Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It's OVER!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. It's officially a week since The Ordeal, and I've been living the life of a SLOB ever since.


Ooh. Don't get me wrong, I'm thoroughly enjoying every second. Sleeping in, watching TV, reading all my hopelessly fluff-y, but completely entertaining collection of mindless romance novels.. And best of all - DUMPING MY SCHOOL BOOKS!!!! :D


Okay, so I didn't exactly dump them. I packed 'em up. To give 'em to people whom I hope will make better use of them than I did. Actually, who'll make use of them, period. Hehe.

The funny thing is, I don't feel the same kind of nostalgia I did when I finished Form 5. Oh, I miss my friends, all right.. But I think it has more to do with the fact that I had absolutely no interest in the subjects I was learning. So finishing these exams were more of an un-loaded burden than anything else. It's hard to feel nostalgic about something you loathed, I guess.

No real after STPM list.. Except, maybe to:

1. Enjoy myself as much as I possibly can
2. Bake some cookies
3. Watch Gerard Butler in action as soon as The Game Of Our Lives hits the cinemas (old addictions die hard, I guess... hehe)
4. Figure out exactly what I'm gonna be sending Sandy (bit of a dilemma here coz I want it to be special!)
5. Have sleepovers with the Insanely Saners and Lim cousins. On separate days, o'course!
6. Catch up with Ee May. Haven't seen her in months.. Not a cool thing to happen, I assure you!
7. Get a job in a kindy in January! Can't wait for that one, either! :)

Okay, that's about the extent of my list at the moment. Pretty short, eh? There was so much more that I wanted to do after SPM.. Now, it just doesn't seem to matter anymore that I don't have all that much to do. In fact, it feels awesome!!! :)

All righty then! I shall leave before I write a novel.

Have a good one, you guys!

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