Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Monday Blues

I missed all my old friends so much today. I was so down, I had no idea what I was doing half the time. Making mistakes is part and parcel of life, but they're always easier when you have a shoulder to cry on.

I've probably never felt so alone before. There is so much I wanted to say today, but I had no one to say it to. At least, no one who would understand and take it for what it was. Then I remember how Ju was always there were I needed someone, how I could just talk to her about anything at anytime, cry (and have her make fun of me afterwards, but that's not the point :P) and generally make a fool out of myself over a totally undeserving guy, and she wouldn't mind. She'd just tell me that I'm an idiot and to snap out of it. After she let me cry, that is :)

Okay, so it's finally gotten through my thick skull that I'm wasting my time. I knew that before, but it never really sunk in. Why should I bother anyway? It makes no difference what I feel. If it's not reciprocated, hell. What's the big old point?

I just wish good ol' Reality had better timing. Taken together with the onset of the flu... Well let's just say I've had better days. A piece of good news though. Our NiE deadline has been extended so I don't have to split my head in two just yet.

Aiks. Okay. Have tuition now so I'll just stop. Hope tomorrow's a better day! (Doubt it could be any worse.)


KP Chen said...

Lah... why didn't you tell the other members of the NiE team that you're struggling?

wild orchid said...

Hey KP, not a problem. Just a bad case of writer's block is all :) Thats why I was so worried about the deadline. Its all me and there isn't much you guys can do so... :) Thanks anyway.

survivorfreak said...

Hey hey, don't tempt more stuff cuz! Saying it couldn't get worse than it already is is like an open invitation. A big no-no.

Sigh, I know what yer talking bout. It seems like a bad time for things to happen... =/