Friday, September 29, 2006

Numbness, Wherefore Art Thou?

* This post has been deleted *

I'm sorry to all of you who've read that sorry post.. I should stop that. I'm experiencing something completely new, and I need to start dealing with it, and not run away from it, or blame anyone else for it. If I'm down, it's no-one's doing but my own.

Anyway, Jules and Mistuh Harry-Potter-Was-My-Roomie.. While I wish you guys coulda been there for me last night, I've just realised that what matters is that you would've if you could've. And I suppose that's all that counts.

Okay. Mission accomplished. Ta, all!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


This are pics of my mum's and Aunty Ivy's garden in PJ. I chose to upload them coz I think the flowers and plants are just SO beautiful, that they deserve recognition of some sort.. And so do the garden's owners! They did almost all the hardwork by themselves! *applause* Anyway, enjoy the scenery!

This is of the front of the house... the garden gets fuller as you go around to the sides, though. Still.. I like it!

This is the view from the front porch... Probably the one of the barest spots in the entire garden.. which goes right 'round the entire house.

This part's outside David's bedroom window. What a view eh? :)

Outside the annex - Aunty Ivy's little side garden. Check out the flowers la! Isn't that just gorgeous?!!

The view from my bedroom window.. From one angle, la! I can actually see the whole backyard.. which is pretty beautiful for a backyard! :)

More of the backyard.. Like I said - one fine lookin' backyard! ;)

Ookay. That's about it for now.. I have to go back to PJ now, anyhow. Ta peeps and you know I love you! :)

My Bestest Best Friend!

I just read Ee May's blog, and girl.. your post on Dav was just so spot on! About best friends, I mean.

It's been ages since I wrote about my friends. Mainly coz I've been so caught up in my own little world. But that doesn't mean that they're far from my mind. I miss all the Insanely Saners like mad! And I still can't believe that I think of you guys under that old nickname.. even now! :)

Especially you, Jules. It's been ages since we last talked! Okay, so not all THAT long, since you only left last month, but it seems that way!

I really miss how we used to be able to call each other at random hours of the day, just to talk. I miss having her insights into the things that really matter to me... coz I know she'll never be anything less than honest with me. AND whip my sorry butt into shape in no time, if she thinks I'm acting like an idiot. Lol.

I miss her sense of humour - whacked out, though it is (lol!) - and the fact that SHE totally gets MY jokes, even though.. Well, yeah. My jokes are whacked out, too :P

I miss the way we used to be able to complete each other's sentences. That was freaky, eh Ju? Kinda shows that if you sit next to someone for long enough, they tend to rub off on you. And I was hardly ever in class! Can you imagine what we would've ended up like if I had come every single day? Hoooo boy! Doesn't bear thinking about, I think! *grins wickedly*

I miss just lepaking with her, and talking about everything from old school tales, to new boy ones. I miss the random bouts of Shakespearism.. and the times when she suddenly decides to talk like a heroine from a Jane Austen book, or something!

I miss the teasing about silly stuff, her absolute blur-ness about certain things (methinks she never quite bothered to listen to some teachers, did ya Juju? :P), her brilliance in others, even her inquisitive mind - although there WERE times when I wanted to strangle her for prolonging an already boring class by asking an already boring teacher more questions!!! LOL!

Suffice to say that I miss my kind, loyal, absolutely brilliant, caring, funny, smart, blur, I-greet-the-school-cat-before-Elaine best friend. Even all her little idiosyncracies - like never quite being satisfied with the results she gets.. even though they're usually top notch :) Oh, and the fact that she takes sarcasm to a whole new level... Lol!

God, I miss you, Jules! Even though the 12-year-old me would've laughed my head off if anyone had told me that you'd be one of the most important people in my life at age 19 (and your 12-year-old self probably would've been sooo utterly disdainful of the simple-minded fool who'd dare suggest such a thing, aye? :P).

But now that you are (against all odds.. haha!), I just wish you could be here when I'm going through one of the scariest, yet most exhilarating and, yes, amazing periods of my life! To be the sounding board that you always were, or just to talk sense into me when I seem to be flying off to Never Never Land yet again.

Oh! And I'm hoping this post'll make you feel guilty enough to actually write that letter you've been promising moi! ;) You owe me 3 by now, just so you know! Haha..

