Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Short one today. A bit lazy to write at the mo.. LOL.

Saw Harry Potter on Monday with the cousins, David and Donovan. I must say GOF is DEFINITELY a much better movie than the other 3. Oh I know, I hate the fact that they altered so much of it (NO WINKY!!! HOW DARE THEY?!) but all the same, it was a much much nicer watch. Not boring at all.

Yesterday was "stay at home and watch TV day". A LOT of TV. I won't say how much though. I can't quite remember either. But I do know I should quit watching so much TV. Oh.. and I finished reading the Lord of the Rings book (which I've just gotten back after a YEAR of separation.. *sobs* my precious!!) for the um... Okay. I can't remember how many-th time. LOL. Let's just say it's a lot-th.

And today! The great Lord of the Rings movie marathon! Participants: Me, I Ting, I Yin. Challenge: Watch all 3 without falling asleep by tomorrow morning. And so far, we've finished 7 discs out of 12 :D How cool's that! Only 5 more to go! We can do it!

Well.. it's been fun. Especially when Miss Lim I Ting asks questions that 2 seconds BEFORE she asks the question, was answered in the movie. LOL! The ears are made for listening.... Hehe.

Yay! Vinder's coming back! I know she hates the idea.. but whaddaheck. It'll be awesome to have her back. Really missed you, girlie!!!!!!!

Okay.. lazier now. Ta all!

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