Sunday, November 21, 2004

Net Pals

The crazy boy from Down Undah! My donkeyskee! My best net buddy!Never met anyone else with whom I can talk pure nonsense non-stop for hours and not notice the time fly by. And this dude calls me Cheekyskee. Pretty apt, but what can I do? He INSISTS that he has.. um.. "WMDs" and brings them up like, all the time! (Don't deny it, Daney boy.. you do :P) Although just between you and me.. I have this sneaking suspicion it might be another Iraq ;) Hehe. Aw heck. You know I'm just teasing don't ya? *mwa*

(PS: Daney... If you EVER dare say you're not worthy of Em again, I will personally bash your skull in. Grr. She chose you, babes. Meaning she thinks you are. Remember that.)

Yuen Li.
Or should I say Dr. Yuen Li, Low PhD? Haha. This guy is, to quote him - "29, looks 18, acts 12". And hm. Based on recent conversations, I must say I agree :) I've known him for around a year now, and the fact that we haven't lost touch speaks greatly of how mental he must be. Hehe. Seriously though, this fellow's English is like - WHOA! Put him and Ju in a chat and you'd think you've stepped into a 19th century novel. Honest! :) He's brilliant too.. PhD in molecular microbiology *whistles*. Oh and it's to his credit that he doesn't play up the age thing. Yuen Li.. I know I'm a sucky correspondent. I'll let you you win the next bowling game to make up, okay? *hugs*

The MI Forum Family.
I will NEVER regret the day I joined the forum. It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, and you won't get any more diverse than the peeps in this forum.

To sbjess, evonc, pretty_petals, miloyalsupporter, Idolfan, Kenny,, Leez, Datin Aryna, priest, Revo, jimmie118, meow, fanatico, Valen, baby_seed, karenRox, bayieng, hikari, lai_lai_katong and all those I've met at the Spectaculars and in Genting.... It was AMAZING meeting you guys. Thank you for the best Fridays nights I've had in a long time. Looking forward to next year ;)

The MSN gang: DJ, Jas, Winter and Trix... You guys made the afternoons and evenings bearable ;)

And in YM, Jen, Greg and Ken... Damn I miss that emoticon! Coz that's exactly what I feel like doing when I think of you guys :)

And to those I have yet to meet... mikey, Scorps, MIF and the rest... Looking forward to it. Really.

Paul, Indman, Kev, Kas, Mark, Matt and Saf... Great knowing you guys. You've brought an amazing amount of laughs and I'm really grateful.

1 comment:

Yuen Li said...

Haha! Thanks (I think?) for the mention... I'm not sure I'd characterise my English as being 19th century. :p And despite what I said, I don't really act 12; I'm actually a very suave, debonair, sophisticated older gent. Really. You believe me, don't you? Don't you? *throws tantrum*