I love you girl! I am just SO glad that you're my bestest friend in the world, lousy correspondency, or whatever you wanna call it, aside! :) Couldn't ask for better - I really couldn't!

Big big hugs to ya.. and WRITE! Hmph. Or I won't let you live THIS down either ;)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Warning: EMO!!

I'd forgotten how emotional I get, watching Fahrenheit 9/11. Really, I cry everytime I see the lives lost for so - hollow - a cause.

It's a funny thing though, emotions. For so long now, I've managed to keep myself numb to just about everything - so much so that I've been travelling through life in auto-cruise mode. I react according to expectations, not feelings. Not genuine ones, anyway.

The fact that I'm beginning to feel real emotion again scares me. I can't seem to block out the bad stuff, too. I haven't worried about anything in such a long time, but now.. POW! I worry about everything - even things that I shouldn't be worrying about!

Oh boy. I don't know which is worse. I really don't. Not feeling anything can get pretty old after awhile... You tend to feel like you're on the outside looking in, like you're not really living your life.

On the other hand, feeling isn't exactly all that great, either. The overall vulnerability of knowing that your peace of mind lies in the hands of another person really is pretty hard to take. Especially if you've spent your entire life being vulnerable to the heartache that human beings always, somehow, seem to cause each other.

Whoopers. I've managed to switch back into the sad, whiny mode that's coloured all my posts since this time last year. Sigh. I really need to start focusing on the positive in my life - and not how that positive could turn out to be not-so-positive after all!

I shouldn't listen to doubters. I should just trust in how I feel. And what my instincts are more or less screaming at me. I should. It'd make life so much easier to take if I could just allow myself to believe 100%. But that seed of doubt's been planted, and it's going to take a hell of a lot on my part to weed it out.

Oh well. As usual, I sound more depressed than I actually am.. Lol. I can't decide whether to be happy, or apprehensive, that's the problem! It's so confusing, my head literally spins everytime I try to figure it out.

I guess I'll just have to ride this one out and if it all happens to work out, fantastic. I doubt I could be any happier than I would be if it did. But if it doesn't.. I'll just have to force myself to accept the fact - just like I've always done.

Only this time, it ain't going to be as easy as it's always been. This time, it'll be the hardest thing I have ever even THOUGHT of doing in my whole, entire, life.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Perfect Party Pictures

These pics were taken yesterday at my cousin Jono's, and Aunty Ivy's birthday party! I won't disclose her age la.. But I bet if you try and guess, you won't get it right! She's just absolutely stunning for her age, that much I can tell ya! :D Anyway, we had awesome fun last night! I loved every minute of it!

David and me.. Finally he's big enough for ME to sit on HIS lap! :D

Me and my darling cousin Jono! (Thanks for doing this for me, cuz! You're the BEST!)

Uncle Berty - The Balloon Man! It's hard to say who had more fun - him, or the kids! Haha! :D

How d'ya like my new hairstyle?? It's the BOMB, no? Haha! The cheeky lil cutie next to me's the Mad Hairdresser - Mr. Ethan Reece Fernandez! :)

Ooh! The Double-Chin Society! *rolls on floor laughing*

Fred, David, me, Divya and Sonya with the birthday boy and uh.. ok la!.. girl! :)

Me and my pet cockatoo! *insert maniacal laugh here*

Me and Jono again! (That's mum in the background.)

My darling Godma, who was also the birthday girl, Aunty Ivy! (Check out the glass in the hand, man.. never too far from her Bailey's, she is! Hehehehe.)

Don't we look alike? I think we do.. Do you?

