Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Believe

I believe that God sends people into our lives to teach us something about Him, about ourselves, about love. These experiences may not always be smooth or easy but ultimately, we grow. It's interesting, though, that the one who has taught me the most about valuing myself as a person is one whose name belies a potential that boggles the mind, if only he realized it.

... Life on this earth is passing. Maybe we should start thinking beyond the acquiring of wealth, power, knowledge, to a place where all these things will no longer matter, and all that will is how much love we have given to others. Love. For so long we've been surrounded by the idea that love is something that exists in its fullest only between a man and a woman. We forget that love abounds in any relationship we have, family, friends, and more importantly - God.

I have to remember this, as I fill my days with work, so that I never lose sight of what's truly important - that every day, I will do my best to love everyone I come across, no matter how difficult it may be.

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