Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Just FYI...

I don't know what came over me last night! Haha.. I wrote that last post in an absolute stupor. Now if you'd note the writing style, the spelling errors, the missing words.. Well, let's just say I had no idea at all of what I was writing.

In fact, I couldn't remember it at all until I went to my blog just now, and saw it! I have absolutely no memory of ever writing ANY of that down! How strange is THAT?

Oooh. Word to the wise: Never eat pasta on the day you're due to get the usual, excruciating phenomenon they call menstrual cramps. That's just.. dumb. Utter stupidity. Because nothing makes you want to throw up more than too much cheese and flour and random contraction-like aches in the abdominal area. UGH.

I shouldn't be blogging right now. I really shouldn't. But I have to write. If not I'll go bonkers! This is my only outlet, folks. It doesn't matter WHAT I write, as long as I write. Don't know if that makes sense to you, but if it doesn't, don't bother trying to figure it out. It won't work. I think to weirdly for good ol' normal folk. Sigh.

ANYWAY. I shall end here. Coz I'm rambling already and that ain't ever a good thing!

So, ta, y'all, and I'll see y'all around. Someday. I hope.

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