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I've Found Him! :D

Hey people.. I found this list when I was reading through one of my old diaries.. From last year, to be exact. This is the diary entry for 2nd November 2005:

Things I Want In/Of A Guy

1. Someone who loves me just as I am.
2. Someone who thinks about me as often as I think about him.
3. Someone who'll note my slightest wish or dream, and try to make it reality. (Ever watch "A Walk To Remember"?)
4. Someone whom I can be 100% my klutzy, clumsy self in front of, and he won't get turned off.
5. Someone I can eat sloppily in front of, and he'll just laugh about it in amusement.
6. Someone who's attuned to my every mood.
7. Someone who's concerned about me if I'm sick, and comes over to check on me.
8. Someone who offers to carry my books.
9. Someone who'll hold open doors, and pull out chairs for me.
10. Someone who'll defend me - even to his friends.
11. Someone who'll hold me when I'm down.
12. Someone who'll wipe away my tears.
13. Someone who would hate to do anything that would make me cry.
14. Someone who would consider me his number 1 priority.
15. Someone who'll make time for me when he knows I want to spend time with him.
16. Someone who'll WANT to spend time with me!
17. Someone who isn't afraid to tell me how he feels.
18. Someone who thinks I deserve to hear it.
19. Someone who's willing to share his life with me.
20. Someone who's able to list out the things he likes about me.
21. Someone who's willing to do his share of the work.
22. Someone who loves me as much as I love him.
23. Someone who thinks I'm special.
24. Someone who treats me like I am.
25. Someone who's willing to sacrifcie for me.
26. Someone who's willing to allow me to love him.
27. Someone who remembers the things I do or don't like.
28. Someone who actually takes the trouble to find out.
29. Someone who's honest with me about how he feels, no matter how "shy" he is.
30. Someone who loves me for me. That's really all I'm asking for.

Needless to say, I was probably in a really emo mood when I wrote that one. Lol. And I realise that it's an absolute whopper of a list for ANYONE to fulfill.

But guess what, folks? I've actually found someone who does. Every single one of those things, bar the few that aren't possible due to certain circumstances. But I know if he could, he would be all of the above and more!

Maybe having standards was a good thing after all - I've managed to find perfection just one year on! :) The funny thing is, I'd forgotten I even wrote that list! But when I met him, it was like, WHAM! I completely fell for him without even realising how or why! Now I know. He's everything I've ever dreamed of and more.

And God help me, I am completely and hopelessly in love with him - with everything that he is, and everything that I just know he could be.

I love him. I do.

Friday, September 22, 2006

More Pancake Cookies!

We made pancake cookies again yesterday! And loaded 'em up with chocolate chips.. Loads and loads and loads of chocolate chips! Now, while I only have pics of the ones that didn't flatten to 1 mm per piece (hehe), you should just check out the amount of chocolate chips there are in those things! They may look a little odd, but they taste great!

Recipe for good chocolate chip cookies: Load up on the chocolate chips! You won't regret it! :D

I'll put up the ones which are real skinny when I get 'em. They're so thin, they're practically anorexic! Poor cookies.

(PS: Do you see the cookie that looks like Winnie the Pooh? That wasn't intentional! :P)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just FYI...

I don't know what came over me last night! Haha.. I wrote that last post in an absolute stupor. Now if you'd note the writing style, the spelling errors, the missing words.. Well, let's just say I had no idea at all of what I was writing.

In fact, I couldn't remember it at all until I went to my blog just now, and saw it! I have absolutely no memory of ever writing ANY of that down! How strange is THAT?

Oooh. Word to the wise: Never eat pasta on the day you're due to get the usual, excruciating phenomenon they call menstrual cramps. That's just.. dumb. Utter stupidity. Because nothing makes you want to throw up more than too much cheese and flour and random contraction-like aches in the abdominal area. UGH.

I shouldn't be blogging right now. I really shouldn't. But I have to write. If not I'll go bonkers! This is my only outlet, folks. It doesn't matter WHAT I write, as long as I write. Don't know if that makes sense to you, but if it doesn't, don't bother trying to figure it out. It won't work. I think to weirdly for good ol' normal folk. Sigh.

ANYWAY. I shall end here. Coz I'm rambling already and that ain't ever a good thing!

So, ta, y'all, and I'll see y'all around. Someday. I hope.

Stuff. for S.

Another random one tonight.

I don't know why I've been like this lately. So caught up in a world of my own. Sometimes I feel like an outsider, looking in on my life and wondering, "Who IS that girl?"! I've changed so much, withdrawn deeper into myself... I'm not letting anybody get close anymore and that scares me, if only just a little.

Although.. I think I know of someone who's been able to make me feel again. But the problem with this is, I'm feeling the NEGATIVE as well as positive reactions. The hurt, the vulnerability - all of it. But that doesn't mean that I'm not capable of love.

