time around, I just know it. And while all sane members of my class are studying, I am online, writing this. (Hehe. I'll just use MUET as an excuse... Have to practice my writing! *sticks out tongue at you*)

I still haven't quite figured out why I blog more when I'm busy. This happened during SPM too. Which is why I'm wondering if I have a serious mental problem. [To Insanely Sane who will say I have a mental problem anyway, just.. humour me, all right? Lol.] I mean, a NORMAL person would stay AWAY from their blog when there's Biology to be drowned in. Nah uh. Not me and my screwed up brain. I just sit here and type type type away.

And while I'm typing about typing, I'm wondering why I'm still typing. Which can't be a good sign. Coz I recognize the problem, but this don't look like ahm doin' anythin' about it. Sigh. Ooooh my results are so screwed. And uh.. is it just me or am I saying screwed a lot more than usual? Hm..

Oh, allow me one tiny Malaysian Idol gripe... ARGH! I cannot cannot believe that Trish was voted off instead of Xerra or Nita!!!!! That is just ... STUPID. She was the best of the 3! Well, overall, anyway. Xerra can't sing, Nita is _____ blah. And Ejay over Atilia?! Oh boy. Gimme a break. [BTW, I reserve the right to gripe as I voted for both Trish and Atilia (more for the latter)].

What's UP with people? Can't they hear? Oh boy oh boy oh boy. Okay, so I'm happy that we still have eye candy for this week's Specs, but I never wanted it to be at the expense of two of the better singers in the comp. [Oh, and I didn't vote for Ash. Just so you know.] Sigh. Bleedin' popularity contest. I sincerely hope those who vote feel they're getting their money's worth! Gah.

I think I have to learn blog under heading. And stick to it. Coz my posts are pretty scre... messed up. [I shall NOT say screwed again. I shall NOT say screwed again. I shall NOT...] "A big mumbling, bumbling mess" - to sort of quote Mr. Paul Moss. The only one with his ears screwed on right last Friday. Gah.

I think I'll shut up now. I should stop griping too. It's not good for health. Your health at least. I'm so depressing. Yes. I did mean that like it sounded. I am not depressed. Not yet anyway. Thursday, if we get back some results, I might be. Hehe. Or then again, maybe not. Coz I'm usually not the kind to expect more than I worked for. Which is uh... nothing. So.. there you go.

Only one thing can make me depressed. And I hereby vow that I SHALL NOT GO THERE.

Thank you. God bless me. Oh. And you too.


KP Chen said...

OMG ! I'm online. So I'm abnormal? NOOOOOOOOOO !!!! Good luck for Biology. Hah.

survivorfreak said...

Cuz, yer funny. Esp the closing part, lol.
"Thank you. God Bless me. Oh. ANd you too." Classic!

All the best in yer bio!

Anonymous said...

darn girl. you really need to get your priorities right and stop dreaming too much.

survivorfreak said...

Who is "bored to death"? =_="

Anonymous said...

someone who is just dead bored with nothing better to do.

wild orchid said...

Lol. Bored to death, you're right. My priorities are - excuse me - screwed. But I'm not sure I care enough to do anything about it right now so... BTW, who ARE you?

survivorfreak said...

Cuz, I don't see no reason why you can't strike a balance. ;) BUT, how're you going to get him to notice, make a move... Heheh.

Ee May said...

"someone who is just dead bored with nothing better to do."

Nothing better to do than tell people what to do, eh?