Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Patience. That's what I need. Patience. I can't believe this is the third time I'm blogging today. Sigh. I must be out of my mind. Talk about no life!

Today was boring. Slept for most of it. Now have a headache due to um.. sleeping too much, on top of the fact that the dam burst last night. Blah. I look like someone punched me in both eyes. And I feel like I've been punched in the gut. Oh, and knocked over the head with a sledgehammer.

My mum bought me the Cinderella VCD! Yay! But she only did that to try and cheer me up.. Poor thing. She's worried about me. Can't say I blame her. I'm worried about me too. HAHA.

God, I'm an idiot. A fool. A stupid dumb ... whatever. Suffice to say I sorely lack brains these days. I just wish I knew why I'm acting like an illogical duh-brain. I should be going, "who cares?"

But dammit. This time, I care. I bloody care too bloody much and I hate myself for it. Sigh.

The last time I was this foolish was 2 years ago.. and at least then I had a valid reason. This one just stinks.

1 comment:

survivorfreak said...

Aww cuz, just remember what I told ya earlier aight? Well, you answered the question yourself, you care. It means to ya, that's why. And by right you SHOULD care.

It is good to care. You just hold on. Hope is one thing you should cling to. Remember the hope post of mine eh? Yeah? Uhm, I dunno what else to say for now... =/

Cryin is good. It lets ya release a lotta stuff you can't. Did ya feel better after it?