When do we find love anyway? Or does love find us? Is it wise to set boundaries on what we count as partner material or not? Is it wise to choose a partener solely on his absolutely briliant?

I don't know. But it certainly is possible. What IS love anyway?

I think what I'm feeling is. And it's an absolutely raptourous thought that I get to see him everyday.

Anyway I think I'll end here. I'm becoming pretty incoherent now so.. yeah. = I'll quit before I write morne nonsesnse!

Good night, y'all!
Goodnight all!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Retainer Rant

I have to wear this retainer-like thingy that my dad got after he went for an aesthetic dentistry course today. Apparently it's to correct the slight overbite I have.

Great idea, except that the thing is bloody painful and I can't talk! I literally can't say a word - just make odd grunting noises in accordance to what the words sound like. Gah. My parents find that hilarious, of course, and the fact that I can barely close my mouth around it is apparently the joke of the century.

"Her teeth will be fine, but she'll need plastic surgery to get her lips back in place! Hahahahaha!"

Bah. Humbug.

You'd think the man who made me wear this thing in the first place would be more sympathetic, but NOOO. He's the biggest culprit of all! My mum is a little kinder - but not much!

David's the only one who tells me not to wear it.. coz it makes me a "fatso nerd". Or was it "nerdy fatso"? I can't quite keep up with the many insulting nicknames he has for me. Lol. They change everyday!

God save the queen. This'll be the longest six months of my life!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Mmm.. I haven't made a list in a long time. And we all know how much I like lists. Strange lists. Random lists. Completely unfollowable lists. But lists just the same!

I think I'll make a random one today. Because I'm half asleep, but I can't sleep coz I'm thinking too much. About somethi.. No, that's not quite right, but I won't bother elaborating. Takes waaay too much effort to write in double entendres when the brain's shut down! Hehe.

Here goes...

1. I just realised how much I love the movie "Dear Frankie" after watching it again last night! Simple, straightforward, heartfelt movies ROCK!
2. One random conclusion from the movie: Gerard Butler is hot-ness personified! Drownable eyes, super-bod, Scottish accent.. what more could you ask for? Hypothesis confirmed ;)
3. I am a sucker for sad parent-child, family-ish tales. I cry. Buckets.
4. The song "Butterfly Kisses" makes me cry, too. Reminds me of me and my dad!
5. Adam Sandler is actually a not-too-bad actor! Amazing how life surprises you.
6. I'm an Italian food addict. Like, for real. I could live on it.
7. David says my kids will be the only Malaysian kids whose complaints about their meals will be: "Mum! Not pasta again!"
8. Ribena + vodka tastes like cough syrup. Uck.
9. Vodka any other way is fine. Fantastic even. And yes. It's my favourite sorta alcohol.
10. New personal record: I haven't read a novel longer than 300 pages since.. March, maybe? I haven't had the available brainpower to concentrate for long enough to finish it while I'm still interested!
11. I should learn to stay away from chocolates. My thighs are suffering! So are my skirts.
12. Ethan is the cutest kid I know! And the cuddliest! He is 3.. and calls me "Yane". So cute!!!
13. David and I have the most un-(dis?)-proportionate legs in the universe. Thigh-calf length ratio is absolutely whack. Too short thighs, too long calfs. That, folks, is the sad story of our legs.
14. I love roses - unless they're red, white or yellow. But orchids are my absolute favourite flower. In case you haven't figured that out already.
15. Westlife is the greatest boyband alive. 'Nuff said.
16. I. Absolutely. Dread. Turning. 20. The "teen" in my current age makes it easier to still try to be a kid - even if I haven't exactly been one in years.
17. I miss my kids!! Haven't seen them in weeks!!
18. My 5-year-old Sunday School class kids, people. Lol. Don't worry.
19. I want a golden retriever! *sniffles* Or any other large, friendly dog. Tiny dogs are cute, but I'd like my dog to be big enough to hug without suffocating him.
20. It's possible that I've finally figured out what I want in a man! Hip hip hurray! You don't want to know about that now, though. That list is... longer than this one, I think!
21. The reason I watched "Dear Frankie" again was coz of an impulsive need to hear Scottish accents. (Gerard Butler was a major plus! Hehe..)

