Saturday, November 27, 2004

Survey on Moi

Saw this survey both on Friendster and on Jess' blog. I'm bored. Surveys fill in times of boredom. So... Here goes! :)

Color of most clothes you own:
It's a toss up between black and blue.

Number of pillows you sleep with:
Two pillows and a bolster.

What room are you in right now?
My parents. That's where the computer is. How sad is that? :(

What were you doing 12AM last night:
Watching My Fair Lady. For the 100000th time. I know. I'm a freak. So help me God.

How old will you be in 10 yrs:
27 going on 28... DAMN! That's OLD! :O

What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years:
Working. For dad. Or for myself. I haven't quite figured out who's going to be owning the clinics then. Haha.

Are you paranoid?
Oh, very :D

Do you burn or tan?
Tan.. I've got a little more melanin than is necessary to burn :)

Describe your wallet?
Milk Teddy!! :) It's black though. Doesn't really look like a Milk Teddy wallet unless you see the "Milk Teddy" written on it. Haha.

Your alarm clock?
MY MUM!! :D I can never hear alarm clocks. It's either I wake up myself, or mum wakes me up.

First kiss:
Was a dare. 'Nuff said.

First piercing/tattoo?
When I was 9. And that was a piercing, mind. I'm not into tattoos.

First enemy?
You know, it's ironic... I wouldn't say "enemy", but I didn't exactly like Lavi very much in kindy... But I love her now! :)

Last shoes worn?
My Puma slippers :)

Last thing written by hand?
Um.. a notice for mum from one of the clinics. Sigh. I'm the new secretary.

Last time wanting to die:
It was stupid but... 4/10/2003

Last time in love:
Hah! Never. Poor me.

Last time you thought about your past:
I always do.

Where did you go today:
Nowhere. Been stuck at home all day. As is the usual case.

What are you thinking of:
What to do after this.

Miss anyone:
Yeah.. Like crazy, but there ain't nothing I can do about it so... I'll leave it alone :)

-The End-

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