Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I'm disappointed. Not exactly surprised, but disappointed. Sigh. I know I totally overreacted last night, though, which is why the post is gone. It's hard to be fair when you feel like crap. I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt, hey? What other choice do I have?

I know y'all are wondering what I'm talking about, but just be thankful you didn't see last night's post. Coz it was stupid. A totally un-called for reaction and I should slap myself for it.

Right now, though, I'm thinking more rationally... But hell. I admit there is a little nagging doubt. But heck. There's an explanation for everything. Maybe not what one wants to hear... But an explanation, nevertheless.

Oh.. And I deleted the post because it would cause unnecessary heartache. On my part, mostly. Oh well. It's sufficient to know that while I'm a little down, I'm also thinking straight again. Which is more than can be said for last night.

Thank God I could delete it before it caused any trouble. I really need to check my emotions so they don't get overboard.


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