Thursday, April 21, 2005

Cheesy Wheesy

I'm stuffed. I don't know what possessed me to order a stuffed crust pizza. It defies sanity. Oooh! My stomach is screaming CHEESE OVERLOAD!!!!

I don't understand how people can eat more than 2 slices of stuffed crust pizza. Don't get me wrong, I love cheese, but somehow after the 2nd and a half slice, my throat refuses to even let another bite slip through. It's so... jelakish! *shudders*

I suppose it's all my fault for attempting to go beyond 2 slices. And I almost succeeded, mind. Hey, I was hungry! (Hah to all you people who think I don't eat coz I'm on a diet. Elaine and diet don't belong in the same sentence unless joined by "doesn't". So there.) I managed 3 and a 9/10ths before i had to give up. Personal record! Woohoo! Haha.

Knowing me, though, I'll never learn my lesson, no matter how many times I feel like puking after eating stuffed crust pizza. It's the bane of my life, not learning my lessons. Sigh. Next time anyone sees me trying to order a stuffed crust pizza, shove your hand down my mouth, please. Just to remind me of what it feels like to wanna throw up.

Hehe. Did I just gross you out? YES! Smackin' people! See y'all!

*skips and dances away* <-- This should be impossible since I'm currently more stuffed than that mangy ol' crust, but whaddaheck. Heehee.


Jules said...

Erm, thanks, but I don't really relish the thought of shoving my nice clean arm into your throat. (With all the junk you eat, I doubt it's a pretty place for a hand to be in) Hehe. Cheese - sorry, Cheers girl!

Chrystal Giam said...

Ahh...on the contrary, I can manage more than 3 and 9/10 pizzas...Which is FOUR! Haha..juz kidding =p

Yuen Li said...

Did you save some for me? :)

adrien said...

2 slices?! amateur..hhehe..