Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Ah.. it's such a relief to know that I'm not the only who's slow at updating blogs. Well, with the exception of a certain Mr. KP Chen, who's updated his blog again, thank God. Otherwise I'd have a real lack of reading material online. Sigh. Why is it that people tend to blog simultaneously? (Or so it seems la..) I either have absolutely NOTHING to read, or I end up taking hours to finish reading everything. Gawsh.

In response to Mr. Dane-skee, au contraire, I am NOT on holiday. Only in name. The amount of time I spend in school, I might as well not BE on holiday. As most of classmates can attest to. For more info, you should read Kok Pun's blog. A really amusing take on the 3 projects we have to complete by January. I know it sounds like we have plenty of time, but in reality we don't. Sigh.

I just found out that A Level's students have a choice on whether to take Ecology as part of Biology. Bloody hell. Lucky a***s. How nice is THAT? The bloody quadrat and line transect sampling thingies are giving me a headache. Why oh why... Head of bloody Ecology. Graaaaaaaaaah! Anyone wanna trade?

I like the insect catching part, though. Highly frustrating, but fun all the same. Only... You have NO idea how difficult it is to get a variety of bugs big enough to preserve. 25, to be exact. Sounds easy, no? Except that PJ has an extremely limited selection of bugs, and the forest reserve has yet to yield anything larger than the average cricket. Oh, plenty of big spiders.. but unfortunately those are arachnids so.. Pah. Technicalities. The look like bugs.. that should be good enough for everyone. Hahahohohaha.

Honestly, though, it's been good fun. Especially when 4 of us were outsmarted by a dragonfly. Yep, you read right. We spent half an hour trying to catch a bloody DRAGONFLY! And guess what. We didn't. Bah. Humbug. (Don't know why I like typing that.. hehe.) I can't believe it! A DRAGONFLY managed to outsmart us. EEEEEEEEEEEEE! That is just SO bad for morale, man! *roflmao*

Anyway. Yeah. There you have it. My pathetic holiday in a nutshell. School school school, with a couple of movies thrown in here and there. Okay, maybe not a couple. I think I've seen almost all the movies... Except Zorro. And Harry Potter? I'll probably be seeing that soon. At least, I hope so.

I miss my friends. I miss my cousins. But most of all I miss the camaraderie I once had with someone. It's saddening, but not exactly unexpected. Oh well. I'll either learn to forget about it, or maybe we'll get it back again someday. God, I hope it's the latter! I hate the fact that we're like strangers now... Sigh.

Christmas is coming. Wow. I can't wait for that... But it does seem a shame that the year's gone so fast. We just don't seem to have as much time as we once did. I can't help feeling rather sad about that. I guess this is what it feels like to grow up, huh?

I guess I'd better stop before I start getting all depressing again. LOL! Ladeeda everyone, til the next time I actually post anything worth reading!

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