Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Bowling Fiasco! (Coz We Lost... :P)
O'course, us having just bowled on Sunday, thought that we'd be in for an easy win... But our star bowlers kept missing the target while the uncle we thought wouldn't be a threat beat our highest scorers by 19 points. BLAH. Talk about memalufying! :P
But it was good fun... Especially coz everyone was so into it. We were screaming, yelling, booing, high-fiving.. so much so that everyone around us - including those waiting for lanes - actually came to see what the hell was going on, we were that noisy :D
Although.. I don't know why I'm surprised. We seem to attract attention wherever we go.... singing Backstreet Boys and Barney songs at the top of our lungs in a seafood restaurant, greeting ol' Sharmo with banners and flowers and screaming like she was some big celebrity person at the airport... Loads more. Just can't remember them now, we've done stuff like this sooooo many times!
Oh! I like his voice... I don't know why. Now it's time to see if it suits his face :D
Saiful's song, Ku Juga Mencintaimu is pretty nice, considering it's SAIFUL. I'll put up the chorus of it and translate it.. Ta people!
Ku juga mencintai dirimu
Mengapa sukar ku luahkan
Bukan sengaja ku menahan
Bibir membeku lidah terkelu
Ku juga mencintai dirimu
Kau amat sempurna buatku
Bukan saja aku biarkan
Kan ku ucap jua padamu
I love you too
Why is it so hard for me to say
I'm not holding back on purpose
My lips are frozen, my tongue is tied
I love you too
You're so perfect to me
I'm not just letting go
"As I've told you before" (I don't know for sure what this last line means... anyone? Help?)
Monday, January 30, 2006
The Rules of Chocolate!
Anyway, I got this from A Joke A Day, and I swear that anyone who's a chocoholic will agree with this, so.. enjoy! (And eat chocolates! :D)
1) If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.
2) Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.
3) The problem: How to get 2 pounds of chocolate home from the store in hot car.
The solution: Eat it in the parking lot.
4)Diet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less.
5) A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place. Isn't that handy?
6) If I eat equal amounts of dark chocolate and white chocolate, is that a balanced diet? Don't they actually counteract each other?
7) Q. Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous?
A. Because no one wants to quit.
8) Money talks. Chocolate sings. Beautifully.
9) Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger. Therefore, you need to eat more chocolate.
10) Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.
11) If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer. But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what's wrong with you?
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Two Days To CNY... < 24 Hours To Vinder! :D
Malacca is what makes CNY so special - not only for me, I think but for all the kids in our family. At least the ones who were born in 1987 and after. Mama's house (dunno why we never called it "Kong Kong's house" .. lol), the food, the walks to Aunty Doreen's house (taking the longest route possible, at times..), the food, 20 people sharing one bathroom, the food, and last but not least.... The Jetty!
I know. We're obsessed with the jetty, but we have a reason to be. It's one of the nicest places in the world! To me, at least... and it's soooo romantic at night *sighs*
And you know what's going to make it THAT much better? VINDER's coming home!!! In less than 24 hours! OMG. Haha.. Man I sound like she's some sort of celebrity.. lol. Sorry Vin! Can't help it.. :) We'll all be together again! *dances around the room*
Oh and for those of you who want to know... The Pancake Cookies turned out just fine the second time 'round. Yummy yum yum! (Really.... They were excellent for novice bakers... and we did it all by ourselves! So THERE! :P)
Anyway... Wishing all you guys a very happy and properous (esp. in "Maths tuition" a.k.a gambling.. :P) Chinese New Year!!!!
PS: Anyone wants to give me any ang pow, you're totally welcome to! ;D
Friday, January 20, 2006
Pancake Cookies.. YUM! :D
Have you heard of pancake cookies? No? You should try em one day. They're Yin's and my invention. They're really good! Taste just like Famous Amos cookies. Except.. they're thinner. A LOT thinner.
In fact, they're flat. Skinny. I think the edge of one was only about 1 mm thick. *grins*
Wanna know the secret ingredient to making soft, skinny chocolate chip cookies? Oh whoops. I mean pancake cookies. (Sorry, my bad :P) I don't know if I should reveal it. Should I?
