Sunday, January 08, 2006

Black! My Hair's BLACK! *ROFL*

Wow. For the first time since.. er.. last year, I've been taking AGES to blog. Haha. Aiyo... dunno what to write la! My life's a boring mesh of school+homework+tuition+piano class. The only thing remotely different is the bloody bug project I have going on. Finding names of incredibly similar bugs is a right bloody chore, I tell ya!

It's been raining a lot lately. And the weather's cooled down loads. Aaahh.. I wish it was like this all year 'round. Okay... maybe not with the rain all the time. But the temperature. Not too hot and not so cold all you want to do is hide under the covers and never get up.

Only problem with rain is - it makes it doggoned hard to wake up in the mornings. Especially at 5.45 a.m, knowing that the next thing you have to do is go to school. [BTW, they say Form 6 = tertiary education (its a diploma level cert), but damned if I don't feel like I'm still in "high school" *shakes head*).

I wonder what 2006 is going to be like. 2005 was like a dream that never happened. I'm hoping for more concrete memories this year. I want to have something where I can look back on and everything is still fresh in my head like it just happened yesterday. Like the memories I have of my childhood years, and MGS life...

Oh YA! You know.. I got caught by the discipline teachers in school for having dyed hair!!! HAHA! You know what's so weird about all this? It's that my has been dyed since last year.. and they're only catching me 3 days into the school year, this year. How absolutely SAD is that, I ask you? And it's really funny - I don't break school rules, as a rule (no pun intended). But when I did finally break one - I broke a BIG one. LOL! I don't know what's wrong with me.

Anyway, so what they initially wanted to do (looking all stern and disapproving) was call up our parents and get the to come pick us up, re-colour our hair black, then send us back to school. Haha! I wish they'd done that. Then I would've had an excuse to skip school again. LOL. Damn.

But you know what? The black my hair is now is MUCH blacker than my actual hair colour. So the irony is that I'm actually still "colouring" my hair! Except that it's now black. Sigh. Apa la...

Oh peeps! Sharm put up this article written by an American about Malaysia, and I liked it a lot, so I'm going to link it HERE. Read it... really gives the whole "Malaysia Boleh" spirit a boost :D Waaay to changing people's perception on us. Wooooooohoooooo!

Anyway, that's it for now. I'm not in the best of crapping moods today, unfortunately. Sigh. I haven't been in awhile. Dumdeedum...

All right. I'll go now. Booooyah!

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