All righty, I have to go try figure out some Trigonometry thingy again - the solution's been eluding me since.. yesterday, technically.

[PS: Anyone have any idea where to find the VCD/DVD of the movie Chocolat? Need help. Let me know if you do..! *biiig hugs in advance*]

Friday, September 15, 2006

22 Years!

It's my parents' 22nd anniversary. Twenty-second. 22 years. That's 3 years older than I am. And in my books, that's LONG.

How do people do it? Stay together for so long, I mean. How do they survive living with same person, day in day out, knowing them inside out and upside down? How do they do it, in spite of the arguments and fights and sometimes extremely hurtful words?

I don't understand it at all. But then, I think maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Maybe love isn't meant to be "figured out". Maybe it's enough to know that it exists and just give in to it.

Maybe love makes it impossible not to care about the other person. Impossible not to miss them. Impossible to imagine life without them. Even when they hurt you so badly, it almost destroys you.

I guess love isn't something that can be controlled. You either do, or you don't. There isn't any in-between. It's only the TYPE of love that changes, I think. If it ever does.

Maybe I'll be so lucky as to find that man one day. A man that I love enough to endure anything for. Until I find him, though, I don't ever want to commit myself to a marriage. Coz marriage is tough enough as it is, with love to guide you through the rocky parts!

That's why I admire my parents. And that's why I'm so happy for today (well, other than the fact that I wouldn't exist if not for it! lol..). They've stuck out the bad times and remained faithful to each other in all ways. And in spite of all the bickering that really is inevitable when you're in each other's faces all the time, they still love each other enough to fight for what they've got!

And that's the kind of marriage I want - with the man I'd be willing to fight dragons for! And for once, this is not me being loony with my head in the clouds. For once, this is the real thing and I hope that I'll always remember it!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Don't Have A Clue!

I'm addicted to Celine Dion. Really, I am. Mainly coz I'm a sucker for mushy romantic ballads. I wonder why that is.

What I DO know is that I have the Hero syndrome. The knight-in-shining-armour-who-sweeps-you-off-your-feet syndrome. [Oh, bite me. I can't help it.] ALTHOUGH.. I don't think I'm quite cut out for the whole helpless, swooning maiden who needs saving role.


What is to do? What IS to DO? Poor Elaine doesn't know.

[Yo Vin, you still up for forgoing the male species and setting up the Old Maids With Kids association? :P ]

God, I'm such a sad case! Haha.

I miss the DEDS. We used to "sing" every single holiday since we were 10! Right up til.. 2003, was it? Although our "repertoire" only consisted of all things Westlife, with a little BSB, Blue and Linkin Park (lol!) thrown in here and there. So saddening la, this eras being over business. Me no liking!

Speaking of Westlife.. I heard they're heading to Singapore as part of their Asian tour? Anyone with info, let me know please! What can I say? Old fanaticisms die hard! Although I think it's a shame they don't come to Malaysia anymore. Especially after the turnouts at their concerts! The football game they had was amazing too - we made a GORGEOUS banner, I tell ya! Although, "Westlife - Sultans Of Our Hearts"..? Oh well. I think if I could go back and do it all over again, I'd probably do it exactly the same!

Mm. So much for living in the present. All my thoughts lately have been about the good ol' days.. I wonder why. Maybe that's what happens when you read your own blog archives. (There you have it - clear, undeniable proof that I have no semblance of a life. Sigh.)

That's probably also how I know my writing's deteriorated. I should be 2 years maturer, but NOOO. Still the same ol' Elaine. Wheeee! Hm.. Maybe I should be thankful for that. I actually kinda liked the old me better. The new me's too reclusive for my liking! For real.

Uh oh. I'm runnin' away with myself. See? This is what happens when I just leave my fingers to their own devices. Sigh. They can't be controlled, I tell ya!

OOOookay. Will shut up now.

Have a good day!

PS: Man U won their first Champions League game against Celtic last night and they top their group! Yeeehaww! :D

Round and Round and Round It Goes...

I just realized that I have some very distinct habit patterns. Especially around exam times.

Case No. 1:
Sleep has come easily to me for the past year - I could sleep before 12, sometimes as early as 10. And I could wake up early, too - 5.45 a.m. was pretty standard.