Okay. The secret to making cookies that spread out from individual, er, blobs, into "banjaran" lookalikes is... *drumroll*
Yep, that's right, folks. Butter that's more watery than margerine is the key to making really AWESOME pancake cookies. You can follow any old chocolate chip cookie recipes.. but make sure you use cheap butter for the BEST results! :D
Okay. I'm being stupid. But they were actually pretty nice? Right, Yin? Right? Right?
Haha. Whatever it is, we're giving it another shot this Saturday. Let's see if we can make NORMAL chocolate chip cookies this time 'round. Haha.
Wish us luck!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Wake Me Up!
I feel like I've been knocked on the head with those big bat things you see in Tom and Jerry cartoons. The kind that make you have birds flying round and round your head and your tongue stick out. I've been in such a daze lately it's freaky.
What's happening to me? My heart just suddenly speeds up, and big, silly grins cross my face, making me look like a weirded out clown. Not that I don't normally already look like one, but still...
"Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need". Hah! Prophetic indeed.
Reading doesn't help. (Maybe because all the books I have left to read are romance-based ones :S) Jumping around to Footloose and other random songs doesn't seem to work either. It just makes me wonder what it'd be like to jump around with... company.
Oh. AND it actually makes it worse that Holding Out For A Hero is on my favourite compilation. Hm... Maybe I should take it off repeat.
Oh I know I know. I'm doing this to myself. Well. Sort of. I guess. I make about as much sense as a two year old trying to read Shakespeare huh. Oh well.
I just wish I didn't have such an active and God help me, vivid, imagination. It really screws up my life. Oh, it HAS helped me get damn good grades in English, but other than that... Sigh Sigh and Sigh again.
Tis sad. I need a life. A life other than .. you know. The "life" I want right now. Whatever that means.
If I'm being a confusing prick again, forgive me. I'm probably just as confused as you are.
Oh watch Hitz.TV's Blast Off 2 if you're a Malaysian with Astro. It's good for a few laughs :D
I miss my baby. :(
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Anyway.. I was thinking about old times, being on the MGS Prefectorial Board.. And I started to wonder if I could remember any of the "briefings" we used to do. Apparently, I can at the very least recall the general duties :D
I THINK I can remember some of the canteen duties, so I'll try typing out the duty for Canteen Position 2 ;) [Ju.. correct me if you can still remember yeah? ;P]
General Duties:
Be punctual for duty.
Be alert of rubbish and offenders.
Make sure position is clean.
Duty starts.. (er, I think it's 5 mins before recess starts.. but I can't remember :P)
Position 2 is at the kuih and drinks stalls.
Max lines for the kuih stall are 3, max items are 2.
Max lines for the drinks stall are 2, max items are 2.
Make sure the girls line up while buying food.
Make sure they don't push each other.
Make sure they don't jump queue.
Make sure those who aren't buying food do not crowd around the stalls.
When the whistle is blown, stop the girls from buying.
Hurry the girls from the canteen.
When the last girl leaves the canteen, patrol for rubbish and utensils.
Return any found utensils to the basins.
Duty ends when counsellour says so.
Hehehehehe. Man. I think that's the lot.... but I can't be sure. Damn. Nostalgia is nice, but it's still mighty depressing. Sigh. I miss MGS!!!! :(
Friday, January 13, 2006
Point Of No Return...
Point Of No Return ~ Phantom Of The Opera OST
You have come here
In pursuit of your deepest urge
In pursuit of that wish which til now
Has been silent
I have brought you
That our passions may fuse and merge
In your mind you've already succumbed to me
Dropped all defenses
Completely succumbed to me
And now you are here with me
No second thoughts
You've decided
Past the point of no return
No backward glances
Our games of make-believe are at an end
Past all thought of if or when
No use resisting
Abandon thought and let the dream descend
What raging fire shall flood the soul
What rich desire unlock its door
What sweet seduction lies before us
Past the point of no return
The final threshold
What warm unspoken secrets will we learn
Beyond the point of no return
You have brought me
To that moment where words run dry
To that moment where speech disappears into silence
I have come here
Hardly knowing the reason why
In my mind I've already imagined
Our bodies entwining
Defenceless and silent
Now I am here with you
No second thoughts
I've decided
Past the point of no return
No going back now
Our passion play has now at last begun
Past all thought of right or wrong
One final question
How long should we two wait before we're one
When will the blood begin to race
A sleeping bud burst into bloom
When will the flames at last
Consume us
Past the point of no return
The final threshold
The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn
We've passed the point of no return
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Ooh Whhyyy??!!
