Friday, October 27, 2006

An Old Questionnaire..

I am experiencing a bad case of writer's block, so I'm doing an old quiz that we DEDS came up with in 2002 to.. well, try and find out "info" about a certain someone! :)

Describe yourself in three words:
Crazy reclusive dreamer :)

Bad habit:
Thinking too much about things I can't change.

Rule of Life:
If you want something done well, do it yourself. I've had waaay too much experience with people doing stuff sloppily coz they just can't be bothered. I hate that!

Phrase that you use often:
Oh my lord in heaven!!!

If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?
A horse! Haha.. Coz my dad says I look like one when I run. Sigh. Is that a compliment, folks? Is it? Hah. Didn't think so.

Dream house:
Someplace quiet, surrounded by lots of trees.. It doesn't have to be big. Just really cozy. Nothing like the modern, glass and steel houses these days. I prefer the old-fashioned, woodsy types.

Most embarrassing moment:
EXPO 2001!!! Haha.. How the hell does one win a singing competition with a song like "I Cry"? *shakes head sadly* But I don't regret it.. it was quite an experience!

Rule of Love:
Hold nothing back. There is no point loving if you can't love with all your heart. The one you love deserves at least that much!

What would you most like people to know about you?
That I AM NOT SCARY! *growls* Haha. I'm really not. I'm actually really shy... That's why I don't mix too well with people I don't know. Honest!

How would your mum and dad describe you?
They call me "Chip" - y'know, the little teacup in Disney's Beauty and the Beast? Apparently I always seem to want to know what's going on! Hehe..

What's your earliest childhood memory?
Running away from home when I was 3! Three! Lol. I still have no clue how I came up with THAT idea, but I really did pack my little bag and walk out. 'Course, I couldn't go far.. coz I didn't know how to cross the road! :)

Are you a good judge of character?
I think so.. most of the time, anyway.

Are you romantic?
Oh, totally. But only with the right person.

What do you look for in a boyfriend?
You want the full list? Haha.. I thought not. Basically just that he loves me... I believe that if he does, he'll naturally be loyal, understanding, respect me, the whole nine yards.

What do you think of your singing abilities?
I can keep a tune. That's about the kindest thing I can say.

How good-looking do you think you are?
Oh I'm gorgeous! Heehee. I'm okay la.. Not ugly, but no supermodel either! (Could lose some weight though.. Sigh.)

Who was the last person you hugged?
My mummy! :)

What makes you smile?
My little cousins, talking to the IS-ers and my cousins, certain memories, daydreaming about a certain someone.. :)

When did you last bawl your eyes out?
Um.. Wednesday night? Lol. I seem to be "bawling my eyes out" a lot these days. Stress wei!

When did you learn about the birds and the bees?
I can't remember. In fact, I don't even remember HOW I found everything out!

Describe your bedroom.
It's big and bright, got a queen-sized bed, loads of space, all table tops and shelf tops are covered with books and notes,and I have the messiest dressing table in the history of mankind.

What's your most treasured possession?
My photo albums. They're full of very precious memories!

What do you worry about the most?
Exams!!!! And how I'm gonna get permission to travel someday...

When did you last totally lose your temper?
Wow. Um.. Quite some time ago. I get angry, but I haven't "totally" lost my temper in ages. Yay me!

What's your idea of a romantic evening?
A picnic on a deserted beach, just the two of us, then lying in each others arms while watching the sunset and listening to the waves. Top it off with a slow dance under the moonlight to the sound of the waves and him singing in my ear.. *sighs dreamily* Well, a girl can dream! :)

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