However, ever since August drifted (sped?) to a close and tagged good ol' September, I haven't had ANY sleeping patterns to speak of. One day I'll sleep at 7 p.m., wake up at 6.45 a.m. - barely. Another I'll not sleep at all... and spend the rest of the day like the zombie I used to be in high school.

Case No. 2:
I haven't blogged properly in months. All of a sudden, just when the trials start, I'm blogging every day! And it's not like I have anything of consequence to say. I just have this compulsive need to type.

It's deja vu, folks. This thing's scarily similar to what I was during the months leading up to the SPM exams. Oh, and I've started the coffee infusions. Again. After a whole year of trying to wean myself off dependance on caffeine.


Now if only my writing capabilities could revert to what they once were, life would be absolutely glorious. I rue the day that I stopped blogging properly! My writing skills are so rusty they make Malaysia's old underground pipes look like pure silver *mutters in frustration*

Words don't flow as easily as they used to.. I remember a time when I didn't have to think at all, just let my fingers move.

Hm.. maybe that's the answer. I'll try that tomorrow and see what I come up with. Oooh boy. It's been a long time... Oh well. Worst I can do is make a complete fool of myself - which won't be anything new, either!

Win-win, folks, that's what it is!

Now if only that bloomin' Astro Smartcard would work, life would be absolutely peachy.

Goodbye my lovers.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Set Adrift On A Memory Bliss..

Anyone remember that BSB song? It's pretty old by now - what, 7 years, maybe? Oh well, doesn't matter if you don't. The song isn't the point here. The title is.

Lately I keep getting flashbacks of what life was like in MGS, during the school hols with my darling, darling cousins, choir practices...

Even our completely neurotic conversations, Ju! What was that you called me again? Sleepy Suicidal Zombie-like Mole? I still can't quite get the order right! Man oh man.

(To the uninformed - no, I wasn't suicidal. The MOLE was suicidal. I was just sleepy and zombie-like. Ju Li just decided we were both the same person is all. I know. She's delusional. She actually thought the school cat would care if she greeted it. Right. And I doubt you're making any sense of this "explanation". Hehe. I am evil.)

I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling so nostalgic. Maybe it's the meds I'm taking. They're making feel like I'm floooaaatiiingg..... *dances around room*

I'll leave you with a bit (just the top half) of another song I've been wondering about.. do guys actually wanna hear stuff like that? I can NEVER tell! Adios, amigos!

Tell Him - Celine Dion and Barbara Streisand

I'm scared
So afraid to show I care
Will he think me weak
If I tremble when I speak
Oooh - what if
There's another one he's thinking of
Maybe he's in love
I'd feel like a fool
Life can be so cruel
I don't know what to do

I've been there
With my heart out in my hand
But what you must understand
You can't let the chance
To love him pass you by

Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
I'll hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

QnA With Ze Gueen

Whoopee! Haven't done one of this in awhile! This was taken from Ju's blog. JEN! I didn't receiver the one you sent me.

Okay people, I'll just post and be gone. I need sleep. Oh, and I'll add the colour colour all when I get back to my good ol' comp in Klang.


1. Whose picture is it that you keep in your wallet?
* Only pictures in my wallet are on my IC and driving license. David's baby pic was there, once upon a time!

2. What time do you go to bed?
* Generally it's around 12 a.m. But lately I've taken to staying up til 3 in the morning, at least! I was reading through my archives - and it seems that this is standard exam behaviour for me! Sad sad sad.

3. What's on your mind just now?
* How to get the car so I can go buy some junk. Food, I mean. My house is SERIOUSLY lacking in nutrient-free goodies. Bah. It's no wonder I'm so cranky these days!

4. What was the latest movie you saw?
* Hm.. Snakes On The Plane, I think. Not bad for a movie which had some of the most artificial looking snakes every created by mankind.

5. When was the last time you went out?
* Sunday - took Ryan, Brandon and Ethan (my lil cousins) out for ice cream with Sharm, Dave and mum.

6. What do you hate the most for now?
* The fact that we're made to study things which will have no effect whatsoever on what we're going to do! I'm absolutely NOT gonna do differentiation with the number of my patient's teeth.

7. What things you want to do now?
* Just for the exams to be over and done with. They making me go out of my mind! Plenty of proof of THAT lately, if you asked me.

