Monday, September 11, 2006


I am BACK!

Okay, not for REAL real because I doubt I can be on much longer. I give my parents about 5 minutes tops before they come in here and drag me off.

Sigh. I choose the best times to blog, don't I?

I'm so out of practice at this that I can't think of anything to write at all! But I just figured I should get back in the habit. My writing skills lately have been appallingly atrocious! I can't seem to construct a nice, concise sentence. What most people can say in 5 words, I say in 26.


Moving on.

David's got his L license! Gosh, does time fly... I've been a C (what does that stand for?) driver for more than a month now, and my baby brother is going to get his P license pretty soon. *shakes head in disbelief*

It's pretty hard to swallow, this time thing... especially since I still think of him as this little thing that I have to protect at all costs. Sigh. But I still give in when he begs me to take him out on "test drives"! I'm a sucker for his big, puppy-dog "pweeeassseee!" eyes. Argh. Have more backbone, girl!

Y'know, I'm missing the Insanely Sane like crazy right now. I have no idea why. Or maybe it's coz you guys are my best friends and I haven't seen a single one of you in a month! And Ju's in Hong Kong and Ee May's in Adelaide.. Jen, we HAVE to coordinate our schedules one day or I'm gonna get much insaner than is normal, even for me! Haha. I miss you guys la! You have NO idea how much! (In fact, I think you guys are the reason that I'm blogging today.. I just realized that!)

The post that is hardly a post has to end here. Mum just threatened to pull out the wires. Hehe. Told you!

I'll try and not procrastinate too much and write a PROPER one soon.

Over and out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaahahahaha darling Elaine. The Red Sea has parted once more, Elaine Frances Fernandez has blogged!!!!!!!!

*looks up at sky with jaw agape*