Monday, January 09, 2006

So Early In The Morning...

I can't think straight. To write is to put thoughts into words but lately it hasn't been working. I stare at the screen and the words just won't come.

There's so much I want to say, so much to express. But my head just can't find the words. I fall back on whimsical nothingness and long-windedness just to fill in the blanks a little, the empty spaces.

How do I get past this block, this thing that's making me write like a brainless nitwit who didn't even HAVE a brain once upon a time. (I DID have one, Ju. It just dried up.. lol). How do I get back the easy way I used to just tap tap tap away at the keys, and POOF! It became er... nevermind.

I just ate a TimTam with milk. Ahh.. bliss! Aussie chocolate is yummie! And I have no idea what this has to do with this post. Actually I don't even know what this post has to do with this post.

Sigh. Here I go again. Blogging nonsense. THAT, folks, is my forte. Sadly. I wish I were more articulate. Or more concise. David says I'm too long-winded. And I suppose he's right. Much as I hate to admit it.

Although, being concise isn't exactly the best thing to try at 3.20 a.m. It taxes the poor long-winded-ish brain. Which needs sleep. But can't. Coz it's been stimulated by outside factors. Which need not be discussed in this report.

Oh well. Seeing as I can't even write one comprehensive paragraph, I shall quit now. While I'm as ahead as ahead can be. Whatever that means.

Goodnight. Morning.

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