8. What do you do everyday besides eat?
* Watch TV, read, try to study, go online... repeat cycle and end with sleep at whatever hour I feel like it. Hm. Is it just me or don't I seem to have social life? Lol.

9. Talked on the phone just to say good night?
* Just to say goodnight? Uh.. Never?

10. Miss someone?
* Yes indeedy! A few someones in fact - top o' the list being the famously infamous INSANELY SANE! (Still can't believe that nickname stuck.. haha!)

11. Are you a coffee addict?
* I was - especially when I was 17. I've cut down now, but maybe that's why I've been so moody this year! Caffeine withdrawal symptoms! AHA! No one shall stand between me and my coffee! No one on this ball we call Earth!

12. Are you satisfied with your life now?
* Not exactly. I'm not doing what I REALLY want to do... but in so many other ways, I live a charmed life - so I shan't complain more about THAT.

13. Will you share a glass of water with a friend?
* Why the hell wouldn't I? We share ice creams, for cryin' out loud!

14. When was the last time you ate seafoods?
* Ages and ages ago! Oh hang it all. Now I've got a craving for seafood. GRRRR.

15. Ever had a food fight?
* Um.. don't think so. But we usually came up with pretty nasty concotions; to describe just one - crushed vitamin C tablets with milk, grape juice, biscuit bits and the oil from the cod liver oil capsule.


16. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
* Nowadays I'm a good girl and eat bread. Before this it was a cuppa coffee, and out the door I go!

17. Lost a friendship over something stupid?
* Nope, not really. I've never actually LOST a friendship.. we just sort of drifted apart and started hanging out with different people.

18. Who's on your mind?
* Dumdeedoo.. this one's easy! And I am SO not telling! Muahahahahaha!

19. How's your heart lately?
* According to my know-it-all lil bro, I have arrythmia (did I spell that right?). According to me mum, it's palpitations. All I feel is an adrenaline rush every now and then. Question: Menopause doesn't occur at 19, does it? Haha.

20. Reminds you of ur 1st love?
* I can't remember who my first "love" was! Too darn many teeny weeny crushes over the years. That's what happens when you start noticing boys too early. You either forget a whole lot, or you're scarred for life (esp when older guys are involved!)

21. Ever had a crush on a teacher?
* Yeah, Ju! Rudy and David Fan! Haha.. I can't believe we all actually had crushes on them! They must've been, what, 25? And we were, like, 11! *shakes head sadly* We really were delusional, huh!


That's the best thing about memories.. They make your life seem like it really happened, that you weren't just drifting through life aimlessly without ever leaving a mark in someone's heart that says, "I Was Here"!

Ta, peeps.

Monday, September 11, 2006


I am BACK!

Okay, not for REAL real because I doubt I can be on much longer. I give my parents about 5 minutes tops before they come in here and drag me off.

Sigh. I choose the best times to blog, don't I?

I'm so out of practice at this that I can't think of anything to write at all! But I just figured I should get back in the habit. My writing skills lately have been appallingly atrocious! I can't seem to construct a nice, concise sentence. What most people can say in 5 words, I say in 26.


Moving on.

David's got his L license! Gosh, does time fly... I've been a C (what does that stand for?) driver for more than a month now, and my baby brother is going to get his P license pretty soon. *shakes head in disbelief*

It's pretty hard to swallow, this time thing... especially since I still think of him as this little thing that I have to protect at all costs. Sigh. But I still give in when he begs me to take him out on "test drives"! I'm a sucker for his big, puppy-dog "pweeeassseee!" eyes. Argh. Have more backbone, girl!

Y'know, I'm missing the Insanely Sane like crazy right now. I have no idea why. Or maybe it's coz you guys are my best friends and I haven't seen a single one of you in a month! And Ju's in Hong Kong and Ee May's in Adelaide.. Jen, we HAVE to coordinate our schedules one day or I'm gonna get much insaner than is normal, even for me! Haha. I miss you guys la! You have NO idea how much! (In fact, I think you guys are the reason that I'm blogging today.. I just realized that!)

The post that is hardly a post has to end here. Mum just threatened to pull out the wires. Hehe. Told you!

I'll try and not procrastinate too much and write a PROPER one soon.

Over and out.