Or what if it's all just a dream? Admittedly, an amazing, wonderful dream.. but still just a dream. How can it be real, when all I have to go on is an image built up in my mind by my own imagination?
It might be accurate - or it might not. It might even be better than I ever thought it could be. Or it could turn out to be nothing more than a fantasy.
And that's scary. Because so much has been put into it.. It's constantly on my mind, refusing to let up. How do you let go of something that's become a part of you? And if it goes naturally, will it leave a deeper emptiness than before?
Hell. Mountains out of molehills, I know. But I just had to write this. It's killing my mind, thinking about it. Sometimes I curse the vividness of my imagination. It makes me wish for so much more... Okay. So I don't exactly help matters by encouraging it...
Oh well. I guess I should quit being such a loon. Whatever happens, happens. It's not like anything but a potentially explosive.. er.. something-or-other, is at stake here.
Hold on while I screw my head back on straight.
There. That's better. But wait. Damn! This odd apprehension is still there.. Sigh. Oh what am I going to doooo?
I guess only time will tell. I should really stop agonizing over this. I should. Hm. Easier said than done.
Oh bloody hell.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
My Luvlies...
I Ting, me, David and I Yin.. Missing are Steph, Sharm and Sheryll. The three "S"-es. LOL. That doesn't mean like it sounds, btw ;)
Me, Ee May and Adrien! My gorgeous buddies! I love you guys! Ting, me and Yin... Don't we look like, er, angels? :D
Ting, with me and Steph.. We don't look all that much like twins, do we? *squints at photo* I still can't see it. Lol.
Ting, me, Steph and Sheryll.. Ratio of 15 to 19 year olds = 2:2 :)
Two "twin" REAL sisters (Yin and Ting) and two "twin" er.. cousins. Lol. Hey, this twin thing isn't my fault. It's all other peeps' observations.. Sigh. [Check out the eyebags.. I'm not getting enough sleep! :(]
All the gorgeous teenage girls in the Lim family.. :) Only Sharm's missing. Sobs. Oh well... 3 weeks til D Day. Yay!
Okay.. that's all for now! Bye bye!
Monday, January 09, 2006
So Early In The Morning...
There's so much I want to say, so much to express. But my head just can't find the words. I fall back on whimsical nothingness and long-windedness just to fill in the blanks a little, the empty spaces.
How do I get past this block, this thing that's making me write like a brainless nitwit who didn't even HAVE a brain once upon a time. (I DID have one, Ju. It just dried up.. lol). How do I get back the easy way I used to just tap tap tap away at the keys, and POOF! It became er... nevermind.
I just ate a TimTam with milk. Ahh.. bliss! Aussie chocolate is yummie! And I have no idea what this has to do with this post. Actually I don't even know what this post has to do with this post.
Sigh. Here I go again. Blogging nonsense. THAT, folks, is my forte. Sadly. I wish I were more articulate. Or more concise. David says I'm too long-winded. And I suppose he's right. Much as I hate to admit it.
Although, being concise isn't exactly the best thing to try at 3.20 a.m. It taxes the poor long-winded-ish brain. Which needs sleep. But can't. Coz it's been stimulated by outside factors. Which need not be discussed in this report.
Oh well. Seeing as I can't even write one comprehensive paragraph, I shall quit now. While I'm as ahead as ahead can be. Whatever that means.
Goodnight. Morning.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Black! My Hair's BLACK! *ROFL*
It's been raining a lot lately. And the weather's cooled down loads. Aaahh.. I wish it was like this all year 'round. Okay... maybe not with the rain all the time. But the temperature. Not too hot and not so cold all you want to do is hide under the covers and never get up.
