Saturday, July 30, 2005


Sigh. I need to relax. But I can't. And someone isn't helping. Whee. I'm resorting to this. How pathetic is that?!

1. The emotion I tend to hide the most:
Disappointment and hurt. I don't like people seeing that.

2. When I'm happy, I need:
To tell someone about it. Jump, scream.. Generally create a ruckus *grins* My poor family...

3. When I'm sad, I need:
To be alone. I hate it when people see me cry.

4. When I'm sentimental, I need:
To listen to depressing songs and/or cheesy ballads. Or I just feel the need to be held. Blah. The latter is NOT fun.

5. When I'm in love:
I will let you know. As of now, I've never BEEN "in love". Like, for real.

6. I would jump up & down and shout with joy right now if someone told me:
That I wasn't harbouring false hopes. That my dreams (many of them lately *sighs sadly*) will come true. And they're NICE ones.

7. The last time I cried was:
Hm... almost did today. Don't ask me why. It's too sad. Or I'm too much of a sad case. I dunno.

8. Moment in my life when my emotions froze and I felt absolutely nothing:
The split second when I first got the news that Michael was dead. If only it had stayed that way.

9. People who genuinely make me happy:
My group of friends and cousins. They're the absolute best and I'm never happier than when I'm with them.

10. Something that makes me happy:
Having time to myself.

11. Someone or something that made me laugh this week:
Dave, mum and I discussing various forms of.. English. If it can be called that! *laughs wickedly*

12. Your Good Luck Charm:
Wish I had one. Am gonna need it.

13. Person You Hate Most:
Um... I only dislike, not hate. I guess those who know me know who I'm talking about. *cough**Maths**cough*

14. What do you notice first with the opposite sex:
Their height and eyes. Gosh. Gets me into trouble ALL the time.

15. Last person you slow danced with:
Um... Someone at Shaun's party. Can't really recall who.

16. Makes you laugh the most:
Insanely Sane... Definitely.

17. Makes you smile:
A number of people. Only one person can make me feel like smiling and crying at the same time.

19. Can make you feel better:
Ju Li. Funnily enough. Though she's usually the one to tell me I'm being a world class idiot. Blah. And she makes fun of me too. Now how's that supposed to make me feel better? I dunno. Then again, I have NEVER been normal. So...

20. Gives you a funny feeling when you see them:
Him la. Like I can't tell WHAT I'm supposed to feel. Which is basically sucky.

MI is just over. And I still haven't found a favourite. Though I think Adam, Farah, Azam and Atilia sang pretty well. In that order. I can't believe Ash screwed up! I was hoping for him to redeem himself. We need some eye candy!!! Oh well. Too bad.

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