Thursday, November 25, 2004

Que Sera Sera..?

Have you ever thought of what things would be like, a year, two years, even 10 years from now? What YOU would be like?

I have. A lot. Are you surprised? Nah. I didn't think you would be.

I remember, as a kid.. I used to look in the mirror and try to visualize what I would look like at 16.


If only the 7-year-old me knew. She would have run out and got plastic surgery or something done immediately. Hehe.

So much can change in 10 years. It's scary. I bear very little resemblance to the kid in the old photos (and there are many... my parents were photography mad when we were younger).

In fact, I looked like a Chinese baby through and through. Dad says he got dirty looks from people whenever he took me for walks around the field. In fact, he still does when he puts his arm around me in public :) Poor thing. The social stigma of having a daughter who's several skin tones lighter.

This wondering about the future thing. I can't help doing it! A lot of things I did years ago seem really unnecessary in hindsight, knowing what I know now. All those crushes, fights with friends, jealousy, the tears... Were they really necessary?

And that's what's so scary. What may be exceedingly important now, may hardly seem to matter, 2 or 3 years down the line.

Then again, life is meant to be lived in the moment. Right? So I suppose worrying is a dumb thing to do.

But I still insist on dreaming. Who knows... Maybe if I dream hard enough, I will meet the guy of my dreams - EXACTLY like he is in my dreams! :)

1 comment:

Songs aBout JESSie said...

Elaine... mwa mwa..

I've just found out abt ur blog and i'm attached to it visit mine and gv a shout out when u hv free time,okies..btw i miss our friday nites during MI & i cant wait for the next season to start..take care *HUGS*