Friday, October 06, 2006

Just A Thought..

Why do people fight? Why do we tear each other down, just so we can have the upper hand? Is it really so hard to have a discussion, rather than an argument?

Oh sure, it's perversely satisfying to unload all our frustrations onto someone else, make them a human dartboard. But who do we hurt in the long run? Does lashing out at others because we don't have our own lives in order make us feel any better?

How could it, though? To live with the knowledge that we knowingly hurt someone else just to make ourselves feel "superior" or whatever... I don't see how anyone could! And it's a vicious cycle, really. If we're in the habit of lashing out.. then the worse we feel, the more we take it out on the people around us!

Sometimes it's important to acknowledge that we're human, that we make mistakes. And that our judgment isn't 100 % perfect. We need other people, those who are better at certain things than we are... and we should be humble enough to at least take into consideration the advice they offer.

Life isn't always as Ol' Blue Eyes says. Sometimes doing it our way isn't the right way. Whatever decisions we make should be based on what's BEST, not just what "I want" to do. If we live life solely for "I", then what about everyone else?

We're not alone in this world. And I suppose it'd be the best thing if everyone learned to remember that.

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