Only problem with rain is - it makes it doggoned hard to wake up in the mornings. Especially at 5.45 a.m, knowing that the next thing you have to do is go to school. [BTW, they say Form 6 = tertiary education (its a diploma level cert), but damned if I don't feel like I'm still in "high school" *shakes head*).
I wonder what 2006 is going to be like. 2005 was like a dream that never happened. I'm hoping for more concrete memories this year. I want to have something where I can look back on and everything is still fresh in my head like it just happened yesterday. Like the memories I have of my childhood years, and MGS life...
Oh YA! You know.. I got caught by the discipline teachers in school for having dyed hair!!! HAHA! You know what's so weird about all this? It's that my has been dyed since last year.. and they're only catching me 3 days into the school year, this year. How absolutely SAD is that, I ask you? And it's really funny - I don't break school rules, as a rule (no pun intended). But when I did finally break one - I broke a BIG one. LOL! I don't know what's wrong with me.
Anyway, so what they initially wanted to do (looking all stern and disapproving) was call up our parents and get the to come pick us up, re-colour our hair black, then send us back to school. Haha! I wish they'd done that. Then I would've had an excuse to skip school again. LOL. Damn.
But you know what? The black my hair is now is MUCH blacker than my actual hair colour. So the irony is that I'm actually still "colouring" my hair! Except that it's now black. Sigh. Apa la...
Oh peeps! Sharm put up this article written by an American about Malaysia, and I liked it a lot, so I'm going to link it HERE. Read it... really gives the whole "Malaysia Boleh" spirit a boost :D Waaay to changing people's perception on us. Wooooooohoooooo!
Anyway, that's it for now. I'm not in the best of crapping moods today, unfortunately. Sigh. I haven't been in awhile. Dumdeedum...
All right. I'll go now. Booooyah!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
2006 Already? Oh NO!!!
Haha. When I was 7, I wondered how I would LOOK like at 16 (turned out to be not at all the beautiful, sophisticated lady I imagined at the time.. LOL!). At 16, I wondered what it would BE like to be 18 (a lil better than 16, but still nothing to shout about).
Now at 18 (going on 19..), I don't WANT to know what turning 21 - or even 20 - will be like. LOL. I know, I know.. I'm weird. But I guess it took me 19 years to really appreciate how much fun being a "kid" really is. You can get away with soooo much more.. LOL. Okay. I admit. I'm a lazy pig who doesn't wanna grow up. Haha. Bite me.
Anyway, It's 2.20 a.m. now, and I really should sleep. School tomorrow. Sigh. I'll leave you with one of my favourite songs from Il Divo's latest album, Ancora.
(BTW, it's in French, so I don't have a clue what they're singing... LOL. But I like the music, anyway, so there! Although... Adrien! A lil help in translating, perhaps? :P)
Pour Que Tu M'aimes Encore ~ Il Divo
J'ai compris tous les mots, j'ai bien compris, merci
Raisonnable et nouveau, c'est ainsi par ici
Que les choses ont changé, que les fleurs ont fané
Que le temps d'avant, c'était le temps d'avant
Que si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passent
Il faut que tu saches
J'irai chercher ton coeur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d'autres dansent tes heures
J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore
Pour que tu m'aimes encore
Fallait pas commencer m'attirer me toucher
Fallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouer
On me dit qu'aujourd'hui, on me dit que les autres font ainsi
Je ne suis pas les autres
Avant que l'on s'attache, avant que l'on se gâche
Je veux que tu saches
J'irai chercher ton coeur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Même si dans tes danses d'autres dansent tes heures
J'irai chercher ton ame dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore
Je trouverai des langages pour chanter tes louanges
Je ferai nos bagages pour d'infinies vendanges
Les formules magiques des marabouts d'Afrique
J'les dirai sans remords pour que tu m'aimes encore
Je m'inventerai roi pour que tu me retiennes
Je me ferai nouvelle pour que le feu reprenne
Je deviendrai ces autres qui te donnent du plaisir
Vos jeux seront les nôtres si tel est ton désir
Plus brillante plus belle pour une autre étincelle
Je me changerai en or pour que tu m'aimes encore, que tu m'aimes encore
Pour que tu m'aimes encore
~ Taken from Lyrics Mania ~