Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I Wanna Go To School!! :(

School ended on Friday.

Well, technically so. It was the last day that we were classmates, heads of forms, heads of clubs, prefects.... Now it's each one for hims- er.. herself, so to speak. Until the 2nd of December when we really will part for good.


I know I've said I hate school countless times... But damn. How can I not miss something that's taken up more than half of my miserable existence? School's become a part of my system whether I like it.. or admit to it.. or not.

It's going to be strange.. Not getting up at ungodly hours, not having to "slave" through piles of unnecessary work, no more "Excuse me girls....", no more.. no more.. no more.

Okay. I'll recount my school life, if just for the heck of it.

Kindergarten (1992 - 1993)

- I loved it!! Radiant Life Centre was THE kindy, baby!! Our concerts were spectacular! I have never been to a better one. No sirree. And they didn't teach us stupid stuff. Like learning words no 6 year old in their right minds would use. Guidance indeed! Sheesh. -

Primary School (1994 - 1999)

- I can safely say that Simpang Lima (2) provided me with some of the best years of my life... And friends that I can still hang out with without feeling out of touch. Everything from "getah", to inter-class competitions (which the GIRLS always won.. :P) and the "friend you - don't friend you" struggles to the crushes on our computer masters (lol!), the 5 years in Simpang 5 were the best!!! No kid could ask for more. -

Secondary School (2000 - 2004)

- MGS Klang. Or Monkey Girls School. These were the years when old friendships gave way to new ones... And hopefully stronger bonds forged. It's been crazy. Seems like only yesterday that I was walking into what seemed like a whole new world, panicking because of the horror stories the primary school teachers used to bombard us with about sec school to make us study harder :) But it all turned out so well.. Although I'm probably notorious for skipping school the most (health reasons la... not simply one.. :P). -

I'll miss secondary school the most I think. Mainly because I've never had so much fun in my life! I'll miss the choir.. It's taken up such a big part of all the years in school that it's odd when I can't ask "Eh tomorrow got choir ah?" anymore. Sigh. So we were the most notorious club in school. But heck. We were the funnest. So there!

And what about me mates?

Form 1 and 2 it was Kogi, Mei Chia, Ju Li and Ping.. But my best mate was Lavi. I still miss that girl.. Pity she had to go to Aus. LAVI COME BAACCK!! *cries*

Okay. Moving on.

Form 3, 4 and 5.. New batch of friends. We started off as the W.E.I.R.D Kambings (comprising Joyce, Ee May, Jen, Ju and me..) then evolved to the Insanely Sane gang (with Ee May, Jen, Ju, Priya and me.. Joyce having gone to Aus to study). Oh and we are super-the-corrupted!!! All conversations are loaded with double meanings... And I love it :D Jen and Ee May have been superb this year... Boyband and Idol impersonations rock! Ooooh if I hadn't already had appendicitis I would have from laughing too much. Um.... Heehee.

Oh and not forgetting the Maths Club!! Formed by Jen, Ju, Priya and me, it was to showcase our "love" for certain.. aspects of Math. For instance, I liked Algebra, Ju liked Matriks, Jen Antilog and Priya Pengamiran. Haha. But do not be deceived. Those things have absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with Maths. (As if it would.. I'm involved! :P)

Gosh I'm going to miss all this. Once SPM is over, all of us will be scattered across the country, across the globe... I know things won't be the SAME anymore. But I can always hope that the closeness we have will never fade.

Here's to 12 excellent school years. And all the friendships made along the way. I will never forget the experiences for as long as I live.

*Sniffles* "Someone pass the tissues please?"

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